[15], Molly, Ginny, Ron, and Harry meet for the first time at King's Cross Station, On 1 September, 1991, Ginny accompanied her mother to King's Cross Station to see off her brothers as they departed for Hogwarts. At Harry's signal, all six D.A. The name Ginevra is also an Italian variant of Juniper, derived from the tree or berry. It is also a variant of 'Guinevere,' as in the King Arthur tradition. During this visit, along with Ron and Hermione, she found out the truth about Neville Longbottom's parents, and how they had been tortured into insanity by Barty Crouch Jnr, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange using the Cruciatus Curse at the end of the First Wizarding War. members being held captive by Umbridge, When Harry had a vision of Sirius being tortured in the Department of Mysteries by Voldemort on 18 June, he informed Ron and Hermione. [12][13][14] Rowling elaborated on Ginny's future after the release of the book, saying that after leaving Hogwarts, she joined the Holyhead Harpies and, after spending a few years as a celebrated player, retired to become the senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet, and to start a family with Harry. The disturbing part of this fact is how stupid it is. He describes the final scene, in which Harry descends to the eponymous Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny, saying "In the climax of Chamber of Secrets, Harry descends to a deep underworld, is confronted by two satanic minions (Voldemort and a giant serpent), is saved from certain death by his faith in Dumbledore (the bearded God the Father/Ancient of Days), rescues the virgin (Virginia [sic] Weasley), and ascends in triumph. Although she admitted that Harry was a better Seeker than her, and that she preferred playing as a Chaser and scoring goals. To Ginny's horror, she saw that Harry now had the diary. This shows how much she hated Voldemort and how much she loved her husband, to the point where watching him bear the appearance of the man who had stolen so much from both of them was too much for her. Junipers were often used to represent chastity in Renaissance-period art, such as in Leonardo da Vinci's Ginevra de' Benci. She spent Christmas at the Burrow with her family and Harry, and when Ginny returned to Hogwarts, she seemed unenthusiastic about meeting up with Dean. [15], Ginny spent Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place and visited her father again on Christmas Day. This reaction surprises him and upon reflection, he realizes his attraction to Ginny. At the funeral she sat next to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, instead of sitting with the rest of her family. Finally, as each member of her family returned, she allowed herself to relaxed, but the unexpected death of "Mad-Eye" Moody greatly sobered the occasion. Family members Ginny was shaken by the appearance of Death Eaters in the aftermath of the Irish victory. [2][3] Over the course of the series, Ginny becomes a strong witch who shows herself to be independent and capable, fighting alongside Harry on more than one occasion as he battles against the Dark Arts. Ginny furiously argued against it, as it was hypocritical, since Harry was much younger than her when he faced Voldemort all the previous times. [9][12] One of the traits he was attracted to was that Ginny rarely got weepy. Ginny's corporeal horse Patronus, which she was able to conjure at age fourteen, Ginny was a very powerful and talented witch. However, near the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, she learnt from Harry that he was on their side all along. During the reception, she danced with Luna Lovegood, Lee Jordan, and others. [28] Ginny was also somewhat possessive of Harry. Propelled by the revelation that Harry, Ron, and Hermione are leaving to seek the remaining Horcruxes in Deathly Hallows, Ginny kisses Harry in her bedroom, and they realize that they both still have intense feelings for each other. On Harry's seventeenth birthday, Ginny "kissed him as she had never kissed him before," though they were interrupted by Ron, with Hermione in tow. She also disapproved of Fleur's engagement to her eldest brother Bill, whom Ginny looked up to. Ginny eventually figured out what she had been doing, despite having no memory of what happened during the times she was possessed, after finding herself covered in feathers and rooster blood. Umbridge was a cruel, sadistic witch who enjoyed torturing students for punishment with the use of a Blood Quill, and attempted to take firm control of the school by passing a series of Educational Decrees. By the end of her fifth year, Ginny and Harry began dating after spontaneously kissing in the aftermath of Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup. He feared that if Voldemort knew how he felt about her, she would become a target and he could not knowingly endanger her life. Ginny returned to Hogwarts, which hosted the Triwizard Tournament that year, she rooted for Harry the unexpected fourth champion and maintained a good relationship with Hermione. She was also, obviously, not happy about his tenure as Headmaster when Hogwarts fell under Lord Voldemort's control. [12], Ginny arrives at Slughorn's Christmas party, Before the holiday break Ginny attended Slughorn's Christmas party with Dean Thomas. Ginny's relationship with Dean ends altogether in April following an accidental nudge from Harry under the effects of Felix Felicis, which Ginny interprets as Dean unnecessarily trying to help her through the portrait hole. Despite her fears, Dumbledore did not place the blame on her, saying that older and wiser wizards had been duped by Lord Voldemort, and he sent her to the hospital wing to recover from her ordeal with a mug of hot chocolate. Her job at The Daily Prophet is briefly mentioned when Draco accuses her of promoting suspicion against former Death Eaters, but she states that her articles are purely sport-related. Ginevra[9] Molly[22] "Ginny" Potter[23] (née Weasley) (b. She then explained that situation to Harry, stating that the other two-man teams were running late and that was why her mother was so worried. Shopping. She also hexed and crashed into Zacharias Smith when he irritated and insulted her on two separate occasions during her fifth year.