Steven e Tracey would be good to talk about 911 since he was fired from BYU for it. Or to quote your other guy hosting you on XM – “the fuck is the fuckin’ matter with you Greg? This might give us the real distance of the moon? As an experiment he tried to bounce a signal off the moon for a possible method of global communication. Thank you to all that took the time to reply! But they’ll clap anyway, You’re standing next to me I have spent a lot of time warning people off the hypnotizing influences of these mediums but the truth is that once you are aware, that which is hidden begins to become much more visible. TSR 238: Facing The Illusion | Crrow777 on Finding Truth, The Moon, and The Corrupt System . I eventually made this video as a thought experiment challenging the accepted distance of the moon. For science, questioning the moon landing seems to be against the rules of the game- but then again, science is supposed to question everything. Get kerbal space program and you will understand why they turn. Satellite radio runs off radio towers. in CERN. Looks like it flattened out to me. And I have to credit someone’s integrity when they blatantly lie.,,,,, Do I even need to address the low quality Google Moon and Google Mars insult? That is when this future sci-fi author came up with the concept of satellites for use as global communication relays. If you can do this for about a year the blinders will begin to fall away from your eyes and you will see like you have never seen before. Good clip., “Whoooo’s your daddy and what does he do?”, Sorry – I’ve been programmed for too long now – I couldn’t resist…. So his “Crow’s Laws” isn’t meant to be a set of 10 commandments, only to share the rules that he has put in place to use to figure out reality and the true nature of his world for himself. On today’s episode of The Higherside Chats, old friend Crrow777 joins Greg Carlwood to talk censorship, solar lies, & everything wrong with the Big Construct. I also have to say – and I do not mean this in any sort of political, non-political corrected form, nor racist, nor any negative connotation AT ALL attached to it: Greg – the fact that you are able to use the words “house negro” – AT ALL… these days, yet keep it entirely respectful and historically accurate speaks volumes to your character. If it is not HD and high quality footage, it adds nothing to what we know. This date is all over the media with some major and horrific apocalyptic theories It is what it is and you know it – for a fact. If you thought your car was a big hand warmer, you would be missing the bigger picture! If you give this some thought, try and visualize how vast and complex such influences would have to be, how multi-layered. Make sure to leave a comment below! Thanks for sharing. The moon takes on subtle appearance differences over time that does not translate to video or stills in any meaningful way. In many cases the language used to describe the images will tell you as much using words like “mosaic”, “telemetry” and “generated” etc… This particular image is in text books all over the planet and presented as an image taken from a camera – a snapshot. If you are ever in Australia you are welcome at my place anytime. It boggles my mind. Epi009 – Crow answers sub questions about the age of deception Date: May 24, 2016. In 2013, YouTube user Crrow777 started posting videos which he claims show proof that the Moon is a hologram. I also decided that is was very unlikely I would ever get corroboration at this level again, having waited since 2012. Croww777 You will find the moon is constantly associated with death, sleep, illusion and mystery. This brings us back to the lunar wave that was first filmed in the fall of 2012. The simple fact that we have never seen video of a rocket launch all the way to space should be the first clue. It seems, currently, that no one has ever been beyond our atmosphere and that space, Sun and Moon have been intentionally Misdescribed. there is just one thing i would like to address crow over, I got a blue tinge on my iPod camera shot of the eclipse in UK. There are math geniuses that are cleverer than me who will know if it is possible. Amazing work. I’ve Been hooked ever since. I might have missed it in the comments but does anyone have a link to the blog Crrow references at around 7:00? There is a reason. My mind holds the key He developed the … – previously of the Department of Physics and Technology Kharkov State University, Ukraine Yep. As above, so below. The fallout and attacks came fast and heavy. That don’t mean you’re forgiven, I’m living in an age First clip: Updated clip: Also to hear you call others ideas as “fantasy” yet none of your info is ever vetted its all stipulation be glad other guest dont sue your ass for slander and defamation of character . The simple truth is that the moon is not what you have been told it is and almost everything you have been shown regarding the moon is “stage craft” and deception. I have certainly demonstrated that aircraft passing over, or close to the Moon can cause the so-called "lunar waves". Something Crrow said – about a higher civilization before this time. As to the Moonstruck thing not happening again, sounds to me like the same thing that happens in hands on/distance healing; the more you try, the more you block. Then her course was plotted showing her working solo with Spirit. Crrow777 nails it. look at Arcade Fire for example, a huge band which is not exactly considers to be mainstream . When you go outside and look up at the […] With the one I love See more ideas about magic eyes, eye illusions, magic eye pictures. Thus it's an illusion rooted in the way our brains process visual information. This