Some articles in Spanish, He came to Jesus the hard way (exciting! She was away from the land that flowed with milk and honey, and she was suffering in exile. that evolution is an undeniable 'fact'. "THE MOST PROMINENT WORK OF the Society of Jesus [our note: this is a reference to the Jesuits] IN THE UNITED STATES HAS UNDOUBTEDLY BEEN THAT OF HIGHER EDUCATION. These deceived people cannot even begin to reasonably explain the origins and purposes of the three great domains--heaven, earth, and sea and, as if sensing a dire lack, some adherents seek out what is called, the "Theory of Everything" (they are ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Glory be to his holy name for this! The Mother is drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus If we disobey him and walk contrary to his word (whether we be Jew or whether we be Gentile), we are under his wrath and punishment. Sometimes I do not want to forgive, I do not want to do the right thing--especially when someone has wronged me--but I tell the Lord that I am willing to do the right thing. The beast will have a false prophet that exercises the same power as he does. The palm of the hand is a well-protected place and that hand can fold into a fist if threatened! II John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. In the U.S., until recently, one could redeem the paper notes/legal tender/"ready money" for real money (we happened to come across a ten dollar bill from 1950 that clearly states on the bottom, "Will Pay to the Bearer on Demand Ten Dollars". (Mt 26:29, Lk 22:18) And as His glorified hands reach out (cf Rev 1:16-17-note) to give you the bread, you see on them the nail-pierced scars, those marks of indelible grace, marks of His eternal covenant (Heb 13:20-note). It is also most consolatory. Many know from personal experience that the enchantment stories inject a spirit that can call to one from years away--"SALT'S IDEAS OFTEN REACHED THE PUBLIC THROUGH HIS FRIENDS, RATHER THAN IN HIS OWN NAME. Get your children out of the school system and teach them yourself. --------------------------------------------- May he assure you that your name is graven on his hand; and whisper in your ear the promise, “Fear not, I am with thee.” Look upon him, the great Surety of the covenant, as faithful and true, and, therefore, bound and engaged to present you, the weakest of the family, with all the chosen race, before the throne of God; and in such a sweet contemplation you will drink the juice of the spiced wine of the Lord’s pomegranate, and taste the dainty fruits of Paradise. For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. Though this passage is addressed to Israel (Zion) as a nation, we Christians have a right to claim these promises for ourselves. THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear as the apple of thine eye, What does that mean? Let the name of Christ, and your memory of it, become vital to you . - (cf Jn 10:28-29, our times are in His hand - Ps 31:15) - I call this "having the situation well in hand." The truth is unbending, it is unyielding, it From violent and cruel to preaching the gospel. 324, 325) (Pulpit)Drawn from the ancient practice of burning or puncturing figures & other mementoes upon the hand, arm etc., then often rubbing henna, indigo, gun powder, or some other color substance. Here is the opposite of the normal practice. THE Kennedy INSTITUTE of Ethics ACTIVELY PROMOTES ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA*, which are contrary to the traditional Catholic belief in the sanctity of human life. Today, "tolerance" is ostensibly about peace, but it is actually about war. — Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm. Revelation 13:7). I was a culprit myself, but by God's grace, I got saved by the blood of Jesus. Get yourself an Authorized (King James) Version of 1611 of the holy Bible with all the thee's and thou's and with just PLAIN text NO COMMENTARIES AMONGST THE VERSES OR CROSS-REFERENCES and read it daily, it is your bread (begin at the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--and fall in love with the Master, Jesus), and obey it. --Charles Darwin, Life and Letters, 1887, Vol. He addressed her by the old familiar name. Reading "Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, faithfully translated from the Latin of an old genuine London copy, with an historical sketch &c. &c." (sketch by W.C. Brownlee, DD of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church (1857)) is like reading the depths of Satan. They meet in fancy church buildings and offer endless programs and activities to keep their members busy and entertained. Anyone who, with the word of God, challenges the validity of their belief system is criminalized e.g., labelled "intolerant"*. Despotic; absolute in power; having no external control [our note: no laws to stop him; no constitution to stop him; no voters to vote him out and stop him]; as, an arbitrary prince or government. 