[12]. As the Death Eaters stormed the wedding, Hermione apparated herself, Harry, and Ron away from the chaos to begin their Horcrux quest. [1] She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and was sorted into Gryffindor house, along with the rest of her family. Her debut performance was in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) as Ron Weasley's little sister Ginny Weasley. Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Potter (roj.Weasley) je izmišljen lik iz serije fantazijskih romanov o Harryju Potterju britanske pisateljice J. K. Rowling.Je najmlajša hči Arthurja in Molly Weasley ter žena Harryja Potterja.. Ko je Harry v drugem letniku šolanja na Bradavičarki, Mrlakenstein skozi svoj dnevnik Ginny prevzame do take mere, da tudi sam dobi veliko moči. She visited various tombs, but her mother would not allow her to go in the last one because of all the mutant skeletons. While Harry is being possessed, she rushes up to see the events first and affectionately strokes his arm at the end of the year. [25][26] Poppy Miller was cast as the adult Ginny in the original West End production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Hair colour Bright brown[7] ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE. When Ginny's son, James, discovered Victoire kissing Teddy Lupin at King's Cross Station, he proceeded to interrupt them and then run back to his family to triumphantly announce what he'd seen, prompting Ginny to compare him to his Uncle Ron. Her brother Percy forced her to take Pepperup Potion to get her over it. Her debut performance was in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) as Ron Weasley's little sister Ginny Weasley. Ginny being threatened by a Death Eater in the Death Chamber, Luna managed to get Ginny and Ron (who was also disabled) to safety, but Ginny's broken ankle immobilised her and restricted her ability to help in the battle. In reality, Harry had been wearing his Invisibility Cloak and bumped into her while under the influence of Felix Felicis, but the incident finally brought an end to their already unstable relationship. Another famous muse bearing this name was Ginevra King, a socialite who inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald's character Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Ginny tried out for the team and became the new Seeker. Female[5] Ginny subsequently visited Harry in the hospital wing. Some give it as the Italian form of Genevieve. In a joint interview with The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet, Rowling revealed that she "always knew" that Ginny and Harry "were going to come together and then part. Ginny was a year below Hermione in Hogwarts, and they had become close by Ginny's second year; Hermione comforted Ginny that year when the presence of Dementors upset her (Ginny was more affected than most others due to her possession by Voldemort the previous year). Notably, she stood up to Draco Malfoy on their first meeting in Flourish and Blotts when he insulted Harry in 1992. Harry, having been given them by Lockhart as a publicity stunt, gave them to her since he could afford a set of his own and was embarrassed by what Lockhart had done. [12], Ginny comforting Harry after the death of Albus Dumbledore, They watched Draco emerge from the room with the Hand of Glory; when he saw them, he threw Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, blinding them and leading Death Eaters into Hogwarts via a Vanishing Cabinet. [9], After the Second Wizarding War, Ginny and Harry rekindled their passionate romance. In a 2007 interview … Ginny is introduced in the first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as the youngest sibling and only girl in the Weasley family. Notably, she stands up to Draco Malfoy on their first meeting in Flourish and Blotts when he insults Harry in Chamber of Secrets. On 1 September, 2017, Harry and Ginny escorted their children James and Albus to the Hogwarts Express, where Albus would begin his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Though Ginny first learned of Sirius in 1993 as an Azkaban escapee convicted of killing 12 muggles, she was soon made aware of his innocence through her connections to the Order of the Phoenix and his godson, Harry. As the train pulled out, she began to cry, despite her brothers promising to send her loads of owls and a Hogwarts toilet seat. She called his decision an act of stupid nobility. Dumbledore's Army was an organisation founded by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley in 1995, and led and taught by Harry Potter to oppose Dolores Umbridge, as well as offer students a place to learn and practise defensive magic. She was even more despondent when Ron suggested that Harry take her to the ball since he did not have a date. In the Chamber of Secrets, she shows no sign of worry or fear about her own and many other's near deaths, but simply smiles lovingly at Harry, hearts appearing over her. Her courage enabled her to take part in a three-way duel alongside Luna and Hermione against the powerful and insane Bellatrix Lestrange. She and the twins were separated from the trio and it was unknown where they hide while the trio was in the forest near the campsite. The Potter Box is a model for making ethical decisions developed at Harvard University. She ran along the platform after the train, half-laughing and half-crying, then stopped to wave them off. Ginny appeared to be disgusted with her brother Ron Weasley, Hermione's love interest, when, after a fight with Ginny, Ron began dating