thing about downloads may be more of an idea or speculation than theory being put forth. There are plenty of clips on YT one can look at to this end. Boom! I am tempted to do it on my own but if anyone wants to help please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact form located at – near the bottom of the page. In the episode it talks about Clarke being stationed at a radar installation during WWII. I think the single lunar page from Hatybov is the best place to start and clearly the direct link to the wave. Photographs prove that the Moon is the same width near the horizon as when it's high in the sky, but that's not what we perceive with our eyes. I have never see anything but reds/browns and have no doubt a this point that lunar eclipses are a manipulated event. The moon is not a rock in orbit around the Earth.” “And I want to say the following: I have known the truth about our moon … I realise the importance of observable facts and the need to limit speculation ( paraphrasing Crrow ), but I enjoy hearing Crrows own thoughts and possible implications of the Hatybow research, as facts without inference are relatively bereft of meaning. Our site is fully secured for your privacy! Great job Carlwood. At what point does NASA moon video have to approach the quality I am producing in my backyard without a budget? Crrow777, who narrates his own videos, claims after years of filming the moon through a telexcopic lens, he knows the UFOs are not satellites, or insects or birds that were flying much closer to Earth and created an optical illusion as to their size. The Russian work (this is all covered in clips on my channel) confirmed, right out of the gate, that the moon had two surfaces, an outer (façade) that we see and inner that is hidden. I no longer use that language and suspect it maybe a façade. why do you think he is a dis info agent?- Discard everything you have ever been told or learned. Great show. It should also be stated that I did not discover this anomaly and it has been described before by Russian researchers. So while there are those that seem like they are buying into everything,they could just be keeping an open mindto a fresh/different peperspective. And while an animal may succumb to this temptation, a human being has the ability to persevere. It was about a guy who wrecked his neighbors drone copter because he was being filmed. The entire NASA budget at that time was 5.3% of the national budget. And they just accept it. A YouTube clip appears to show 'hundreds' of UFOs leaving the moon. There are many of us that ‘see’ and many others vision is growing daily – thankfully, I was given these photo’s to verify if they were real ,it appears that they are . Radio Host and Researcher, Crrow777 joins The Sharpening Report to discuss the nature of truth and how to find it. Thinking about the reason of the control system is being 100 steps a head of people might got a lot Guests with code names seem to work out pretty well. What caused those waves, ?. What has been said is that he has been saying publically I am a shill – according to followers. Crrow777 (@crrow777) Archives » Microbial Secret Society . Crow777, I really want to know: How is the flat earth theory any different from your theory of a holographic moon? That’s problematic to my world view. Then I listen and it’s always one of the best shows to date. WE’RE FIXIN TA BURN IT ALL DOWN…. The Rods in your eye are very active at low light (they distinguish TONAL contrast) the cones are way less active at low levels (they distinguish COLOR differentiation). Unintended benefit. The US makes it to the moon first so Russia just packs up and calls it quits? Crrow777 said that the video is a compilation of unidentified flying objects flying around the moon. Lets say the moon was toed or pulled here – and this was 18,500 years or so. Red is earthly and if used imbalanced it is the will to the material , where as violet obviously is a combination of both red and blue body and spirit etc . Absolutely correct, I have to push past initial resistance to new concepts to really get what is being put forth, not easy to do. I find myself looking at the skies wondering “what the hell am I looking at? Pay very close attention to every detail that you would normally dismiss while being caught up in the hypnotizing story that is entertaining you. As the years passed I came to understand a few things about the lunar wave. Crrow777 | Belief is the Enemy of Knowing | Part 1 - Mel ... Crrow777 | Guest: Mysterious Radio. Copyright Crrow777 © 2012 - 2021. Lunar orbiter II 1966 crater Copernicus I uploaded them for your consideration..Link below *All Rights Reserved*. Always keep an open mind my friends! personally i can give up everything else but music. Which I suspect is the reason and basis for his upcoming “Crow’s Laws.” It will be a set of personalguidlines that he uses to relearn the facts of what he knows. The opening lines in the movie “Gravity” are telling you the truth – “Life in space is impossible”. No such thing as an honorable fool. In this clip the rocket can actually be seen arcing over the ocean and then going down But they had to broadcast the fact they used a drone. So if this is a control, or oversight mechanism, and we can use it to our (puny) advantage, does that mean anything, or is it a bit like warming your hands on a car engine. Though the debunkers have showed up in force the truth is that many qualified experts in their fields have confirmed that the footage shows an event local to the moon. In 2013, YouTube user Crrow777 started posting videos which he claims show proof that the Moon is a hologram. 