Thank you that your love has covered my sin. I really need some help to cope with this. Disappear from my life and never come back again in Jesus name. I need her back pray for me. She feels nothing, my attitude and my way of being pushed her away from me. The reason i talk more now is she is moving out of the house we rent and im moving back in. May your grace bring restoration. Dear Lord I ask you just this one thing, please send her back to me soon dear Lord, please. I know she loves me but I dont know how to show her I love her. In your mighty name, Amen. ... 10 Marriage Prayers for the Christian Wife. Read More » Healthy Relationship Prayer Generous Father, thank you that you know me and you love me. Father, please forgive me for my transgressions and sins against you. Short prayer for my husband to love me. My daughter’s life is now in Your mighty hands. DAY TWO: PRAYERS FOR MY HUSBAND TO COME BACK. When prayer makes cheating husband come back, it comes with instructions for the praying wife on what next to do. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. The page features four inspiring prayers for husbands to pray for their wives. I'm learning again to put God first and my daughter and me pray every day. How Prayer Makes Cheating Husband Come Back. In friendships that have broken down, I pray that you would help me love. My wife decide to divorce me and we are separated since late March 2011. I do pray every night to the Great Spirit to help her to find in her heart to give me one more chance. She left 3 months ago and says she is not comming back. Hear her when she cries out in prayer. Personally, I don't want to be the blubbering wreck who begged her day after day not to go, it just drives them away.Next time I see my lady I will be upright, confident and strong. Lord Jesus, let my husband see the need to come back to me, in Jesus name. How Do I Get My Wife To Come Back Home: How To Soften My Wife's Hardened Heart. Please pray for me there isnt much I can say, everyone else has already said it. I want to give her all. please God. Transformation Prayer Compassionate Father, thank you that you know my every need. #3: I pray to God that wherever my husband is at this point, may he clear every obstacle on his way and may he protect him till he gets home. My wife went to stay with her daughter and want come home. In Jesus’ name I ask you to return my loved one to me. But if you are looking for a faint-hearted or timid fix then this is definitely not for you. Menu. By the Blood of Jesus, cleanse me of all my mistakes, rebellion and sins. Please keep my wife safe in your care. i ask for continued prayers for me as well. Help me to see your truth and to understand my relationship. Please work in our hearts, our minds and our spirits that we might rediscover our love for each other. So from there I took the hardest decision to separate from him. I am a Traditional Herbalist from South Africa, and a Spiritual Healer, who delivers on what he promises also helps you to over come the daily challenges that you face. lord Please heal and restore our marriage. Her sister, brother in law and brother helped her move and while I just watched helplessly. Come rekindle that which has been lost and ignite new passion and admiration between us. Prayer to get ex back VI. I miss my Wife and I would like us to get back together I'm really sorry Lord for breaking hurt heart please forgive me.. my wife has left me for another man and i pray every night that the lord will for give my sins and help her open her eyes and bring her back to me i no its not all her fault what happened and im just as much to blame but she has gone cold for me telling all kind of lies and doing every thing she can to hurt me i wish nothing but the best for her life is so empty now eith out her she is in my soul i pray dear god help me find a way back into her heart right no wim trying to be like the man i was ment to be please god help me and pleas preay for me. But my way of being was so cold. Help me to work for the restoration of relationships that are broken down. “Father, I praise and give you glory because you honored me and gave me a … Let me be a vessel filled to overflowing with your love. Healthy relationships are possible because of your love and grace. He told me that it was all over with that woman I turned the page tried to make my marriage work 2 months ago I saw messages on his phone again where they were back in contact with each other. I have found out things are not working out for him where he is. I am asking you to enter into my life and give me the love I have been missing, dear Lord. I am in the same situation but with no children. I left and went to a neibouring country where the job i was doing was not all that good that i could hardly support my family but good enough my wife was working and could be able to suppor t the family. Angel of the living God, go and speak to my husband on my behalf, in the name of Jesus. To you be glory and honor forever and ever. Seek God’s guidance in understanding your ex’s needs for unconditional love, encouragement, companionship, and intimacy. The lord has told me in prayers that he would return her back home, but he had to do work in her life. Thanks It is this listening and doing that brings him home to stay. It's been a month and I pray everyday she's touched by God and her heart is softened. Where there is conflict, please bring gentleness. You gave us life, and You also give us the gift of infinite joy. Give me faith in your power to restore any relationship. It will be fun in the years to come to look back and be reminded of answered prayers and God’s faithfulness. Friends I need your help and prayers. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. I pray she comes back to you. by Jitendra Bring peace in all my relationships Lord. Be inviting. I am asking the Lord through all who read this to restore my wifes heart to see to it my wife beleives in me and allows God to work through me in Loving her. I lift up my relationship before you today Lord and ask you to bring restoration and healing. I wanted to ask her to marry me on her 50th birthday but me being me wanted a big show and grand proposal. I have loved him more than 4yrs patiently waiting for him to love me back. My name is Robert Slim i was in the US army and went to Liberia leaving my wife and two kids for 8 months when i returned my wife told me she was no longer interested in the marriage that if she could survive for 8 months without me the marriage is meaningless. Thank u Lord. I am a virgin. I tried to apologize but she don't want to listen to anything and her parents are also supporting it,my Parents and i are very upset about this as everybody in my family and relatives are waiting to see this marriage as it has been told to everyone. I have asked her to stay and work on US. Earnest Love Prayer Mighty God, thank you that your word enlightens my eyes, purifies my soul and preserves me for eternal life. Prayer for Special Intention-come lord, and fill me your holy presence. Click now to get a whole book of prayers for getting back together! You are the God of reconciliation, please help me to trust in your restoring power. My wife of 20 yrs moved out 4 months ago. Please protect me from bitterness in a difficult relationship. My wife left me three weeks ago.she said that my walk with the lord was not strong enough. You have been there for me in all these dark times and i am looking for your help again. Pray for healing of past heartache, pray to be made ready for a true and healthy love, and pray for the soul mate who is meant to be by your side in life. I have really high hopes. I love them so and would do anything to be back with them.Sometimes people go through bad tomes in there life, we are all human. Both myself, my wife, and all of our family members are now standing before You and asking that You take this assignment up and move to bring my daughter back home as quickly as You deem possible. Help him/her to come back to me a changed and transformed man/woman. My wife told me i wasn't the man she married and that she thought we got married to get rid of problems. 9. Jun 07, 2015. We have a beautiful 2 year old son. Father, touch my husband and soften his heart, and re-awake my love in his subconscious mind, in the name of Jesus. I also started counciling. These prayers for healing are offered to help support and assist you in your daily prayer and meditation. let me feel your protection. May you never be find wanting my sweetest husband. With His love will come security. I ask God to remind my wife of all the good times and happy memories we made together. Please protect me from bitterness in a difficult relationship. I just want my family that god gave me back. I miss her so much. In the same manner, I forgive my husband for every misbehavior or sins against me or our marriage. my wife has left me for another man and i pray every night that the lord will for give my sins and help her open her eyes and bring her back to me i no its not all her fault what happened and im just as much to blame but she has gone cold for me telling all kind of lies and doing every thing she can to hurt me i wish nothing but the best for her life is so empty now eith out her she is in my soul i pray dear god help me find a way back into her heart right no wim trying to be like the … Shower her with good gifts as she gives out to others. Having a bad break up can leave you feeling hurt and broken. Third, create safety. Hi, my husband left October 25,2020 and it’s now Jan 31, 2021 and he’s still not back he also said he didn’t love me anymore and that he wasn’t coming back! Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 68 of the eBook, ‘Deliverance Prayers That Win Back The Cheating Husband’. I husrt so bad inside knowing that she is gone. We broke up, it was hard, but, I thank God that I was true to my faith. I belived everything was ok but, she does not open up to me to let me know what is wrong and so our marriage suffers. Sample prayers to get ex back. When others have sinned against me, help me to forgive just as I have been forgiven by you. She decided to leave me and told me its over. Empathy. My husband left our son and me back in November 2017 for another woman. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight. We know that our very good Father always hears us. I did'nt think she would go further as in looking for another man to comfort her. Use these prayers to petition for true love. And we have 4 wonderful girls togeather. In Jesus name, amen. My prayer is for my husband to love me once again. May your grace bring restoration. We can not be capeable of loving others until we understand and love ourselves first. In the last couple of months I have been seperated from my wife and daughter, I was having a hard time mentally and now am me again except I am not home with them. Amen. He is making poor decisions and wandering farther away from you each day. GOD says what ever he puts together let no man take a part. I ask of you to put a brick wall over her hate. I think that she needs you right now. i know in my heart that if she just gave it a chance it we could work it out. Let us pray … I pray from the time i get up to the time i do get to sleep. Amen. My wife said that she loves me but not in love with me. The time was never right. Hear my prayer for the restoration of my relationships. Thank you god AMEN Comments for Prayer Request - I Want my Wife Back. May I work for the peace and restoration of relationships that have become difficult. Pray for a softened heart, receptive to hearing from your mate and God. I pray to you lord open up her heart and eyes and let her see this changed man. She has left my daughter and me and filed for divorce. Pray for help seeing your relationship from your ex’s perspective. I pray that Jesus finds a way into your heart. You are a loving god and you will give me the