Lavender Brown. Harry thought she might have sensed his presence as he walked away, but the two had no contact, as Harry did not want anyone to try and stop him. Bill and Fleur's children were Victoire, Dominique, and Louis; Percy and his wife, Audrey, had Molly (named after her paternal grandmother) and Lucy; George married Angelina Johnson and named their son Fred after George's late twin brother, while their daughter was called Roxanne. Both have also fought alongside one another on a number of occasions. As Harry removed it from the shelf, the group was surrounded by Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy and learned that Voldemort had used the connection between himself and Harry to lure him there to remove the prophecy. During the match she was shown wearing a green shamrock hat in support of the Irish. Ginny branded her brother a "filthy hypocrite" for his actions, but more or less seemed to be over the row they previously shared. On the train ride back to London, Ginny revealed that she had ditched Michael, who had moved on to Cho Chang while Ginny had moved on to Dean Thomas, much to Ron's horror. Ginny's shyness around Harry Potter, whom she has feelings for, Ginny was a forceful, independent girl who often knew her own mind. Ginny was one of the first to join, and the one who came up with calling the organisation "Dumbledore's Army," based on Cornelius Fudge's paranoid fears of Dumbledore mobilising Hogwarts students in a coup against the Ministry. When Sirius and four other members of the Order arrived at the Ministry to rescue Ginny and her friends, who had walked into a trap and been attacked by Death Eaters, Sirius was murdered by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. [30], Ginny casting Reducto during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. [4] Ginny is a first-year student in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, in which she develops a crush on Harry and is sorted into Gryffindor. Cho's eagerness to escort Harry to Ravenclaw Tower irritated her and in turn insisted that her friend Luna Lovegood do it instead. [9], Ginny kisses Harry at the Burrow as his seventeenth birthday present. However, her personality does not reflect the style of her actions, as her, Ginny has two soundtracks which are titled as, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter's romantic relationship is told in a slightly different way in the films from the novels of. In Goblet of Fire, her role was larger as she attends the Quidditch World Cup and the Yule Ball with Neville Longbottom and can be seen in background appearances. Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) from 3 to 26 years old | Harry Potter movie star then and now. Occupation When the two duelled during meetings, Michael did not hit Ginny with anything, possibly because she was his girlfriend. eventually saved Harry from expulsion at the Ministry's hands when Cho's best friend Marietta Edgecombe betrayed the group to Umbridge, since the name gave Dumbledore a way to take the fall for the D.A. Dumbledore's Army, her friends and allies. The union produced three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. They had heard that it was left to Harry in Dumbledore's will, and guessed that he needed it. When she blushes (which was often around Harry Potter in the early years of their friendship), she goes a shade of red that matches her hair. [8], Following this traumatic experience, Ginny returned to normal and was happy and relaxed for the rest of the school term. "[28] This quotation predates Rowling's revelation that Ginny's full name is Ginevra, not Virginia.[1]. Her feud with Ron over his attitude towards her and Dean was worsened when, in the aftermath of the victory, he began going out with Lavender Brown, whom he often snogged in public. [29] The film itself was widely panned by critics, Berlatsky himself calling it "flat [and] boring". When blushed, Ginny would go a shade of red that matched her hair. They had a lot in common — both played Quidditch, both had suffered at the hands of Lord Voldemort, and both showed great strength in defensive and offensive magic. The only and long-waited daughter in the family, she had to deal with an over-protective mother, who tried to prevent Ginny from war meetings and in the Battle of Hogwarts, despite her previous displays of power and skill fighting alongside Dumbledore's Army at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Pure-blood[3] [9] Harry and Ginny next saw each other shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts. Eventually, Riddle was able to possess Ginny, use her to open the Chamber of Secrets, and free Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk to petrify several Muggle-born students (including Hermione Granger). [17], She has typical Weasley family traits: flaming red hair (which she wears in a long mane) and a freckled complexion. All polaroids are borderless and printed with 256 levels per colour (RGB), Wright voiced the character in the Order of Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows: Part 1 video games. She even suggested that Ginny start going out with other available boys to mark time until Harry starts taking more notice and returns her feelings and becomes available. Ginny met Nymphadora Tonks in the summer of 1995 through the Order of the Phoenix, and she and Hermione immediately struck up a friendship with the young Auror. Remus Lupin was Ginny's Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during her second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Potter's Field is the name for a burial ground for the unknown or unclaimed dead, particularly soldiers and orphans; the Potter family had many members that fit that description. Ginny served detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest and was banned from all trips to Hogsmeade. Despite having to put up with her brother Bill's new fiancée, Fleur