Chondrosarcoma (MIM #215300, ORPHA55880) is the second most common primary malignant bone tumor [135]. Grade and stage are independent predictors of survival. 3,8 There are slight differences between the criteria used by Peña 3 and Misdorp. However, when part of Ollier's or Maffucci's syndrome, chondrosarcomas may be midline (Tachibana et al 2000). It’s not known exactly why this tumor occurs. Chondrosarcomas are mesenchymal, but their origin is controversial; possibilities include embryonal cartilaginous rests, mesenchymal pluripotent cells, and metaplasia of fibroblasts (Neff et al 2002: Gay et al 1995). Metastatic rate was 28% for treated dogs and 15% for untreated dogs, with no significant difference between the 2 groups (P=.39). Chondrosarcomas include primary/de novo tumors and secondary tumors, which arise in association with a precursor lesion (typically osteochondroma or enchondroma) or with a hereditary disorder (Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome). Chondrosarcoma is a rare type of cancer that usually begins in the bones, but can sometimes occur in the soft tissue near bones. S. Wei, E.H. Kerr, in Pathobiology of Human Disease, 2014. Stage 2A The cancer is high-grade and … Biopsy or fine-needle aspiration may be required in order to make an accurate diagnosis. The reported median survival for dogs with rib chondrosarcoma varies widely.21,167,330,343 Reports prior to 1992 contained few cases that were treated with intent to cure, but 15 dogs with rib chondrosarcoma treated with en bloc resection in a more recent study had a median survival of 1080 days.165 The median survival for dogs with chondrosarcoma was 540 days in a study of five dogs treated with amputation alone.334 Death was usually associated with metastatic disease. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology (Fifth Edition), Chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base, Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, Histologically, the tumor consists of abundant pale blue–gray hyaline cartilage matrix material. Now that you’ve had a chance to read this post, it’s time to have a look at other useful articles including The Truth About Mast Cell Tumor Dog Life Expectancy. A chondrosarcoma (CSA) is the second most common primary tumor in dogs, accounting for ten percent of all primary bone tumors. While the cartilaginous component of MCS is S-100 protein positive, the round cell component expresses CD99 and NSE, and therefore, immunohistochemically, there may be overlap with ES. As mentioned above, this topic is particularly complex with a whole series of alternate names for fibrosarcoma like neurofibromas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, spindle cell tumors, etc. As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.Please read the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. Chondrosarcomas include primary/de novo tumors and secondary tumors, which arise in association with a precursor lesion (typically osteochondroma or enchondroma) or with a hereditary disorder (Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome). Nonneoplastic bone can be present as the result of endochondral ossification of the malignant cartilage; however, the presence of malignant osteoblasts in close association with foci/areas of osteoid supports a diagnosis of osteosarcoma, even in tumors in which the majority of the tissue present is cartilaginous. The mean age of dogs with extraskeletal osteosar- coma was 11 years (range, 9 to 15 years), and dogs with extraskeletal chondrosarcoma were 1 1, 14, and 17 years old. As is the case with other types of cancers, STS can be categorized as low grade soft tissue sarcoma in dogs, but it can also be intermediate and high grade. Grade II:   Mast cell tumors are slightly deeper below the skin into the subcutaneous tissues and may be in a prime spot to start spreading. Tumor location rather than histologic grade was prognostic in one study.330 The reported median survival of dogs with nasal chondrosarcoma ranges from 210 days to 580 days with various treatments (RT, rhinotomy and RT, and rhinotomy alone; see Chapter 23, Section B).334,342 Metastatic disease is not a reported feature of nasal chondrosarcoma in dogs. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma consists of a high-grade noncartilaginous sarcoma juxtaposed to a well-differentiated cartilaginous component. Conclusions: Wide surgical excision significantly improves survival time for dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites, but does not affect the likelihood of metastasis. Primary chondrosarcoma is the third most common primary malignancy of bone after myeloma and osteosarcoma. The final diagnosis was grade III chondrosarcoma in the rib, considering histological features in grading criteria. Mitotic figures and necrosis can be seen in high-grade tumors. The most common locations for chondrosarcoma tumors are in the pelvis, hip and shoulder. He is 12 and is having some problems with arthritis and bone cancer. Grade 2 chondrosarcoma is hypercellular and contains greater nuclear atypia (Figure 14). Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm accounting for 5%-10% of all primary bone tumors reported in dogs. 6 ). 81% of dogs will reach the five-year survival rate. My friend is hopeful for that trip. This type of bone cancer develops on the outer membrane covering the bone. All of his human family are hoping he has one more family camping trip in July. If you continue to read, you’ll see a grading table that further defines how long your dog could be expected to live. Usually a good prognosis - 75% five year survival in one large data set. I don’t personally subscribe to holistic or “natural” therapies that haven’t been proven in medical science. There are a lot of compelling stories out there designed to turn you away from modern medicine. Surgical excision is the sole treatment option in most cases. Chondrosarcomas typically appear as large, soft tissue masses with “popcorn” calcifications on x-ray. Amputation (surgical removal of affected ribs along with a large margin of lung tissue in case the cancer has begun to metastasize) of the limb brings the average survival rate to about 1 1/2 years. Therefore, these patients must be closely followed. Thomas C. King MD, PhD, in Elsevier's Integrated Pathology, 2007. It was difficult to find any concrete numbers for you. Grade III:   At this point, mast cell tumors are deep into the tissues and are spreading. 90% will reach the five-year survival rate with a very low rate of recurrence. The MST for dogs with CSA of ribs varies widely.20,171,367 Reports before 1992 contained few cases that were treated with intent to cure, but MSTs in more contemporary reports range from 1080 days to more than 3820 days.172,181,364,365 The overall MST for 25 dogs with appendicular CSA treated with limb amputation alone was 979 days, but outcomes were dependent on histologic grade. He is such a good boy. Chondrosarcomas, too, originate as extradural tumors. Complications of chondrosarcoma tumors in the limbs occur due to fractures caused by rapidly growing tumors. Davidson J R (1995) Canine and feline chondrosarcoma. Tumors vary from well-differentiated (consisting of nearly normal appearing hyaline cartilage) to high-grade neoplasms with minimal cartilaginous differentiation. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Low grade (I) is slow-growing and can often be treated with surgery. The good news is that these tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Figure 14. In … Chondrosarcomas may also arise in extraskeletal sites; one such neoplasm was reported in the mid-portion of the tongue (where cartilage is found normally in the horse) in a 4-year-old Arab gelding.64, Nicole P. Ehrhart, ... Timothy M. Fan, in Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology (Fifth Edition), 2013, Chondrosarcoma is the second most common primary tumor of bone in humans and dogs and accounts for approximately 5% to 10% of all canine primary bone tumors.2-5,329 Chondrosarcomas are characterized histologically by anaplastic cartilage cells that elaborate a cartilaginous matrix. L.A. Doyle, in Pathobiology of Human Disease, 2014. The cancer is found in the pelvis area, bones around the nose, and the rib area. 9. As a consumer, you are not obligated to accept cookies and have the right to reject this option. JAAHA 30 (1), 81-85 VetMedResource. [135] were the first to report miRNA deregulation in chondrosarcoma (Table 2). Histologic grading systems have been devised.330 The etiology is generally unknown, although chondrosarcoma can arise in dogs with preexisting multiple cartilaginous exostosis.331-333 In a clinicopathologic study of 97 dogs with chondrosarcoma, the mean age was 8.7 years (ranging from 1 to 15 years) and golden retrievers were at a higher risk of developing chondrosarcoma than any other breed.334 There was no sex predilection, and 61% of the tumors occurred on flat bones. Tumor grade is the single most important predictor of local recurrence and metastasis. MCS may also arise in soft tissues. It's the most prevalent bone tumor in dogs (56, 57), with chondrosarcoma … Chondrosarcomas have a longer clinical course, grow more slowly, and develop metastases later than osteosarcomas. It’s thought that there is a high chance of recurrence. The cartilage shows varying degrees of cellularity and atypia, which forms the basis of tumor grading in chondrosarcoma. The National Canine Cancer Foundation reports that the average survival time for dogs with nasal