Mapping Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Participation includes more advanced work than PSY 4920 and a written product, the nature of which is detailed in a written contract between professor and student. (S/U grade only.) Clinical Psychopharmacology (3). The study of human behavior and animal behavior are two broad categories of specialization. Clinical and Counseling Psychology (3). Behavioral Analysis in Mental Health and Aging (3). Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (3). Note: EXP 3202C, 3422C, 3604C; PSY 3213C; and PSB 3004C are each four hour courses with both lecture and laboratory components. Group 1. This course provides a proper overview of the biological aspects of psychology (a.k.a. SOP 3782. It is important that students see a psychology advisor for guidance as to when best to schedule these courses. Family and Child Science Prerequisite Courses (15 hours) Human Sciences Core (3 hours) Select one course offered by the College of Human Sciences, must come from outside this major. (S/U grade only.). The following lists the common program prerequisites or their substitutions, necessary for admission into this upper-division degree program: Admission to the undergraduate program in psychology is based on a minimum GPA and the successful completion of prerequisite course requirements. Biopsychology of Sexual Behavior (3). This course begins with a brief history of the experimental methods used in neuroscience, then introduces students to the modern approaches used by the FSU Neuroscience faculty in their research/experimental programs. CBH 4304. A Psychology Minor must have prior approval of the psychology department faculty adviser. … EAB 5721. Research Design and Methods in Clinical Psychology (3). Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. Each course may be repeated to a maximum of three semester hours. Museum Basics – ARH 3794 2. Twelve semester hours of psychology are required for a minor in psychology. All students must fulfill the major requirements listed below, which ensure a balanced program of study. Completion of at least 52 academic credits or an A.A. PSY 4910r. Psychology of Adolescent Development (3). Individual Research Study (3–9). (S/U grade only.). A preliminary meeting with the Neuroscience Academic Advisor (, General Education: 36 (encouraged to take PSY 2012 to fulfill Social Science requirement) *, Minor Coursework: 0 (none beyond collateral science coursework, which constitutes a minor), Foreign Language: 0–12 (depending on placement), Computer Skills: 0 beyond major requirements PSY 3213C. At least two (2) of the business courses must be completed at Florida State University. PSY 3810. A lecture/lab combination course from the following list. May be repeated to a maximum of twenty-four semester hours. DEP 4404 (3) Psychology of Adult Development and Aging However, all students who … Students learn what career opportunities are available in psychology and related fields and what these careers involve. (If EXP3604C is used to meet Group 3 requirements, it may also be used to meet the Group 4 requirement. Prospective transfer students should contact (Arts & Sciences Admissions) with specific questions about admission and mapping requirements. Prerequisite: PSY 2012. Grades below C minus will not be accepted for major or minor credit. The following two courses are required for the Museum Studies minor, and may be taken in any order although it is preferred that students take Museum Basics before Museum Object. PSY 4930r. Students can use honors thesis work to bring the total number of hours of applied courses that count toward the major to twelve hours maximum. Applied Statistics STA2122 (3) or approved equivalent (If a lower-level statistics course is taken as an admission requirement into the major, STA2122 will need to be taken by term 5 as a graduation requirement for the major.) Psychology of Adult Development and Aging (3). Human Memory and Learning (3). Neuroscience (3 hours) A3900 University Center EXP 4404 (3) Human Memory and Learning Find out more about Frostburg State University’s Psychology program. Students missing the first day of any class or laboratory will be dropped. Neuroscience Colloquium (1). EXP 3202C (4) Sensation and Perception with Lab (pre-req: PSY 3213C) ISC 3076. This course focuses on the mental processes involved in language use (e.g., speech, comprehension, conversation, and writing). ), EAB 5942. (S/U grade only. This course examines interrelations among science, technology, and society. Up to nine total hours of applied learning experiences can count toward psychology electives. Group 5. Social Psychology of Groups (3). Minor Coursework: (12-18 hours; as stated by the minor area). Careers in Psychology (1). CLP 5941r. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. EAB 5701. Prerequisites: PSY 2012, junior or senior standing. Over time, the college may expand with additional minors, collaborating with other colleges and programs around campus. Diversity in Individuals and Cultures: Issues for Clinical Psychology (3). Oral Competency 0-3 One of these courses must be PSY 2012, General Psychology (3). This course focuses on understanding psychological factors relevant to the development and maintenance of criminal behavior. 