Grupo W,, Is Jesus “the Mighty God”? Let’s find out. In this brief but awe-inspiring verse we find four names for God that apply to the promised Savior, the … ASV, The mighty chiefs shall speak of them. Ezekiel 32:21 – THE MIGHTY LEADERS shall speak to/of him. All Rights Reserved. The English words which translate Hebrew EL are underlined below in the following translations. (Isaiah 9:6) םֹולָש רַש Sar shalom Prince of Peace. The title "Mighty God" is used in relation to YHWH in Isaiah 10:21 "a remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God". He is described with the same characteristics and has the attributes of the incomparable and inimitable God. In respect to this, what does El Gibor mean? Melchizedek knew EL ELYON, the most high God. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. With the Babylonians poised to war against Israel, Isaiah was God’s point man for warning of judgment. If God, in his omniscience (he knows it all) says that he knows no other being who is Mighty God, who is like Him, and Jesus is described this way with the same characteristics that only God has, it shows us that is the same person. In the Bible, El is often combined in proper names: Isra-El; Shmu-El (Samuel); El-ijah; Immanu-El; Jo-El; Dani-El; Beth-El. GOD is El Shaddai = Almighty All Sufficient GOD, and H E is El Gibor - Mighty GOD. Jehovah-Gibbor Milchamah, The Lord Mighty in Battle; those who question who you are are without your blessing most sovereign in battle and we give thanks for You the Mighty Conqueror. it is meant to manifest the power of God in our generation. RSV, The strong among the mighty shall speak to him. Carefully observe how Trinitarian scholars translated the same words differently in Ezekiel 21 than they did at Isaiah 9:6. 297 likes. KJV, The strong among the mighty ones shall speak of him. Was this article helpful? Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. Jesus is YHW, our everlasting Father, Jesus is El Gibor, in other words, he is the Mighty God. In this verse it is talked about the Messiah and the attributes of the one who would come as Son are described. Welcome to the internet home of Beth El Gibor. We are a Messianic Jewish Congregation, where Jews and Gentiles praise, worship and study. He is described with the same … Ezekiel 32:21 – EL GIBBOR shall speak to/of him. (Isaiah 9:6) רֶצֵנ Netzer Branch. It is an emphatic form of the word "Adon" which means "lord" or "master". Celebrating our unity in the Living God together in a rich Jewish Heritage in the revelation of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). The Mighty God – El Gibbor is a picture of God as a Warrior and Champion – gibbor (Strong’s H1368) means powerful, strong or mighty. — Isaiah 9:6 —. Kudos to this site for pointing that out, as well as bringing up another clearly divine reference for El gibor in Jeremiah 32:18. When Jesus saw these two sets of brothers … Isaiah 9:6 – Wonderful, Counsellor, MIGHTY GOD, Eternal Father. That is an statement of someone who is above everyone else, the one who is superior, that is why its common use is THE LORD. So the only God and Mighty is YHWH as he reveals himself. Aug 21, 2014 - El Gibor v'El Elyon - Lyrics and Translation - David Seguin/Brandon Whatley/Joy Greig. ch. Beth El Gibor endeavors to reach the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and the nations in the Lehigh Valley and the surrounding areas, with the Good News of Messiah Yeshua. Isa 9:1 Nevertheless the dimness … Given that generally an ‘el’ is a ruler in some sense, and gibbor means strong or mighty, ‘Mighty Ruler’ would be a good choice for the translation of Isaiah 9:6, and that is exactly what the Jews were looking for in their Messiah.”. Isaiah 5:4; Zechariah 12:8). If we look at ‘EL’, it does not default to mean “God”. Because these two words are written as one in the Dead Sea Scroll it appears that these two words are a name - "elgibor". Psalms 24:8 Who is this King of glory? Psalms 8 Isaiah 40:3-5 Ezekiel 16:8 Habakkuk 3:19. (Isaiah 7:14) ץֵעֹוי אֶלֶפ Pele Yoetz Wonderful Counsellor. Danielle quoted Isaiah 53 and Ps. Then many will say that it shows that Jesus is not YHWH, but if we analyze such words we will see that he is. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlast-ing Father, Prince of Peace. In the Hebrew Bible, elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים ‎ [(ʔ)eloˈ(h)im]) usually refers to a single deity, particularly (but not always) the God of Israel. Almighty in the sense of ability to carry out His will! "Pele-joez-el-gibbor-abi-ad-sar-shalom" is a prophetic name or title which occurs in Isaiah 9:6 in the Hebrew Bible. John Schoenhieit, The Sower (bi-monthly magazine) Mar/Apr 2006, Spirit & Truth Fellowship International: “The word gibbor means strong or mighty, and refers to someone who is bold or audacious, strong or valiant. © 2021 The Human Messiah Jesus. Twice we find God referred to as “El Gibor,” translated like other phrases as “Mighty God.” Both times, Isaiah uses it to emphasize the military-like strength of God. In observance of Passover (Pesach) and Fast of the Firstborn also known as the Festival of Unleavened Bread, Beth El Gibor Messianic Jewish Congregation and guests of different