chondrosarcoma is: Unfortunately, if the cancer has spread beyond the limb, survival rate declines. Comp Cont Educ 17 (9), 1109-1114 VetMedResource. More rarely, the base of the skull is affected.The defining characteristic of a chondrosarcoma is that its cells produce cartilage. Conclusions: Wide surgical excision significantly improves survival time for dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites, but does not affect the likelihood of metastasis. Canine Chondrosarcoma treatment tends to be necessary in dogs 1 - 12 years of age or older and is not as severe as the more common Osteosarcoma. Usually a good prognosis - 75% five year survival in one large data set. At grade III, only 29% of dogs will reach the five-year survival rate, a huge drop from grade II. It is composed of foci of neoplastic cartilage alternating with small, undifferentiated cells. Grade 3 chondrosarcoma is typically composed of pleomorphic chondrocytes with discernible mitotic figures. If the undifferentiated cells predominate, it may be confused with one of the small blue round-cell tumors of childhood (e.g., Ewing's sarcoma). The chance of recurrence is fair. The vast majority of those that are diagnosed in veterinary practices are low to intermediate grade. The tumor can develop in the nasal cavity, ribs, pelvis, ex… skull, vertebrae, ribs and pelvis), in addition to the scapulae, and may originate from the medullary cavity or periosteum in any given location.2,11,48,61 A synovial or periosteal origin was hypothesized in two cases for chondrosarcomas arising in the radius and the first phalangeal bone (P1), respectively; a pedal chondrosarcoma was diagnosed in an 18-year-old donkey.62,63 In human patients, chondrosarcomas may arise from sites of chondromatosis or osteochondromatosis in the synovium, and this may have occurred in these equine cases. The prognosis for soft tissue sarcoma in dogs depends on the size, location and grade of the tumor. The combination of a tumor mass in a large joint with variable degrees of cytologic atypia in chondrocytes allows a confident diagnosis of malignancy even in very well-differentiated chondrosarcomas (see Fig. Chondrosarcoma is classified as central, peripheral, or juxtacortical, depending on whether the tumour arises from the medullary cavity, outside the bone, or in the cartilaginous cap of an osteochondroma lying on the outer surface. If you see anything that you believe to be in error, please let me know so that I can fix it right away. Mutations in these genes have also been found in enchondroma and spindle cell hemangioma as part of Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome, both of which are associated with the development of cartilaginous tumors. Radiation is sometimes used. Chondrosarcoma (conventional chondrosarcoma) is the second most common primary malignant tumor originating in bone. Grade 1 chondrosarcoma is mildly cellular and shows minimal nuclear atypia. The most commonly affected site is the nasal cavity, although the ribs, pelvis, long bones of the limbs, and non-skeletal sites have also been reported to be involved. The vast majority of those that are diagnosed in veterinary practices are low to intermediate grade. Grade and stage are independent predictors of survival. Chondrosarcoma is generally considered to be slow to metastasize. Chondrosarcomas are generally more cellular than their benign counterparts in the same location. Osteosarcoma is an aggressive cancer that often spreads to other parts of a dog’s body. This is a malignant, invasive and fast spreading tumor in dogs. Sixty-six percent arise from the petro-occipital junction (the petroclival synchondrosis), 28% from the clivus itself, and 6% from the sphenoethmoid complex (Rosenberg et al 1999). Grading of chondrosarcoma is based on cellularity and the degree of nuclear atypia. Recently, IDH1 and IDH2 (isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2) mutations have been identified in conventional central chondrosarcoma. 9. Therefore, soft tissue extension, cortical destruction, and/or permeation through the cortex are required for the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma in these locations. The expression level of miR-100 was downregulated in cell lines and patient samples [137]. Symptoms may include lameness in either the forelimb or the hind limb along with pain and swelling. Clear cell chondrosarcoma is a low-grade malignant chondrosarcoma generally affecting the epiphysis (ends) of long bones in older adults. WO/2001/018032A: DOLASTATIN PEPTIDES: WO/2003/043583A: TREATMENT OF IMMUNOLOGICAL DISORDERS USING ANTI-CD30 ANTIBODIES: WO/2004/010957A: DRUG CONJUGATES AND THEIR USE FOR TREATING A validation study based on qRT-PCR demonstrated that let-7a, miR-100, miR-222, miR-136, miR-376a, and