4. Career Outlook for Psychologists. Subjects include individual, cultural, behavioral, and biological levels of analysis. Special emphasis on the determinants of adjustments. A minimum GPA requirement in all attempted courses: Check with a Panama City psychology advisor regarding current GPA requirement at Panama City, which may differ from the 2.8 required at the main campus. Science, Technology, and Society (3). Thirty-six semester hours of psychology courses (not including General Psychology) are required for the major. Participation is more advanced than in PSY 4920, and involves the generation of an extensive written product. Prerequisite: PSY 2012. These courses previously were three hour lecture courses and separate one hour laboratory courses. PSY 4944r. Social, Cognitive, Developmental, Clinical (9-10 hours) Seminar in Current Research Topics (1–3). Research Methods in Psychology with Laboratory (4). While understanding human brain function (in health and disease) has long been of central importance to physicians, psychologists, researchers, and educators, the knowledge accruing from this effort is also beginning to impact traditionally non-STEM professions such as law, business, or economics. EXP 3202C. Overview The minor in Business Analytics offered by the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain fits a market need for graduates who are well rounded and particularly strong in their capability to understand the flow of business and bridge the gap between analysis and strategic decision- making. This course orients students to foundational research in the neurobiology of social behavior. Students should consult with their advisor in selecting elective courses to ensure that they meet departmental guidelines and their own academic goals. These three courses should be taken as part of the liberal studies requirements or the AA degree: Any statistics course, with STA 2122 or STA 2171 strongly preferred. Privacy Policy BSC X0XX (3) one course in any level biology (or BSC X20X, or ZOO X010) External Placement Practicum (1–6). Behavioral Analysis in Education and Performance Management (3). Physiological Psychology with Laboratory (4). The conference is known as one of the leading philosophy and psychology … The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology will be held at Princeton University from June 10-13th, 2020. Students completing the minor in psychology should possess breadth of knowledge pertaining to the major principles, theoretical approaches and findings in psychology. Students may complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (BS) in psychology at the Panama City campus. Students must take enough additional psychology elective courses to bring the total psychology hours to 36 (not including General Psychology). Prerequisites: EXP 3213C, and PSB 2000 or PSB 3004C. For students who have not taken any 4000-level psychology courses at Florida State University to fulfill Psychology requirements, at least three (3) hours of psychology electives must be taken at the 4000-level at Florida State University. Students conduct this research under the supervision of a psychology faculty member. This course represents the study of social psychology from a sociological perspective. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, 30 of which must be taken at this University. A minimum GPA of 2.80 in all college-level courses attempted. (S/U grade only.) This course is a systematic study of research and theories about gender, including psychological differences and similarities between sexes. The Department of Psychology offers course work leading to the baccalaureate, master's, and educational specialist degrees in psychology with a Black psychology … Social Psychology (3). Topics vary. Prerequisites: PSY 2012 and PSB 2000 or PSB 3004C or three semester hours in biology. A Psychology major who applies for readmission to the college must meet the degree requirements of the catalog in force on the date of readmission. This course represents the study of social psychology from a sociological perspective. PSB 4040. CLP 6920r. Basic Methods of Applied Behavior Analysis (3). Representative Employers: Universities, Colleges and Community Colleges, Business/Industry, Hospitals, Prison Systems, Primary and Secondary Schools, Testing Companies, Rehabilitation Agencies, Veterans Administration, Mental Health Agencies, Financial Institutions, Consulting Firms. Take any combination of Biological Science electives up to 6 hours: BSC 4731L Experimental Physiology Lab (2), ZOO 3713C Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4), ZOO 4343C Biology of Lower Vertebrates (4), ZOO 4353C Biology of Higher Vertebrates (4). Critical thinking about the available theoretical, empirical, and popular literature as a well as relevant public policy is the focus. Courses taken outside the Department of Psychology