guidance i need and for her too to come back to me. you know what i am .please show her the truth, that you have changed me. I realized that little details go along way and mean so much to her. I pray you will send light back into my life and fill my void. Space, space, space, time to heal for both of you is hard but you must be patient. But she does not believe me and wants not to try again.....i pray that she opens her heart enough to see my changes but, if shes not around I cant show her, I love her soo much....i will continue to pray for her return! My wife made me leave our house in Aug 23. In relationships that are in conflict, would you help me to pray. Where I am lacking, fill me. she became very sad and upset about my behavior and out of the anger & stubbornness she decided she don't want to continue for this marriage. To get these prayers that make your cheating husband stop, search your Bible meticulously or look them up from the eBook Deliverance Prayers That Win Back The Cheating Husband. Father, I promise that as a virtuous wife, I will do good to him and not evil, even though he has cheated and has been unfaithful to me. I have two daughters and a son on the way. Please work in our hearts, our minds and our spirits that we might rediscover our love for each other. Short Prayer for My Wife. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Pliz pray with me, God Pliz let this guy that I love see the wife in me. please god ive learned from my mistakes, ive taken steps to becoming a better man , and understanding her needs as well. I don't want to lose her. I I still love him at the bottom of my heart. My wife and I were married for 13 years and 4 days after our anniversary she said she wanted a divorce. Amen. Restoration and Healing Prayer Loving Father, thank you that your word is powerful and effective, living and active. dear lord, if time heals wound let time fly. May you, the God of all grace, who has called me into eternal glory by Christ Jesus, make me holy, strong and filled with peace. So help me, O Lord! Praying for your wife each day is essential. She agreed to stay until my recovery but because I made it all so intense and desperation set in she could take no more and left me to stay with her sister taking all that she owned. Our marriage is threatened by lust, adultery, separation and divorce. Will my ex girlfriend come back: Here are some signs that she will… Getting an ex to want you back will require time and patience, and the most important thing to do is to work on yourself. Father I ask you to shut doors in Veronica's life when she … Prayer for my wife. A coffee on neutral ground just for half an hour, then build on it. Father I for my wife salvation. Ever since I saw the light and I know what I need to do: I am seeking counseling to better my myself as a father, person and husband to get rid of my demons, Oh Lord hear from prayer and request that she finds it in her heart and eyes that I am working hard to pursue what she ask of me. May 11, 2011: want my wife to give me a chace by: gerald arsenaulr Wife left me.said she love but was not happy.I found god now I pray she will find it in her hart to give me a chance.she is my soul mate.havnt eat much nor in alma ga .pray for me that god will open her hart an let me in .an forgive me as a husband.she want talk to number is 9122539720 .pray for me to give me … He does not have Covid. Short prayer for my husband to love me. Prayers are done to the almighty God and peace for you and your family is asked for in those prayers. I trust God with my life, and with my future wife. Use these prayers to petition for true love. There is a morning prayer for her protection and care, and a prayer for when you sense that your relationship with your wife might be in difficulty. Please help me pray for my wife, she has left me because of 5 years of marriage she believes that it has gone no where and that she has never been happy, she says that she has had enough and no more wasting time for us! You are the God of endurance and encouragement. Media. Please pray for me to be able to go back home to Julia(my wife) and Mina (my daughter). Father of all, by whose grace we live and love, strengthen my heart. And even tho the way things are right now I would still take her back in a heartbeat. With that being said, the best thing we can do right now is pray. Holy Spirit, refresh the covenant vows of this holy matrimony in his heart. She sees my change and it saddens her. God Please help me as I know she was hurt in the past, I know I hurt her and damaged the trust between us. July 26, 2018 August 23, 2018 admin Bring My Love Back To Me Prayer, Prayer To Bring Him Back To Me, Prayer To Bring My Husband Back Prayer To Bring Him Back To Me . She is seeking a separation. ... Heavenly Father, I come to you if your will please, please bring my girl back its been almost two years since she left me, I know she want to come back but shame of her sin, yes I've forgave her now God, I'm asking you to touch her and bring her in the of Jesus bring her home Amen. His is living with another mans wife . Bring kindness to the harsh words. My Name is Kishyne Sanders , husband Darnell Sanders . I truly am in love with my wife. Prayer for my ex-wife to come back to me Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, I ask for you to please restore me and my ex-wife. we had a good marrage we just had lots of life stuff happen and the comunication stopped. Lord please help my marriage. I am a man, a mans man, a German American man, I am 29 years old, blonde blu-eyed, stout good looking guy. I am trying to do everything that I can and say to get her to come home but she wont. Through your blood, you have brought reconciliation between mankind and God, and you have given us the same ministry of reconciliation. I pray to you that you heal her mind and spirit and let her realize what she is doing and what she needs to do.
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