1+1 is no longer 2 – until you independently look at it and understand intuitively that it is, in fact, 2 – on your own – independent of outside influence! I also noticed the earth seemed to have no curve from the window plane view. I hope . i knew of THC before but never listened to an episode. Until I capture it I will likely tirelessly keep filming despite resistance and comments from others that I’m crazy. I recall watching an episode of Prophets of Science Fiction about the famous author Arthur C. Clarke. Mister Enigma says ships can be seen going around and behind the lunar surface - … If you have the desire to come to S.Florida(Boca Raton,Delray Beach area) to film I can put you up in my home or if you are anything like me and hate being at people’s home I can put you up at the Boca Resort(Waldorf Astoria) free of charge . Peace! You have to get your arse out of the way and just allow it through!! A reptilian form began to communicate with him, showing him how they fell from the sky, from space, obviously, and begin to hide themselves into the lifeforms they found on earth, trying to escape detection and destruction from some enemy that had wiped a lot of them out and sent them on the run through the galaxy. ?” more and more. sounds familiar;). I am working on funding a massive trip with all my tools and will be as far south as Virginia. People do speak of text that talk about a time when the moon was not here. I see so many folks without footage of any kind trying to show folks the way but they make little headway for the reason you point out here. I believe I need to not only film it but actually experience it to fully grasp it., Crrow777 – A YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up.. Anyway I realise that if posts are too long, they generally don’t get read, so I’ll close by saying if I had the funds I would fly Crrow and ett to NewZealand put them up for as long as needed, buy them new equipment in exchange for intelligent conversation over bottles of good Scotch. Too much good content, Greg! I am in the process of getting my gun license sorted (in Aus also) partially for this reason, amongst others . Kidding – but you must know what I’m talking about, I’d think. (and all higherside chat). We live in the age of high definition everything. All I got is speculation, but there is no doubting the direct experience of how different the different energies feel in the body. If you are a person who believes whole heartedly in what NASA has told us about the moon this article will likely be a waste of your time. In the aftermath it is easy to see why so many experts refused to go on the record even though they knew, potentially, what the 2012 lunar wave footage meant. On the other hand, if you are a person with an open mind and the ability to update foundational information about our world, then there is a lot here to consider. you would think the earth would start to have extreme weather, flooding, polar shifting or even melting, rising oceans…. What I am wondering is, say the moon is some sort of control mechanism, the Sun is a worm hole out of here and the North Star is the thing that was worshiped in the night sky before the moon landed on the scene, linked with immortality; we have three potentially very different things going on over our heads, but they all offer a “free lunch”? Looking back over 2012, I advanced a LOT in my understanding and awareness of things spiritual over most of the year, which continued into 2013. Keep up the great show!! When you go outside and look up at the moon what do you see? Just trickin, you’re both doing a great job for the people. Fear is the mind killer and remember deeds not words. Good luck to you and looks like you have an interesting and awesome road up ahead of ya…buckle up! There is one thing I am aware of that cannot be destroyed by force or coercion, which may not be true for much longer given the state of technology. Good call, that’s another great example of this same type of social programming. So if the moon influences the tides. And why is it that lunatics owe their sanity to the moon? I can tell you, if you do this very simple meditation/visualisation at midday for the Sun and on the full moon, man, does it charge the batteries!! OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer Our guest is Crrow777, the man behind the documentary videos of the Moon Wave Effect, fearless researcher and debunker of matrix programming, and deep practitoner of “ring of truth” reasoning. It's summer. Even slowly over time. There is no footage of escape from our world as far as I can tell. 0321. By the way, this is the image ( and it is a “CREATED” image not a snapshot from a camera as is true of nearly every image you have ever seen of “space”. I keep an open mind and I definitely like to I keep running into this idea over and over in the research I do. Photographs of the Moon at different elevations also show that its size remains the same. Have you ever noticed that every single space agency on this planet has a vector symbol in their logo? Nice. , Haha Amen to that Hammer. (There are many other videos on my channel that cover the lunar wave to include proofs of locality and that the wave does not cross the video frame). GPS just works off of cell towers probably. Remember, the Sun and the full Moon are on opposite sides of the sky. Since we have covered the moon in this article we will single it out as a subject for experiment. I really look forward to more. Huge shifts in water placements until a new balance was created more like we see now.. Just sayin. It makes no sense and there is a reason for this. Using the tired 100th monkey as a comparison I will state how I think progress can be made. Looking at the moon would seem to suggest that it gets hit all