miR-335 were significantly downregulated in chondrosarcoma-derived samples [135]. Yoshitaka et al. The diagnosis of chondrosarcoma relies on both morphological and clinical/radiological features, and immunohistochemistry plays a limited role. Most cranial chondrosarcomas occur at skull base synchondroses, sites of fusion of separate cartilages forming the chondrocranium (Hassounah et al 1985). Malignant lesions are often divided into three histologic grades: low (grade 1), medium (grade 2), and high (grade 3). The chances of living five years are much better when the disease is still at grade I. You will want to talk to your veterinarian about ongoing tests. Medium or large breed dogs are believed to be more likely to develop the condition. Only a licensed veterinarian will be able to determine that. Grade 1 chondrosarcoma is mildly cellular and shows minimal nuclear atypia. Of the many cancers, dog bone cancer, or osteosarcoma, is one of the most invasive and hardest to treat. At the end of the day, I just want to see a world full of healthy, happy dogs. It's the most prevalent bone tumor in dogs (56, 57), with chondrosarcoma … However, the median survival time of dogs with chondrosarcoma of the ribs varies largely. A surgical oncologist at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVM) is credited with saving the life of a canine officer after diagnosing the pooch with an uncommon type of tumor. The final diagnosis was grade III chondrosarcoma in the rib, considering histological features in grading criteria. Nasal Chondrosarcoma Description– Nasal and paranasal sinus tumors account for only 1-2% of all canine tumors.But they approximately represent 60-80% of all canine respiratory tract tumors. the dog and cat.1-5 In dogs, the reported laryngeal neoplasms include papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma, rhabdomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, oncocytoma, chondro-ma, chondrosarcoma, lipoma, leiomyoma, and leiomyosarcoma.1-5 Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of cartilage; it may be primary, originat ing inside a bone (central) Bizarrely, bone cancer mainly occurs in giant-breed dog such as Great Danes. Chondrosarcoma in dogs can originate in the: I’ve listed the typical symptoms below, but please remember that these symptoms could signify something else entirely. he Truth About Mast Cell Tumor Dog Life Expectancy. Copyright © 2021 Your Dog’s Health Matters, Address: 49 Kings Wharf Place, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada B2Y 0C7. This is called the stage and grade. The following paragraph on how cancer is graded might be of interest, however. 16-65), the range of differentiation of neoplastic cells is wide: Some neoplasms (grade I chondrosarcomas) are well differentiated, lack mitotic figures, and are difficult to distinguish from chondroma. This means that they are able to record your interests to provide personalized ads. There is a spectrum of degree of differentiation and maturation of the cells within and between each tumor. Cortical thickening, erosion, and/or destruction can also be visible on radiographic images. 3,8 There are slight differences between the criteria used by Peña 3 and Misdorp. But all in all, it is a rare cancer. The survival rate depends on whether the cancer has spread to the lungs, kidney, liver, heart, and skeleton. Without treatment, the tumor will eventually spread to other organs. Grade 1 - low grade. Isolated chondrosarcomas are usually paramedian. Chondrosarcomas commonly affect the axial and proximal appendicular skeleton with the bones of the pelvis (ilium) being the most common location, followed by the proximal femur and proximal humerus. An eight-year-old Doberman pinscher was presented with a four-week history of inspiratory stridor, dysphonia, inappetence and weight loss. miR-100 expression was notably decreased in cisplatin-resistant chondrosarcoma cells compared with parental cells, and the upregulation of miR-100 increased the sensitivity to cisplatin in normal cell lines. Tumors are usually large and lytic, with variably distributed punctate or ring-like opacities (mineralization) viewed on conventional radiographs. Successful management of an arytenoid chondrosarcoma in a dog. Chondrosarcomas are rare in horses. Tumor cells showing cartilaginous differentiation often show S-100 protein positivity; however, in dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, the tumor cells are usually negative for S-100 protein. Most grow slowly, destroy bone, and extend into surrounding soft tissue. General. Most chondrosarcomas are grade 1 or 2. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The etiology is generally unknown, although CSA can arise in dogs with preexisting multiple cartilaginous exostosis.353,354 In a clinicopathologic study of 97 dogs with CSA, the mean age was 8.7 years, and Golden Retrievers were at a higher risk of developing CSA than any other breed.355 There was no sex predilection, and 61% of the tumors occurred on flat bones. Grossly, the tumor is typically translucent, pale blue hyaline cartilage with scattered gritty calcifications. Some types of chondrosarcomas grow slowly and, provided they are removed completely, have a low risk of spreading to other organs and bones. That’s just my opinion, not a recommendation. Notes: Grading of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, angiosarcoma, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, alveolar soft part sarcoma, clear cell sarcoma and epithelioid sarcoma is not recommended (Cancer 1984;53:530) The case for grading malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is currently being debated No matter the origin, chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor that needs to be treated by a licensed veterinarian. Grade 2 chondrosarcoma is hypercellular and contains greater nuclear atypia (Figure 14). Chondrosarcoma is the second most common bone cancer in dogs. Grading of chondrosarcoma is important to determine prognosis because the median survival times for dogs with grade I, II and III chondrosarcomas are significantly different at 6 years, 2.7 years, and 0.9 years, respectively. Again, I’ll refer you to the grading system above. However, unlike ES, MCS is nonreactive for synaptophysin, does not express cytokeratin or EMA, and lacks EWSR1 rearrangement. Other factors that might affect the prognosis might include age, weight, other health conditions, etc. These cookies remember your preferences now and on repeat visits. The final diagnosis was grade III chondrosarcoma in the rib, considering histological features in grading criteria. Subtypes vary substantially - chondrosarcoma NOS and myxoid chondrosarcoma have a five year survival of ~70%, but mesenchymal chondrosarcoma only ~50%, and dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma an abysmal ~0%! Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) is a rare aggressive malignant cartilaginous neoplasm composed of undifferentiated small round cells, which may resemble ES, as well as islands of well-differentiated cartilage. Although chondrosarcomas can arise from cartilage forming the anterior, middle or posterior fossa, most skull base chondrosarcomas arise near the clivus. Chondrosarcoma accounts for 10% of dog bone cancers. Most grading systems of mammary carcinomas in dogs are a modification of the numeric method of Ellston and Ellis. They identified high expression of SOX9 in patient samples and low expression of miR-145 in cell lines and patient samples [136]. The condition usually affects adult dogs with an average age of onset at 6 years old. There is a slight male predominance. Figure 13. This is the most common rib tumor found in dogs, and the second most common primary tumor in dogs, representing 5 to 10 percent of all primary bone tumors. We use cookies on our website to offer convenient, personalized ads. The veterinarian will be able to tell you where your dog fits on the spectrum. Grade may be prognostic for survival. Long-term survival appears to be related to having no metastasis of the cancer  (hasn’t spread) and having the affected limb amputated. the dog and cat.1-5 In dogs, the reported laryngeal neoplasms include papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma, rhabdomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, oncocytoma, chondro-ma, chondrosarcoma, lipoma, leiomyoma, and leiomyosarcoma.1-5 Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of cartilage; it may be primary, originat ing inside a bone (central) CSA is generally considered to have a lower metastatic rate than OSA; however, a more aggressive variant, dedifferentiated CSA, has been described in seven dogs and one cat, and the metastatic rate in these animals was 63%.363 Tumor location rather than histologic grade was prognostic in one study,344 but histologic grade was prognostic in two other studies.364,365 The MST for dogs with nasal CSA ranges from 210 days to 580 days with various treatments (RT, rhinotomy and RT, and rhinotomy alone).355,366 Metastatic disease is rare in dogs with nasal CSA. Chondrosarcomas arise most frequently in the flat bones of the skeleton and occur most commonly in mature, large-breed dogs and in sheep (Figs. There are subtle differences between these grading systems, and it is not known how this would affect the outcome of cases of mammary neoplasia. mTOR was a direct target of miR-100 and recovery of the mTOR pathway desensitized the chondrosarcoma cells to cisplatin [137]. The final diagnosis was grade III chondrosarcoma