will not count toward the Psychology thirty-six hour requirement. Several areas of emphasis are available for students. The minor consists of 22 units of psychology courses, 15 of which must be upper division. Cell and Molecular Neuroscience (4). Hormones and Behavior (3). The undergraduate program in psychology offers introductory survey courses to give the liberal studies student a broad background in the study of behavior, as well as upper-division courses for the advanced student who has more specialized interests. (Cannot be taken after PSB 3004C.). The undergraduate program in Psychology at FSU offers students a broad background in many areas of Psychology and is flexible enough to allow the advanced student to specialize in an area of his/her greatest interest. Research on judges, juries, defendants, and police are among topics covered, as well as the role of psychologists in the legal system. Tallahassee, FL 32306, Questions or Comments The courses included in the minor are: EDF 1005 – Introduction to Education (3) EDF 2085 – Teaching Diverse Populations (3) EDF 4210 – Educational Psychology (3) One of the following: Abnormal Psychology (3). Students whose psychology credits are ten years old or older will need to have their existing credits evaluated by the Department of Psychology to determine if any requirements need to be repeated to ensure that their knowledge of Psychology is current. Special Topics in Psychology (3). EXP 3604C (4) Cognitive Psychology with Lab [pre-req: PSY 3213C] Copyright, FSU Directory Assistance: ISC 4244C (Computer Applications in Psychology with Lab) counts as a 4000-level psychology elective. Prerequisite: PSY 2012. biopsychology, physiological psychology or behavioral neuroscience) as well as the necessary background for the upper level coursework in behavioral and cognitive neurosciences in this department. CBH—Comparative Psychology and Animal Behavior, PCB—Process Biology (Cell/Molecular/Ecology/Genetics/Physiology). April, 2020 - Dr. Diana Williams, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, is the recipient of a 2019-20 FSU Innovation in Teaching Award. A minimum of six of the required semester hours must be completed at Florida State University. PSB 6059r. In an effort to maintain quality and to give students a direct way to affect the program, the Department of Psychology asks all of its graduating seniors to complete a survey to provide information about their experiences in and impressions of the department. The course also conveys an appreciation for utilizing critical thinking and scientific knowledge when making important decisions. None beyond the prerequisite science coursework, which constitutes a minor. Honors Advanced Research Topics (1–3). This Business Analytics minor … CLP 4392. Applied Behavioral Analysis Practicum (3). Responsible Conduct of Research (2). Take any combination of Psychology electives up to 11 hours: EXP 3202C Sensation and Perception with Lab (4), EXP 3422C Conditioning and Learning with Lab (4), EXP 3604C Cognitive Psychology with Lab (4), PSB 4240 Neurobiology of Brain Dysfunction (3), PSB 4710 Biology of Eating Disorders and Obesity (3), PSB 4731 Biopsychology of Sexual Behavior (3). The fifteen credits for thi… Prerequisites: PSY 2012. The Department of Psychology offers an Honors in the Major program to encourage talented students to undertake independent and original research as part of the undergraduate experience. Completion of the three courses listed below (each with a "C–" or better). PSY 6945. Students must complete the following requirements: Applied Behavioral Analysis Practicum (3). It is important that students see a psychology advisor for guidance as to when it is best to schedule these courses. The optional areas of emphasis include clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, neuroscience, and social psychology. Group 4. EXP 6609r. Requirements for a Minor in Psychology. Neurobiology of Brain Dysfunction (3). Abnormal Psychology Field Experience (1). For listings relating to graduate coursework for thesis, dissertation, and master's and doctoral examinations and defense, consult the Graduate Bulletin. Prerequisite: PSY 2012. Psychology Clinical Advanced Practicum (1–3). Specific prerequisites are required for admission into the upper-division program and must be completed by the student at either a community college or a state university prior to being admitted to this program. SOP 3742. Prerequisites: PSY 2012. EXP 5406. A. degree must complete nine additional hours in the fields of history and/or humanities in addition to the foreign language requirement (through the intermediate -2200 or equivalent-level). CLP 4392 (3) Psych of Criminal Behavior One of these courses must be PSY 2012, General Psychology (3). **NOTE: Although PSB3004C has a lab component, it DOES NOT satisfy the group 4 lab requirement. This course explores how experience affects the behavior and physiological functioning. CLP 4110 (3) Eating Disorders Genetic methods discussed include twin and adoption as well as molecular studies. Students must complete