faiths (gentiles) partook in a seder, … The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. In fact, this phrase, EL GIBOR, is never used anywhere else in scripture. Wycliffe Bible Commentary: The patriarch would soon march off the map of history, but his God, the unchangeable, Eternal One would remain. In one of most familiar Messianic Prophecies, Isaiah writes "a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor, MIGHTY GOD (EL GIBBOR), Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 11:2), both in superhuman measure. A closer look at el gibbor in Isaiah 9.6,, The strong among the mighty shall speak to him. The phrase ‘el gibbor’ is used in the plural in Ezekiel 32:21 (ESV, NRSV, RSV), where it is translated ‘mighty chiefs,’ ‘mighty leaders (NIV), ‘strong among the mighty’ (KJV), ‘mightiest heroes’ (NJB), and ‘mighty warriors’ (Moffatt). However, in the Nazarene Israelite Bible instead of God in the Hebrew אֵל the VIN has Hero The same tendency to change the original text is found in John 1: 1; instead of a clear and literal translation, which says that the Logos or Word or Word was God, is found in the Nazarene Israelite Bible: ; Mi. Murphy writes that Everlasting God Beth El Gibor Messianic Jewish Congregation Tuesday, April 17, 2018 by Lori Patrick Special to the Bethlehem Press in Local News Passover meal enjoyable, meaningful. El Elyon —the Most High God: One of the best ways to understand the Bible is to learn to think with the Scriptures. El Shaddai - GOD the All Sufficient - is an interesting name of GOD that revea ls the maternal quality of GOD’s character as nurturer, comforter, and sustainer of … The title "Mighty God" is used in relation to YHWH in Isaiah 10:21 "a remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God". Scripture Reading — Mark 1:16-20 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. 22 and they mentioned Isaiah 9 where the Messiah was named El Gibor (mighty God). God is our authority. Adonai is the plural of Adon. The mighty God (’êl Gibbôr) either “God-like Hero” or Hero-God…These two titles ascribe to the Messiah the two fundamental virtues of a ruler, wisdom and strength (cf. - in the previous chapter, which is a reference to the impending plunder of Samaria and … The remnant shall return, [even] the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God (El gibor) – Isaiah 10:20-21 KJV. We’ll take chapter 9 as it comes and go to other scriptures that amplify what we are seeing. It is called in Hebrew "El-Gibor", which means Strong God. — Mark 1:17-18 Simon, Andrew, James, and John met Jesus. He is the Pourer Forth of blessings! El Gibor v’El Elyon Mighty God (Deu 7:21) and God Most High (Gen 14:8) L’vadcha Atah Adon You alone are Master (*Jude 1:4) L’vadcha Atah Kadosh You alone are Holy (Rev 15.4) * The title is extrapolated from a similar reference. The title portrays the king as God’s representative on the battlefield, whom God empowers in a supernatural way (see J. H. Hayes & S. A. Irvine, Isaiah, 181-82…this sense seems more likely in the original context of the prophecy. Wherever the Bible speaks of mighty men of valor or men of power like David, Jephthah, Joshua and Nimrod who were all renowned for their strength and skill as warriors, this same Hebrew word is used. Isaiah 9:6 – Wonderful, Counsellor, MIGHTY … Likewise, what are the 100 names of God? Driver & Briggs, Hebrew & English Lexicon of the OT, 1995, p. 42: [el gibbor] “mighty hero or divine hero, as reflecting the divine majesty.”. We will be ministering at Beth El Gibor in Bethlehem, PA on Saturday, December 6th at 10:30 AM. means MIghty God and Most High God, You alone are Lord. Experience the peace, joy, and hope that come from deepening your understanding of who God is with Rose's 100 Names of God Christian devotional. "El Gibor V'el Elyon means Mighty God, Most High. Together these words mean "God is a warrior". This name is used over 6000 times in the Bible. EL Shaddai —God Almighty: Almighty in the sense of power! Hebrew Names of God he word El comes from a root word meaning "might, strength, power" and probably derives from the Ugaritic term for god. God is the Master and majestic Lord. Edwin Louis Cole, Courage, Winning Life’s Toughest Battles (Tulsa: Harrison House: 1991), p. 159: “The word designated for the expected Messiah in Isaiah 9:6 is el gibbor (from the root word, geber). From EL GIBBOR: It clearly shows the Deity of Christ by calling him Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting God. Here again the term is a reference to men and Trinitarians are quite careful to make sure they do not translate the passage as “Mighty Gods will say” but have instead something like “the leaders will say” or “the strong among the mighty ones” or some similar concoction. Saved by KehilaNews. The word אל (el) means "God" and גבור (gibor) means "warrior". EL ELYON is the God of gods, the Lord of lords and the King of kings. This is a study of El Gibbor as presented in Isaiah chapter 9. Who or what is El Gibbor? Let's pay attention to the words "God" and "Mighty" on Isaiah 9:6. 