in the rib, considering histological features in grading criteria. Chondrosarcomas tend to cause predominantly localized tissue destruction with metastasis occurring late in their course. A reliable adjuvant chemotherapeutic agent is not known for canine CSA. This way, the doctor won’t miss early signs of any further tumors and can proactively treat if required. The dog was presented with swelling in the left side of the chest wall and lameness. Figure 20. It most often arises in older adults, and the bones of the pelvis are most frequently involved. Discuss all of your treatment options with him/her and openly ask about any alternative therapies you might be considering. Using a proposed grading scale for non-nasal chondrosarcoma, this neoplasm was diagnosed as a grade III digital chondrosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis. The 5-year survival rate is 90% for grade 1 tumors and 40% for grade 3 tumors. Muraro L(1), Aprea F, White RA. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Microscopically (Fig. Grade 3 chondrosarcoma is typically composed of pleomorphic chondrocytes with discernible mitotic figures. Chondrosarcoma arises from the cartilage of the body, the connective tissue that is found between the bones and joints, often metastasizing to other parts of the body, including the ribs. [136] focused on miR-145, that inhibits SOX9, the master regulator of chondrogenesis. I’m sure it’s the hardest thing to do when all you want is to fix your dog – fast. This is a malignant tumor that is said to be slow progressing. The metastatic rates and MSTs for grade I, II, and III appendicular CSAs were 0% and 6.0 years, 31% and 2.7 years, and 50% and 0.9 years, respectively. Muraro L(1), Aprea F, White RA. After being diagnosed with a low-grade chondrosarcoma, T-Rex had his hind leg amputated by a surgical oncologist at Texas A&M. Most chondrosarcomas arise in the medullary cavity and destroy preexisting bone. It is also graded as high, moderate, or low … When a primary chondrosarcoma originates within a bone organ (organs of the skeletal system) it is called central or medullary chondrosarcoma but when it develops in the periosteum (membrane lining the outer surface of all bones) it is known as peripheral chondrosarcoma. 1 year 7 months (approximately) when treated with rhinotomy (incision into the nose) combined with radiation. It is diagnosed in 8,000 to 10,000 dogs each year in the U.S., which accounts for roughly 85 percent of all canine bone tumors. Recently, a HEY1–NCOA2 fusion gene has been identified as a recurrent finding in MCS. Erik J. Olson, Cathy S. Carlson, in Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease (Sixth Edition), 2017. Discover the world's research 19+ million members It primarily affects middle-aged and elderly adults, with a peak incidence in the fifth to seventh decades of life. The histologic diagnosis of clear cell chondrosarcoma requires the identification of round to polygonal chondrocytes with lightly eosinophilic (pink) to somewhat clear cytoplasm ( Fig. Grade 3 chondrosarcoma is more cellular and exhibits significant nuclear atypia. Survival was significantly associated with tumor grade (P=.008), with dogs with tumor grade of 1, 2, and 3 having MSTs of 6, 2.7, and 0.9 years, respectively. The upregulation of miR-145 expression in chondrosarcoma cells contributed to the downregulation of SOX9 and then of ETS transcript variant 5 (ETV5) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2). Myxoid change, ossification, and calcification may be present. All I’m trying to say is that I would rather treat my dog with tested methods and drugs. The prognosis for soft tissue sarcoma in dogs depends on the size, location and grade of the tumor. The single-best histologic diagnostic criterion supporting chondrosarcoma is the sign of permeation of existing cortical and/or medullary bone characterized by an abrupt transition of the tumor cartilage destroying the preexisting bone (Figure 12). These posts include my opinion mixed with the research I have been able to find. Griffith R. HarshIV, in Brain Tumors (Third Edition), 2012. Nicole P. Ehrhart, ... Timothy M. Fan, in Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 2020, CSA is the second most common primary tumor of bone in humans and dogs and accounts for approximately 5% to 10% of all canine primary bone tumors.2–5,352 CSAs are characterized histologically by anaplastic cartilage cells that elaborate a cartilaginous matrix. Chemotherapy is thought to not work adequately. Some chondrosarcomas are composed primarily of primitive mesenchymal tissue and contain abundant basophilic interstitial mucin and rare foci of chondroid differentiation (mesenchymal chondrosarcoma).
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