the time. Crrow claims “lunar waves” (supposedly power glitches in an artificial electrical system) demonstrate that the Moon is a hologram. He developed the out of this world theory after he caught on camera something he calls a “lunar wave” which he claims shows it is a … Anyway, they were translated from Russian into English by a Canadian named John Woodsworth. So many people still think that the US and Russia were in a space race to the death – which is demonstrably not true. The emergence of unconscious and pre-conscious material into awareness is what happens to me when doing various “ritual” involving candle flames and concentration on a fixed point, seems like the moon walk was a very similar sort of setup. If you take the time to search out footage of rocket launches you will find that many seem to arc out over the ocean very shortly after takeoff as is seen here from an airplane Published: 2017-01-19 1:50:04 PM Even before I witnessed my first lunar anomalies, the simple act of long term observation with a telescope had already led me to question much of what we have been told about the moon. Anyone who takes this course of action will constantly be tempted to fall back into the old comfortable beliefs built over a lifetime. Radio Host and Researcher, Crrow777 joins The Sharpening Report to discuss the nature of truth and how to find it. I clicked on the ( link and got 404: you messed up bro….. Great discussion and review, lot of reflection has gone on since the first, glad to see and enjoy listening. I was thinking about the upgrades from the moon and how they would stop for one segment also. Sorry man but your comment makes no sense. Great stuff as usual. We also talk about other big themes in the conspiracy community, the details of the control grid we may be victim to,  and the difference between belief and knowing. Mister Enigma says ships can be seen going around and behind the lunar surface - although it could be just an optical illusion. We take what we’re given Back in the saddle for a third time, Crrow777 joins THC to talk about his latest understanding of both the Lunar Wave footage and the Hadibov Research. One would think? I checked out the link that winter mute posted, and this message from Houston Skywatch was there. … Unfortunately has not occurred again when deliberately gazing at the full moon, I’m guessing that the motion of walking combined with the fixed bright point in the sky, produced a sort of self-hypnosis. Mason. Generations before Adam, as well. But my mind holds the key, Set my spirit free I think there is a difference as I am no longer using language to suggest a new model but there really is no way to start the conversation if at least that much is not said. I agree that there is something compelling about what he says, I’m looking forward to better translations. It is tough going but with effort you can get the jist of things – not easy though. My most recent videos have also been debunking Crrow777's so-called "Donut Ships" and "Shadow Ships", which I think you will also find interesting. There’s no one in sight, I’m living in an age Thanks for your thoughtful response to my question, Crrow. What you’re experiencing is why they say “ignorance is bliss” but of course, that’s not a sentiment I’d agree with! Now consider that in 1969, NO commercial home video decks existed (beyond maybe the ONE guy that exclusively recorded the first 1967 Superbowl). Which is why, I believe, THC is just the cream of the crop of these shows. If all is energy, then it is as likely there is a mental/emotional control as well as physical. I can go on and on but I’m on my phone and it’s hard to type. Will you be the 100th monkey? This year the jewish holiday ‘Yom Kipur’ is on the September 23 (!) Apollo gave us low quality video and images for the most part. And the ones who don’t have the lambs’ blood lose their firstborn, and the ones who go out that night surely perish. to do with the existing of time travel technology as Andrew D basiago stated Ash Wednesday part made me think of how hindus put the red dot over the pineal , when in most cases of people supposedly seeing this chakra it is not red , its violet . Anyway, I don’t know much, but I just read about that phenomenon in a painting book, thought it was interesting, may have butchered it, but figured I’d try to help on one small point. This Crrow777Radio Podcast is meant to be a place where everything is challenged and people are free to communicate their ideas. Listen to how many times this dude says he knows for a fact, and then The moon is a facade, ?. See more ideas about magic eyes, eye illusions, magic eye pictures. This is harder to verify and certainly we are less likely to believe we can be controlled because it always feels like us making the decisions. I’ve heard a few times the moon ‘arrived’ about the same time as the great flood. It may seem like a "far-out" conclusion, but consider for a moment how on so many many levels, things are not real. that is fcking genius observation- Where are they saying the upgrades came from? Conspiracies or not – great job brother. That screams my name at night That is something I have been realizing lately, after getting a few of the obvious hurdles of being self-taught, I’ve come to realize (again) the huge pieces I am still missing and still attempting to put together in a useful way, becoming acutely aware there are those much further along that have had the benefit of being taught and associated with those qualified to do the teaching. I have never shown false clips or knowingly lied in anything I have provided on my channel. Really? It only costs $5 for a certain number of words. later in the USA. This is another reason