Delacour (whom she nicknamed "Phlegm" and strongly disliked), she had a good summer practising Quidditch and planning to try out for the House team as a Chaser. She was also an accomplished Quidditch player, playing Chaser and Seeker at different times for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. In real life, Daniel … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After the Second Wizarding War, Ginny became a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies. Ginny (by family & friends)Gin (by Harry Potter)[4] I think you get hints of that, because she does some pretty impressive stuff here and there". Ginny was also unable to look upon her husband when he disguised himself as Voldemort during the events of the Cursed Child. [8] By the start of October, the signs of the influence began to show on Ginny. In Year 4, she seems more concerned over Harry's faint in the Quidditch World Cup than anyone. The two eventually got along well, and Ginny even became a bridesmaid for her wedding. Ginny and Harry named her younger son after Dumbledore. Nothing could be done about George's missing ear, as it was cursed off by dark magic. Despite the majority of her brothers being keen Quidditch players, Ginny wasn't allowed to play with them when she was a child. If we were going to go for a literal translation, then Ronald Bilius Weasley in full … During that time Ginny took to mockingly referring to Fleur as "Phlegm," and complained about Fleur's tendency to patronise her. Red[6] Ginny claims that she also felt specific love from Harry since that day and that his love for her always made her feel stronger. Ginny also showed some wariness of Harry's ex-girlfriend, Cho Chang, when Cho wanted to take Harry to see Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, insisting Luna take him instead. When Harry passed her on his way to face Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest under the Invisibility cloak, she was comforting an injured girl. She was never caught, and it only came to light eight years later when Hermione revealed it to Fred and George. Ginny and Michael Corner met at the Yule Ball in 1994, and began dating at the end of the school year, she used the relationship as an attempt to "move on" from Harry Potter. Acting on a promise to Ginny, Neville sent word to her that Harry was at the school. Ginny clearly got over Dean soon after they broke up, as she began dating Harry soon after and admitted to him that she had never really given up on Harry. Ginny gives Harry his seventeenth birthday present. Molly got there first and after a fantastically vicious duel, Lestrange fell to the floor stone dead. Severus Snape, her former Potions and DADA teacher. After Dumbledore's death, Harry ends their relationship as he fears his love for Ginny would place her in danger. However, he did not realise the scope of his feelings for her until he and Ron ran into Ginny and Dean kissing. Ginny feared detention, but Slughorn was so impressed with the hex that he invited her to take lunch with him as part of a select group of students he hoped to cultivate and induct into his Slug Club. The two made Ginny's brother Ron and his wife Hermione the godparents to their eldest son, and Neville Longbottom the godfather to their second son. She was also partially responsible for bringing several of its Ravenclaw members into the fold, as her then-boyfriend Michael Corner brought his friends Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein with him to the first meeting. [15], Ginny standing up to Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter's defence, Growing up with six older brothers toughened her up. Because of his attitude, Ginny dumped him shortly after the match. They broke up shortly thereafter, as Harry realised that if they continued dating openly, Voldemort would seek to use her to get to him, as he had done previously. Lupin comforted Ginny after her first encounter with Dementors by giving her a piece of chocolate, and she likely believed, along with many other Hogwarts students, that he made an excellent teacher. Along with her brothers and Harry, she was instantly sent to 12 Grimmauld Place by a portkey to await news. She was of light skin, a very petite stature, and bright brown eyes like her mother. By this time all three of the couple's children were attending Hogwarts. [32] With links to the Welsh and Celtic history, Ginevra also means virgin. English She discovered Tom Riddle's diary in amongst her school things and began writing in it. Ginny did not care much for Fleur Delacour when she first arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the Triwizard Tournament in 1994. The war eventually ended for a time two months later, after Lord Voldemort's first defeat "at the hands" of Harry Potter on 31 October, 1981. On the day their Hogwarts letters arrived, she blushed a deep red and knocked over a porridge bowl with a loud clatter and put her elbow in the butter dish when Harry asked her if she was starting at Hogwarts. A 40 year old Harry's and a 39 year old Ginny's continuing love for one another. What is Ginny's real name? However, when Bill became permanently disfigured by Fenrir Greyback and Fleur indignantly defended her husband's bravery, Ginny began to recognise Fleur's admirable qualities. They then regrouped with Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge with a group of enraged centaurs. While most of her family went off to assist in the operation, which turned into a battle, Ginny stayed behind with her mother. Bonnie Francesca Wright (born 17 February 1991) is an English actress, director, and activist. She attended the Quidditch World Cup final on 25 August with the majority of her family, as well as Harry and Hermione. She had reasserted herself as a vibrant, witty, and independent young woman, rather than an awkward and shy little girl.
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