the following requirements: PCB 4843 Fundamentals of Neuroscience (3), PSB 3004C Physiological Psychology with Brain Anatomy Lab (4). Prerequisites: EXP 3213C, and PSB 2000 or PSB 3004C. … 600 W. College Avenue Students should refer to the common course requirements for this degree program. Courses with a WST prefix will not count toward the Psychology major, even though they may be listed on the Psychology course search. Electives to bring total hours to 120 Students will experience a synthesis of coursework offered by the Departments of Biological Science, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics. Basic Principles of Behavior (3). Spring 2021 course requirements: ... (Limited to Psychology … Business Pre-Law: Offered through the Schmidthorst College of Business. Issues in Developmental Psychology (1). Computer Skills Competency: (0 hours beyond major requirements) Minor Requirements You must earn at least a "C-" grade in a course for it to be counted toward a General Business minor. Major Coursework 36 (S/U grade only.). Prerequisite: PSY 2012. Up to nine total hours of applied learning experiences can count toward psychology electives. Psychology Clinical Advanced Practicum (1–3). The thirty-six hours must include: PSY 3213C Research Methods in Psychology with Laboratory (4), EXP 3202C Sensation and Perception with Laboratory (4), EXP 3422C Conditioning and Learning with Laboratory (4), EXP 3604C Cognitive Psychology with Laboratory (4). If courses in Groups 3 or 4 are taken beyond the minimum requirements, they may count as electives. Oral Communication Competency: (0-3 hours) PSB 2000. This highly … XXX XXXX (3) any lower level psychology This course is a critical examination of the psychocultural forces that shape and determine the unique behavior of African-Americans. At least nine of the fifteen semester hours must be completed at Florida State University. Please note: the Academic Program Guide is FSU's official list of majors and minors, and is authoritative in case of discrepancies. 2) completion of a statistics course (STA 2122 preferred), Students develop a skill reading the primary scientific literature and refine their critical thinking skills. Evolutionary Psychology (3). With an investment of 19 semester hours, students in any major can add a Psychology minor to their degree. CLP 5475. This course covers in-depth analysis of several central areas of social psychology with an emphasis on designing and carrying out research in these areas. In this course, students participate in a research project in a specific area of psychological research. 3. EAB 6130r. Twelve semester hours of psychology are required for a minor in psychology. PSY 6919r. (S/U grade only). Twelve semester hours of psychology are required for a minor in psychology. Seminar in Physiological Psychology (3). DEP 3305. Research Design and Methods in Clinical Psychology (3). Prerequisites: PSY 2012 and SOP 3004. Also, courses with a WST prefix will not count toward the psychology minor. The Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship currently awards seven entrepreneurship minors. Students can use only one psychology course (either IDS 2651 or PSB 2000) to count toward both psychology major and liberal studies requirements. Experimental Social Psychology (3). CLP 3314. Addictive Behaviors (3). Prerequisites: PSY 2012 and SOP 3004. Though students are encouraged to take Directed Individual Study, Research Topics, and Honors Thesis hours, there are limitations on how many of these may apply toward meeting this requirement for the major. Social Psychology. Admission requirements for the Panama City campus are: Graduation requirements for the psychology major are the same as those at the Tallahassee campus. Majors are required to take two laboratory courses, and qualified students are strongly encouraged to work in the department's research laboratories or to participate in research in educational and clinical settings. For additional information about the psychology programs at the Panama City campus, visit Prerequisite: PSY 2012. (S/U grade only. Courses in this category include Directed Individual Study (DIS: PSY 4911–4914) and Research Topics (PSY 4910, 4915, 4920) and Psychology Internship (PSY 4944). Twelve (12) hours of psychology, including PSY 2012, are required for a minor in psychology. Students also are strongly encouraged to consult early and regularly with the departmental Advising Office to be sure they are meeting program requirements and to ask about opportunities for intensive study in a specialty area while pursuing the major, as well as how to better prepare oneself for graduate school or employment. May be repeated within the same semester. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: Dr. Diana Williams, FSU Teaching Award. Social Psychology. This course consists of participation in a group research project on a selected topic as designated by the directing professor. Directed Individual Study (one to three hours each.) Seminar in Neuroscience (1–2).
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