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, If you hearken to the truth, you will not believe lies and you will depart from them. Some people are HIDDEN DENIERS OF GOD, posing as Christians, and attempting to make magic pass as if it were the truth of God (probably so that people will not be scared to plunge into magic) while others are OPEN DENIERS OF GOD and open up their lips wide to make known their beliefs. Won't you come? In Matthew 24:20 the Lord's words reveal that the sabbath would still be observed at the end of time. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men...Jude 1:4, And they overcame him* by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. The profile (skyline) of the city was constantly in His thoughts. This is no time to be sleepy The ignorant church people are getting something similar--"panentheism" (God is in everything). But to man, who is but a worm; to the son of man who is but dust and ashes; to man who has rebelled, who has lost all claim upon God’s favour and deserves his hottest wrath—to man is this consolation given, “I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.”, Speak of the seven wonders of the world, why this is a wonder in the seventh heavens! The power is capitalizing on the plight of the long-oppressed. Let us not only remember Him at His table, but let us remember Him constantly. He also revealed that certain spiritual victories are only achieved through fasting and prayer (ref. He never can forget us. I have graven thy person, thine image, thy case, thy circumstances, thy sins, thy temptations, thy weaknesses, thy wants, thy works; I have graven thee, everything about thee, all that concerns thee; I have put thee altogether there. are pagan in origin (the website has a highly readable and disturbing series on tattoos). It is easy to see how the Catholic "doctrine" and the nazi "doctrine" could harmonise so well. 4. Be ware, dear one, be ware. Never in your darkest night of sorrow, never in your most wayward moment of personal doubt and wandering, never forgotten, and you never shall be. The early church was Jewish. MY HEART COULD ACHE FOR THAT PRIVILEGE, BUT THE LORD JESUS HAS TAUGHT ME THAT HE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. There is something here worthy of being studied. Although not all Americans have been Christians, American society has been ruled by certain beliefs based, in many instances, on the word of God, the Bible. Go here for an excellent download and more information. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands (Isaiah 49:15-16). 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We But it does not include the IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING PARAGRAPH where King James was LABORING to prove that he was NEVER ROMAN Catholic. Are we becoming worldly, restraining prayer, toying with temptation, looking at some forbidden fruit until it becomes pleasant in our eyes? We have been cut off from the body of our sins and our old desperately wicked way of living. I see Him with His right hand beckon me--“Come, ye blessed,” and He sees me in His hand; and on that side He says, “Depart, ye cursed,” but not to me, for He sees me in His hand, and cannot curse me. Note especially the lines "My name is graven on His hands, - Selah,, Play Arise, My Soul, Arise - up tempo version by Indelible Grace, ~ THE CHILDREN'S CORNER: Homeschooling, Bible stories, God's creatures. “Yet will I not forget thee. He cares. The Jesuits and public education...The following remarkable quote is taken from Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy, (one of his "favorite cousins" is a Jesuit, p. xvii, book not recommended). The Bible [book] of Revelation describes this amazing scene (Revelation 17-18). The Great Whore still rides the beast in all her monstrous glory! Look at the nail-print, that is his memorial, his forget-me-not, and by it he says to thee,—, “Forget thee I will not, I cannot, thy name. ", Sanhedrin 52b: "Adultery is not forbidden...with the wife of a Gentile, because Moses only forbids adultery with a "neighbor's wife", and Gentiles are not neighbors. “Nor let that ransomed sinner die!” to write about those ideas and publish them. God SPOKE and things came into existence. "Everything unavoidably Machiavellian." Thousands of American citizens are being killed everyday across the land via abortion. The Bible reveals that it is devils that are pushing people forward in these lies--the people that do not hearken to the word of God. [our note: when studying the inquisition, one comes across two big drawing cards used to get Roman Catholics to fight as "crusaders"--Drawing Card Number One (1): forgiveness of sins (Roman Catholics are not taught to simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. You live a holy, sanctified life lived simply and without much fanfare as you read your Authorized King James Bible and live in the simplicity that is found in Christ Jesus (ref. Not so the palms of God: every name is written, everyone is included. The information in the following table titled, "Human Body Composition" (below left) was taken from "Pocket Ref," (fourth edition, p. 416) compiled by Thomas J. Glover (source of the table: Geigy Scientific Tables, Ciba-Geigy Limited, Basle, Switzerland, 1984)-- ...all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. the blood of the saints. When a memorial is engraven on a man’s hand, then it is connected with the man’s life. “I have engraved you upon the palms of my hands.”