93. This term is the verbal parallel to Yahweh, Jehovah and YHWH (which was considered too holy to be pronounced). The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle (Jehovah-Gibbor Milchamah). (Isaiah 9:6) ר ֹובִג לֵא El gibor Warrior God. El-Gibor. [From the NT] we might in retrospect interpret this title as indicating the coming king’s deity, but it is unlikely that Isaiah or his audience would have understood the title in such a bold way. In the Masoretic text this is written as two words - אל גבור (el gibor). Apr 24, 2017 - DEUTERONOMY 10: 17 -18 ~ El Gadol Gibor Yare, God of Mighty Strength and Glory Just as the names of God in scripture speak to His character, the prophetic names in Isaiah 9:6 foretell the character of the coming Messiah. She quoted Jeremiah 29 where God says: “’You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart I will be found by you’, says the Lord”. When this name appears in the Scripture it shows us his relationship with the creation, indicating that God is above all this created. This is a clear evidence that Jesus is YHWH, the same God of the Old Testament. Note the difference in translation of the same two Hebrew words: Ezekiel 32:21 – THE MIGHTY LEADERS shall speak to/of him. The name “el gibbor” denotes the Messiah’s authority, strength and excellence, and has nothing to do with him actually being the one true God of Israel. In Scripture, the primary meanings of this root are "god" (pagan or false gods), "God" (the true God of Israel), and sometimes "the mighty" (referring to men or angels). It is usually translated ‘Mighty God,’ but more exactly it is ‘Powerful Champion’ or ‘Godly Hero.’”. The predicate of divinity (like that of eternity in the next name) is not to be understood in the absolute metaphysical sense; it means that the divine energy works through him and is displayed in his rule (cf. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ( John 1:1). A. Scripture Reading — Isaiah 9:1-7. At other times it refers to deities in the plural.. Jesus In Hebrew Biblical Hebrew Hebrew Words Hebrew Names Jesus Is Lord Jesus Christ Jewish Beliefs Messianic Judaism Church Graphic Design. What does ‘the Most High tell us? A W Pink comments on the implications of El Olam: Instead of ceaseless change and decay in all around we see, as now, there shall be fixity, permanence, peace and blessing. The name “el gibbor” given to the Messiah here should be understood in light of other Hebrew names such as Gabriel which uses the same Hebrew characters as “el gibbor.” The name no more proves that the angel Gabriel is God than Elijah’s name (“my God Yahweh”). Our Messiah, Christ… 12/08/2019: He Shall Be Called - … El Gibbor: "The Mighty God". The two words translated by Trinitarians as “Mighty God” at Isaiah 9:6 are the words “EL GIBBOR” where they translate the word GIBBOR as “Mighty.” In the very next chapter of Ezekiel (32:21), the words el gibbor are used in plural form of earthly men. Isaiah 11:2 ff. Also compare the following: Note the difference in translation of the same two Hebrew words: The fact that Trinitarians translate the Hebrew word el to be convenient to their doctrine illustrates their so-called evidence is not evidence at all but a personal desire to promote their doctrine by dishonest means wherever they think they can get away with it. EL GIBHOR: “Mighty/ Warrior God” Jeremiah 32:17-18 “Nothing is too difficult for You, who shows lovingkindness to thousands, but repays the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children after them, O great and mighty God [El Gibbor].” El Gibhor is the description of God as … (Isaiah 9:6) דַע יִבֲא Aviad Eternal Father. It is one of a series of prophetic names found in chapters 7, 8 and 9 of the Book of Isaiah, including most notably Immanuel "God with us", and Maher-shalal-hash-baz - "He has made haste to the plunder!" It’s also found in compounds: El Shaddai, El Elyon, El Roi, El Olam. The word "Adonai" is not a proper noun nor is it directly a name of God. EL means “mighty one”, and can also mean ‘god’; But, it is not used of the Creator unless there is an accompanying name, usually, like “El Elyon”, which means “G-d Most High”. Immanu El God with us. This name describes the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in this prophetic portion of Isaiah, as a great and powerful warrior, the Messiah, the Mighty God, who will defeat God's enemies and will rule with a rod of iron. Names of God | Hebrew Names of God, El Gibor, Mighty God, Herbew names ,iPhone background, Messianic Judaism, May. This is a clear evidence that Jesus is YHWH, the same God of the Old Testament. ESV. Not one other place. Isaiah 9:6 – Wonderful, Counsellor, EL GIBBOR, Eternal Father. Messianic Praise and Worship. Our vision is the restoration of the people of Israel and the Nations to the one true God by the re-grafting of Ps 45:6 addresses the Davidic king as “God” because he ruled & fought as God’s representative on earth….When the king’s enemies oppose him on the battlefield, they are, as it were, fighting against God himself. For more information, please call George at 410.972.5253. El Gibbor – the Mighty El, the Light of YHWH. Again, such an interpretation would have been met with wide eyes by both the ancient Israelites and Jesus’ first-century Jewish Apostles. NASB, The mighty chiefs shall speak of them.
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