Proletarian themes became a hallmark of Depression-era literature. Several proletarian writers of the 1930s went on to fame, including John Dos Passos (1896–1970), James T. Farrell (1904–1979), Erskine Caldwell (1903–1987), Richard Wright (1908–1960), and John Steinbeck (1902–1968). Günter Grass was a German writer and illustrator who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1999. 1930's Literature Works Cited: Wikipedia,, Sparknotes (only used as resources, not copied from) Stormie Heath, The 1930's was a time of hope and hopelessness, life and death, tied together with threads of racism and Jim Crow laws. The 1930s also witnessed the development of popular literary genres. The 1930s was a decade when poetry became more political, in the hands of left-wing poets like W. H. Auden; when modernist poetry went into new directions, thanks to Americans like William Carlos Williams; and when poetry became more technological, as the ‘Pylon Poets’ attest. 1930’s Major Themes: Great Depression New Deal Pre-World War II Presidencies: Herbert Hoover (R) – 1929 – 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) – 1933 – 1945 Overview: Only two major themes for this decade, but they are biggies, and they are extremely important for the AP exam, as they are also crucial to US History. Literature, Music, and Movies . Taking a step back and looking at The rebellious literature of the 1920s made for exciting times. It offered no constructive ideology, however, for building a new America with a fairer social order , an important aspect of 1930s literature. The 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression in the United States and the rise of Nazi Germany in Europe. What were some of the themes of literature in the 1930s - Working class heroes - comic strips & comic books. Movies. Born in 1927, a central theme in Grass’ writing was the question of what it meant to be German after Nazism took hold of the country. Political and Social History: Literature: 1910. In addition the war brought a variety of responses from the more-traditionalist writers, predominantly poets, who saw action. 1920s literature constituted a broadening and flowering of writing styles resulting in a new image of American literature. Mann Act adopted by Congress to stop the transportation of women across state lines for "immoral purposes" and to stem the importation of European women to work in American brothels. Although their themes and stylistic innovations exerted a major influence on succeeding generations of American writers, Miller’s groundbreaking novels were banned in the United States until the early 1960s. Description: - Film companies ruled silver screen - Form of escapism (sought relief) - Films reflected public distrust and others idealism Examples: - Wizard of Oz Artists organized exhibitions on social and political themes such as poverty, lack of affordable housing, anti … Below, we introduce some of the very best 1930s poems,… The Great Depression was the first time in U.S. history that a widespread movement of artists began addressing politics and using their art to influence society. 1890s: 1900s : 1910s: 1920s : 1910-1919. This momentous decade ended with the beginning of World War II in Europe with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland in … The FBI under J. Edgar Hoover went after gangsters, and Franklin D. Roosevelt became synonymous with the decade with his New Deal and "fireside chats." English literature - English literature - The literature of World War I and the interwar period: The impact of World War I upon the Anglo-American Modernists has been noted.
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