. Wiersbe - There are times when you wonder if God really cares about you, but He assures you that you are not forgotten. heard the gospel message of how to be saved through faith but they SOON left the truth for ANOTHER gospel--do not do this, be ware. The theory was that they stood to the Pope as feudal vassals [servants] to a supreme lord; as such, the Pope claimed the right to enforce the duties due to him from his feudal subordinates through an ascending scale of penalties culminating in the absolution of the prince's subjects from the bonds of allegiance [our note: the infamous Roman Catholic recusancy], AND IN THE DISPOSITION OF THE SOVEREIGN HIMSELF. A report came out over decade later, in 1998. What are these marks but the marks of indelible grace, tangible manifestations of God's covenant cut with us on Calvary's Cross, covenant marks testifying today and throughout eternity "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you, so that we may confidently say, the Lord is my Helper, I will not be afraid. He calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. 46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. "Then the Bible, that serpent which with head erect and eyes flashing, threatens us with its venom while it trails along the ground, SHALL BE CHANGED into a rod AS SOON AS WE ARE ABLE TO SEIZE IT... for three centuries past this cruel asp has left us no repose. Sing whether you can sing or not. It is I myself! It is worse than a horror movie and totally consistent with the historical record of Romanism--a "religion" (actually an empire) that has tortured and murdered MILLIONS and PROHIBITED the reading of the Bible. The Pontiff declared that unless the Church rediscovered the contemplative tradition, renewal couldn't take place. . I John 4:4). He thinks of you at this moment as lovingly, as carefully, as from all eternity. You need the Old Testament and the New Testament. yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? 25 Behold, I have told you before. Embracing Eternity: Living Each Day with a Heart Toward Heaven. The case of Peter Brzica is undoubtedly one of the most incredible in this category. Read about the horrors of the Islamization of America and the rape epidemic perpetuated by Muslims in Europe. The fallen church paved the way for their widespread use and acceptance. b. Someone can put forth "hate" legislation and then that same someone can come up with what defines "hate." And hang upon Thy breast; Our Lord never learned letters (ref. the Roman Catholic Institution, with his own laws and decrees--canon law, encylicals, decretals, papal bulls, etc. He seems to say, “How can I have forgotten thee, when I have graven,” &c. Here follows the great marvel, that God should be faithful to such a faithless people, and that when He is provoked with their doubting, He nevertheless abideth true. with worldwide dominion over subjects that listen to him in countries all over the world; on continents and on islands Most people are packed into cities and suburbs like rats with rent, mortgages, property taxes, and grocery expenses (they do not know how to grow or forage for their own food)--they need money. Constable - Some servants inscribed the names of their masters on their hands in Isaiah's day, but masters did not write the names of their servants on their hands. )", "Catolicismo [Catholicism] is the central power of the Antichrist.". Making a change from the devilish way of living to following Jesus wherever he may lead you. It never was, never could be, and never will be the sabbath (this does not mean go to the Seventh Day Adventist cult). Isaiah 49:16. More forthcoming, if the Lord wills. *[What does the writer mean that the Jesuit college has become our entire social environment including the mind? Whatever does not work, don't linger on it. Contemplative Prayer: A Quick Road to Hell For a Disobedient Church.] ", Spiritual Deception [...] An In Depth Study Of: The Authorized King James Bible vs. All Other 'Modern Versions', Title page, [Our Notes], Preface, Table of Contents. Neither our merits, prayers, repentance, nor faith, can write our names there, for these in their goodness extend not unto God so as to write upon His hands. * * * The Roman Catholic Church, her Jesuits, and End Times Spirituality * * * Glory be to God! think, Christian, you are never forgotten of God! Jerusalem, the very Jerusalem that is in Palestine, shall be rebuilt. We haven't heard quotes like, America is a nation of servant-serfs and we are about to pay an even greater price than we already have for our carelessness and gullibility. The following excerpt reveals no remorse for the man whom the author labels a "heretic" (ibid, p. 365). Actually, the magic circle is about as much protection as a screen-door in a submarine. A monk? Thomas Brooks - He loves you with an everlasting love—Jer. We are reminded of that scene in the gospels when Jesus, after his resurrection, appeared to his frightened disciples, huddled together in the upper room, and said to them, "Behold, my hands and my feet and see that it is I," Luke 24:39). At this hour. The hundreds of modern Bible versions are unauthorized versions of the scriptures (there is only one Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible. NOBODY can trick us with false doctrines and teachings because God's word is written down in words in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible. Somebody rended us away from our natural propensity for self-preservation and self-protection and lured this nation into incessant whoredom. Amen! For God to forget us and/or abandon us, the scars inscribed in the palm of His hands would must needs disappear! "The Roman Catholic scholar Lord Acton wrote. Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are? Are we witnessing an attempted return to the Dark Ages? James of Winton also spoke of their "Adversaries" whose kingdom of late "hath been more shaken by a poor Monk (as in Martin Luther), than it hath been able to recover by the help of Mighty Monarchs." We are engraven upon His heart--this is to show His love; we are put upon His shoulders--this is to show that His strength is engaged for us; and also upon His hands, to show that the activity of our Lord will not be spared from us; He will work and show Himself strong for His people; He brings His omnipotent hands to effect our redemption. Hence WE MAY EXPECT TO FIND THAT TO OBTAIN POLITICAL POWER FORMS A MAIN FEATURE IN THE PLANS OF THE SOCIETY." Everything Jesuit, including Fascism, is unavoidably Machiavellian*." "Israel versus the Church" Some Ustashi specilized [sic] in dispatching their Orthodox prisoners in this manner. The Father hears Him pray, His dear anointed One; The Roman Catholic Church has demonstrated what it will do when it has the ability. He can ne'er forget. The taken out-of-context Workes quote was found in one of those collections, the Modern History Sourcebook. Also included in the book is information on a machine-like system, individual events piggy backing on their predecessors. The visible church has fallen away from the scriptures and many who call themselves Christians are actually unwitting agents of the spirit of antichrist as they teach their false doctrines to other people. They are mixing up bacteria DNA and plant DNA--and more. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. He led me out through his word. My name is written on His hands. . The devil is the god of this world (ref. There are many false teachers marching all over the earth and they can--and do--fool people. If you do this, read your Bible and obey it, God will strengthen you and guide you through this gauntlet. It was named after Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac who was one of the most famous Croatian patriots of the 20th century...". And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." From the beginning of the year even to the end of the year, the Lord’s eye is upon you, according to his precious word—“I, the Lord do keep it, I will water it every moment, lest any hurt it I will keep it night and day.” Your remembrance of God is intermittent; you thought of him this morning when you rose from your beds; you are trying to think of him now, and this evening again your thoughts will go up to him; these are only times and seasons of remembrance, but God never ceases to recollect you. The television is a killer slaying souls across the face of the earth. The two great weapons of mass destruction used against mankind today: television and the school system--, Suggested Dictionary--Webster's 1828 Dictionary (an old dictionary, not perfect, but far better than modern dictionaries which seemed to have been worsening at a quicker rate from about 1961), Seventh Day Adventistism is a cult that follows the teachings of false prophetess Ellen White. IT IS THE BLACK POPE (THE JESUIT GENERAL) AND THE JESUITS THAT ONE NEEDS TO LOOK AT AT THIS TIME. In his kingdom, you cannot just do what you feel like doing. The word of the LORD is right and all his works are done in truth (Psalm 33:4). 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Our Mission Article: Reality Check--There is no "Christianity" ("Christianity" is an artificial designation); true Christians belong to the kingdom of God--the kingdom of God cometh not with observation, but it is real and it is powerful Fail to build thy walls, My city, Sanctified parents, go retrieve your children from the school system and the playground and teach them and train them yourself at home. And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment. Is it not written, “It pleased the Father to bruise him; he hath put him to grief?” It is as if eternal strength, I say, leaned upon that graving-tool to write the memorial of his chosen people in the hands of Jesus. The Bible teaches that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God--ALL includes you and me. But here is somebody who always has us in everlasting remembrance. (ibid, p. 371; emphases ours), Stiffneckedness...A modern Roman Catholic author is still calling John Wycliffe and John Hus "heretics"--, John Hus was burned to death for his beliefs. It is time to