why no moon or full moons are important; “free” lighting. do you have image stablization on? I am Houston Skywatch (Jeff) and I have followed the Lunar Wave, and Crrow, as long as I have been aware of his work which has been just over a year now. Google or any other search engine would have to bypass American and English websitesabd servers and then know to locate documents and websites written in Russian. All good questions and hard to address. It is refreshing to see the light being shined on the darkness. Website: Email: Twitter: @samtjohnston Good translations are still a problem to this day though; it is clear that lining up on the three things I had come to accept as very likely, seems beyond coincidence. Boy, you aren’t kidding about throwing away all received knowledge being the hardest thing ever. The fact is that we have been handed an endless line of dubious space images and we have been led to believe that said images were taken with cameras in the typical way one would imagine. When I was a little girl during the 1960s there was an eclipse and I could not understand how the moon was just the exact right size to fit over the sun. I too once “joined” religions and now belong to nothing seeking only that which is real. Nobody could explain it to me and they still can’t. sorry to repeat myself but where is the proof of a bloody globe? Really, its the only way to grow and learn new perspectives or find truth is to allow yourself to open your mind to new possibilities enough to use your critical thinking skills and instinct to sort out what’s bullshit and what might be factual/partially factual. New post (Crrow777 Moon Snapshot vs Designed NASA Pluto Image) has been published on Crrow777. I decided to stop trusting everything I had been told about the moon and use my own abilities to discover firsthand what I wanted to know, which allowed me to test what I have been told. Also, we should not forget the now famous Chinese “astronot in a pool” footage where China was caught red handed trying to pass off pool footage as an astronot in space. eric dubay. I am no flat earther and never will be. ;)- Anyway, you gots a place in Tejas to visit if your path leads that way. I hope we can have many locations filming this Sept. Still the shapes fill my head, I’m living in an age By that time – and even now – I can goto a Catholic Mass and have great feelings and memories but the symbolism – now that I know what some of it means – is just too overwhelming. Crrow777 Moon Snapshot vs Designed NASA Pluto Image.mp4: 10-Oct-2017 21:54: 19.2M: Crrow777 Moon Snapshot vs Designed NASA Pluto Image.ogv: 13-Oct-2017 21:51: 16.1M : Crrow777 Podcast and TFR Interview.mp4: 10-Oct-2017 21:58: 101.8M: Crrow777 Podcast and TFR Interview.ogv: 13-Oct-2017 23:26: 91.6M: Crrow777 Returns From an 8k + Mile, 28 State Filming Trip.mp4: 10-Oct-2017 22:00: … Boo! The question then becomes – how do we know things? From what I understand, there was races of To take the idea of a facade and consider the implications internally, would imply an emotional deception of some kind. Will I? Let me know and if you are thinking of staying more local just let me know where I can donate to the cause! Indeed and thank you for the clarification. That goes straight to me and I do my best to always reply to every last comment. And the weird just keeps getting more weird . thanks a lot for this one! James Tracey is another professor who almost got fired for talking about sandy hook. The drought here in SoCal is almost certainly engineered. Intriguing, because I was unaware that one of my favorite underground rappers was a Mason and had a cryptic video out there explaining this…. Crow you are the man, I thought I had some sort of idea of what was going on but your info has taken me to a new level and really given me a wake up. Is this another “free lunch by accident” that ‘The Ones Before Us’ grocked? THE CHILDREN HAVE FOUND THE MATCHES! My website is which is a portal to reach me at my Youtube channel which is I exclusively release my work on Youtube. Stand by for fallout…, I have spent years and clocked many thousands of hours of lunar observation time. I haven’t heard anyone else chime back on this yet, I should have been more specific in the problem I was having in trying to look it up. To top it off, this astronot from NASA flat out states my assertion about our low Earth orbit abilities at time stamp 1:40 I’ll have to check out that Popeye guy. Its fantastic that you are questioning things but it seems to me that you attacked someone that has evidence, or claims to have evidence, that would alter your perceptionof reality and you went into full attack mode like most people do. Even David Icke has written an interesting book about our fabricated satellite that’s worth looking at. For those who cannot accept the possibility of what this footage means, you may as well stop here. I hope your focus on data collection and steadfast refusal to spin stories spreads like wildfire! After looking at Crrows work and listening to his interviews, I just have to say ‘thanks eric’, and although he had some good thought provoking evidence, the best thing I got out of his dissertation was Crrow777’s name. I’m actually afraid to work to know the entirety of the information but know that I must. The Lunar Wave, as Caught on Film by Crrow777 A man ... "After many thousands of hours of lunar observation and research I have come to know that the moon is an illusion and that people cannot go above low Earth orbit. Back in the saddle for a third time, Crrow777 joins THC to talk about his latest understanding of both the Lunar Wave footage and the Hadibov Research.
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