If the interviewer is immature, arrogant, rigid, etc., and regards the interviewer-applicant relationship as an antagonistic one, and views the applicant as incompetent and dishonest until proven otherwise, the interview will have that flavor. Can't be objective but it was probably the best interview I've ever done. The front page of the internet • Reddit is a place for community, conversation, and connection with millions of users worldwide. There's a reason college applications value experience and diversity. Asked me to write some kind of function to do something, sort some stuff or some such. Nonprofit Organization. But, there's standardized training and emphasis on objective tests and rubrics to minimize bias. Like engineering drawing, metal workshop, and what not. I am not an expert in U.S. admissions but my understanding is that they give points for things like whether your parents are alumni or have donated, whether you play sports, whether you were school "president" or other tests of popularity, and a host of things that in my opinion are pretty poor indicators of whether one should be admitted. So they could easily be tomorrow thrown into an environment where a sorting algorithm is needed, they are the ones responsible (so they'll need to build it, not just have a high-level idea of how to do it), and at FB scale every bit of squandered efficiency is very expensive (if their photo search algorithm, let's say, takes 5% more memory than it needs to, that will end up costing the company much more than their salary). I've had someone start off by writing "four" on the board when prompted to write a "for" loop and get stuck. And a well above average expectation of skill. The interview is not just about leet code. If a candidate proclaimed that they didn't agree to the terms of one of my interviews midway through, I'd certainly exchange a few words with them to try to make them more comfortable, but in the end I would by fine with bidding them farewell and being glad that writing up that interview feedback would be easy. Electrek. > At these companies, algorithms and the basics are fundamentally important. Published: 11th Aug 2017 in Engineering. Engineers showcased some of the work being done at Facebook London: Workplace engineers demonstrated Safety Check, a new Workplace Premium feature that allows employers to swiftly confirm whether their employees are safe or in need of assistance in the case of a disaster or other emergency.Developed and built from the ground up in London, Workplace is now in use at more … Another issue is that hiring is expensive and FANG companies have a ton of applicants. But I see a constant stream of challenging software problems at FAANG. If you want to test yourself, you could try these, which are popular questions: https://leetcode.com/problems/find-all-anagrams-in-a, https://leetcode.com/problems/subarray-sum-equals-k/-string/. IMO the interviews test that you can fall in line and follow the patterns that have been in place for decades. Sure, you’ll still need to integrate with established APIs and focus more on scalability than you would at a startup, but the kind of people who excel in each type of role will have very different personalities and skillsets. I've tried both. Doctors and lawyers still interview for jobs. Then complains about being asked to do coding. The problem with the situation is that doctors don't need to do that every time they change jobs. report. They want you to spout off the typical college explanations for things you do in just a call to a library. Yes, I'm aware without the N these acronyms can collapse into a more distasteful and off-topic term, but is that the only reason? The fact is, these algorithm quizzes have nothing at all to do with our job. At least it's truth in advertising. POSTED ON NOV 5, 2014 TO Networking & Traffic, Production Engineering. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Hennessey is also still aiming for a top speed of more than 311 mph with the Venom F5. Facebook interviewers are such insulting morons to senior engineers. Fair enough, I can accept it could be a difference in candidate pools or something. Like a junior dev doing some scripting grunt work that no one else wanted to do but they are gaining other skills along the way possibly?
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