get self-protection back and not let this enemy do to our children what it did to us (turn off the tv). Zion said, “The Lord hath forsaken me, and my God hath forgotten me.” How amazed the divine mind seems to be at this wicked unbelief of man! Oh, my God, my God, if thou hadst once forgotten me, where had I been? In the American church, we've replaced the anointing with Bible college. This makes for a fearful American population because nobody wants to be sued or be fired. Often, in our unbelief, remissness and forgetfulness, we lose sight of our preciousness in His sight in Christ. * * * The Roman Catholic Church, her Jesuits, and Modern Unauthorized Bible Versions * * * America has been tempted and paralyzed with charms and sins. (emphases ours) [this influence is described in Revelation 17:18, And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth]--, See, "Their [Vatican and its Jesuits] help was the main force behind the lightning rise of Hitler...". Why are you examining this? If any man contradict the Bible--whether he be a Jew or a Gentile (a non-Jew), it is because there is no light in him (Isaiah 8:20). Evolutionism is NOT observable, testable, or repeatable. she is drunken with the blood of the saints, Eye-opening commentary on the Talmud and tradition by a saved Jewish brother--HORRENDOUS. We serve the Lord by working, organizing our homes, enjoying our children as we work with them on useful projects (food, clothing, shelter, water, fire, health), etc. As I recall, I first heard of Kundalini awakening through an email we received in 2003. He saw it and experienced it firsthand (witness the Roman Catholic Jesuit-involved Gunpowder Plot still remembered November 5 on Guy Fawkes day (Fawkes was one of the Roman Catholic conspirators). The visible church is being led to commit the sin that hath never forgiveness. J.B. Phillips: Paraphraser, Blasphemer, Heretic, The New King James Version: A Deadly Translation, Rupert Murdoch, Papal Knight, The hands, of course, are constantly in union with the body. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. ", "In 1940 Archbishop Stepinac had told the Regent Prince Paul of Yugoslavia: 'The most ideal thing would be for the SERBS TO RETURN to the faith of their fathers, that is, TO BOW THE HEAD BEFORE Christ's representative, the Holy Father [this is a title which ONLY belongs to God (John 17:11) but Catholics use it in referring to THE POPE]....', " his encyclical "Rome and the Eastern Churches"... Pacelli prayed for the removal of "the age-old obstacles" between the Eastern and the Roman Churches, as the "day dawns at last when there shall be one flock in one fold, ALL OBEDIENT with one mind to Jesus Christ and TO HIS VICAR [THE POPE claims to be the vicar/substitute of Christ] on earth. Have you ever wondered if God has forgotten or abandoned you? "For Pacelli ecumenism had only one meaning: that the SEPARATED Christian brethren would see the error of their ways and RETURN TO full UNION WITH THE POPE and Rome. There are many heresies that Catholics are taught to believe but if they will only decide that the word of God is true, they can come out of these deceptions in an instant. 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. The love of money is the root of all evil. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. The Roman Catholic "Church" takes away “I have written your name on my hand,” he declares (Isa. Although mothers may forget, I will not forget you. The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears. for any project. Yes, they are. Nobody can explain exactly how this supposedly happened and the evolutionists debate it among themselves and do things like draw fairy pictures of whimsical fake animals that are supposedly transitional forms and call those cartoon pictures proof of evolution. So I went to a healer. ", Back to Antichrist in our Midst chapter 12...Herein the author establishes that Roman Catholic decrees against the Jewish people began to be promulgated many centuries before Hitler's Germany. Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - Commentary - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible – Isaiah II. It establishes that Adolf Hitler was Catholic (page 315). It is a gold mine; there are nuggets upon the surface, but there is richer gold for the man who can dig deep. The Roman Catholic institution says that our precious Lord Jesus is turned into a little cracker (the eucharist) when the priest speaks certain words at the "mass". THE PALMS OF HIS HANDS! Instead of imitating Israel and forgetting God’s blessings and ignoring his counsel (Ps. The excerpt seems to perfectly describe the historic the church and state tango dance--. It was at this time period when Roman Catholics like Luther, independently, in different places, began to awake to the truth of the scriptures*. The tenderest part shall be made the place of the inscription; that to which He is most likely to look, that which His fingers of wisdom enclose, that by which He works His mighty wonders, shall be the unceasing remembrance, pledging Him never to forget His chosen.
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