St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church was established in 1861 in Fort Atkinson, WI. November 20, 2016. Her description as one who has found favor with God (kecharitomene, v. 30) makes it clear that God has acted on her behalf and not because of her. Mary is now thrust into the amazing power of God. The temptation to quit is huge. Are all the comforts and material things we enjoy so much really a blessing from God? Rest assured Mary, God is able to accomplish these miraculous births, since “nothing is impossible with God.” God is the God for whom nothing is impossible. Hannah was also waiting for a child for many years and finally Samuel was born. Mary’s response was quite different. Vs. 20 - my words will come true                   37 - nothing is impossible with God. These words kept ringing in his ears: "It is impossible for such fallen people to be renewed." About St. Paul's Lutheran Church & School. She knew how babies were made and she knew that it was not possible for her to have a baby because she had not yet been with her husband. Powered by Restream stream of Full Gospel Temple's Sunday morning worship serviceSunday February 14th, 2021CCLI License # 438839 [32] He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. Oh that we would see and celebrate the amazing things God does! Pastor Matthew Vik. He's God. Todd A. Linn, PhD. One thing it does is show how God was in the midst of both events bringing about his will. What can you think of that is impossible? And the virgin’s name was Mary. You may be in the impossible stage this morning. Is there a concern you have that from a human standpoint there seems to not relief and not answer? Jesus was considered an illegitimate child and Mary an adulterer. God made an impossible promise to Mary, and then reminded her that nothing is impossible with God. As we are in the time of Christmas celebration, I invite you to see the God for whom nothing is impossible. I am so thankful that the angel did not throw Zechariah out at that point, but continued with his plan. And if God wanted me to run 100 mph, I would be getting ready for the Olympics. Activity A – Nothing is Impossible – Bible Verse Challenge Supplies – Bibles Verse – Luke 1:37 May these verses inspire you to have courage and strength. Jesus used a version of this saying. As we go back to the stories of Luke 1 we see several responses. Mary was highly favored and yet remained very poor in the world’s standards. I find it hard to say yes to this, but in my heart, I want to be willing to see God at work, even if it is through difficulty. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. She feared God more than she feared man. She rejoiced and celebrated God for the impossible thing that he would do. God has the final word. Zechariah responded with doubt. … With God Nothing Is Impossible. What are the impossible things that God is doing today? It is an impossible situation and we need God to break into this world to redeem it from the destructive path it is on. After all, God still does the impossible work of changing lives everyday. They are woven together throughout the text. Henderson’s First Baptist Church, Henderson KY (3-14-10) (AM) Take your Bibles and join me in Luke’s Gospel, chapter 1. Luke 1:35-37 is all about the miracle of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, that is next week’s message, so I won’t dwell too much on it, other than to say clearly the caption in how to respond to God’s unbelievable impossible miracle is to be amazed. Anything. Gabriel says his usual opening line, Do not be afraid. It is interesting that Zechariah and Elizabeth were blameless - law- abiding, but did not believe. In the bible it says "Nothing is impossible for God" (Luke 1.37) Honestly nothing is impossible for God to do. But I would like to focus on one lesson which is found in the midst of both of these birth stories and which teaches us something about what God is like and how He acts. When He returns, He will continue His rule. He will never forsake you, so you can rest in His care and stop striving. If God wanted you to sprout feathers, you would. The world was tail spinning out of control in sin and had not heard from God for a while. Nothing is Impossible With God (Luke 1:26-38) Del Ray Baptist Sermons • By Del Ray Baptist Church • Nov 27, 2016. But it’s in the differences that the reality of the superiority of Christ is shown. This may challenge out engrained thinking about the stuff we have. Watch; Listen; Save as; 5th Sunday of Lent. I am reminded of the little boy who wanted a bike for Christmas so badly that he decided to write a … 2. What are the impossible things that God wants to do in our life today? We can trust the Messiah to save us from the penalty of our sin by his death on the cross. He starts with the impossible and then turns it into reality. She had no resources, she could see no possibility of resources and only God could supply their needs. It is perfectly within God’s power to make those things possible, but there is nothing in Scripture that indicates it is God’s desire to make them possible. That sermon had shut out his last ray of hope. God has spoken to sinful humans. The angel tells her that God will fulfill his promise to redeem the world through her! I hope it will be a blessing to you as we begin now at Christmas with the birth stories of Jesus, spend the winter looking at the life and teachings of Jesus and then conclude the study at Easter with the stories of His death and resurrection. Obviously, we know that the earth moves, not the sun. My job is to encourage people to trust in God in the midst of difficult situations. Gabriel shares with Mary that Elizabeth, her aging and long-barren relative, has conceived and is in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Posted on October 26, 2010 Her faith is extraordinary. St. Paul's Lutheran Church & School March 29, 2020 Sermons. Don’t. This could only take place because, as St. Gabriel the Archangel said, “nothing is impossible with God… In March of 1997 he was once again put in prison. She is favored of God (v. 30), thoughtful (v. 29; 2:19, 51), obedient (v. 38), believing (v. 45), worshipful (v. 46) and a faithful follower of God’s law (2:22-51; Craddock 1990:27-28). Discipleship More Than Good Religion. Nothing is Impossible with God Luke 1:26-38 Pastor Ernie Jeong 12/20/2020 Series: Season of Advent. Mary had much the same reaction as did Zechariah when the angel appeared to him. [30] And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. [28] And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!”  [29] But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. For nothing is impossible with God.” Some ask that, if "nothing is impossible with God," does that mean I can run faster than a car or leap a tall building in a single bound? Are there times in our lives when we don’t fully see or understand what God is doing? The final response of both Mary and Zechariah was praise. In this crusade classic from Anaheim, Pastor Benny teaches that nothing is impossible with of the power of God and the responsibility we have to follow His command. The coming Messiah was the answer to a long awaited promise of salvation and deliverance, and though she didn’t know exactly how God would accomplish the birth of her baby, she trusted that would do what he said he’d do. HE COULD MAKE WATERMELON GROW ON CORN STALK. 32:17 God’s Creation - When Jeremiah considers the work of God hands, he understands that he is serving a God with Whom nothing shall be impossible. Because if God if wants it that way, God will make it that way. They speak to me in a great way. Oh that we would respond with wonder and curiosity at the amazing work of God! Money? She praised God. The Doing Problem. There are amazing similarities between the two stories. 20 - because you did not believe        38 - “I am the Lord’s servant.”. By making this claim, the angel is telling Mary that Jesus will be God’s own Son brought about by a miraculous God wrought conception. His mother was desperate and, recalling her Christian upbringing which she had forgotten, she cried out to God. [32] He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. So the offspring from Mary will be holy, God’s Son. BUT AS LONG AS HIS LAWS ARE IN EFFECT, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. God promised David an eternal throne and everlasting kingdom, and nothing can change this promise, for what is impossible with man is possible with God. We can trust him to save us from the … Before we begin, I want to declare with all conviction that I as your pastor and all the elders believe whole heartedly in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. The incarnation is the result of Jesus being born of a human mother and the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us that with God, nothing is impossible: "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27). Because NOTHING is impossible with God. It must be emphasized, however, that despite all these qualities, God’s choice of Mary to bear this child springs from his grace, not from any inherent merit that she possesses. Benny Hinn (November-06-2020) Watch Short Sermon: Nothing Is Impossible With God. More Instagraphics here. Facing The Impossible I Kings 17:8-16, 17-24 Luke 7:11-17 Galatians 1:11-24 An Impossible Mission Have you ever faced a situation you thought was impossible? His ministry continued for many years and more than once he spent time in prison. He can commit no sinful act, for He is completely holy, and sinning is not in His character. The text says, “both were well along in years.” I hate to admit it, but it is likely that he was about my age. The message of the angel, Gabriel, to Zechariah, in verse 20, are “my words…will come true at their proper time.” And the words of the same angel, Gabriel, to Mary, in verse 37, were, “For nothing is impossible with God.”. Every time he had to go to the washroom another prisoner had to carry him. So once again, the message is this: Do not expect the impossible. God did the impossible - an older barren woman and a young virgin gave birth to sons. I invite you to believe in Him for the impossible things He wants to do in your life as you serve Him. Do we have confidence in the God who does the impossible? When facing the impossible God might have another idea. The angel said to Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” Then Mary said, “Here I am the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your Word.” GRACE TO YOU AND PEACE FROM GOD OUR FATHER AND THE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, AMEN. The reason for this is that Luke is making an accurate account of what happened in the life of Jesus and the Old Testament principle that everything must be attested by the mouth of two or three witnesses reinforces the truths about Jesus that he is writing to Theophilus. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,  [27] to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. (Another Tweetable!) This was the way in which Jesus would make His first entrance into the world. How do we respond to the God for whom nothing is impossible? “Nothing is Impossible with God” (Luke 1:26-38) Series: Certainty in Uncertain Times. The God of the impossible was also at work when Yun began to proclaim the gospel at age 16 and thousands of people came to Christ. The Announcement About Jesus (1:29-38), [31] And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. Then in Luke 2, we read about the birth of a son to Mary and Joseph - in her virginity. Even though assured by the angel, he did not think it would happen. Nothing is impossible with God. We don’t know the age of Mary but probably she was barely a teenager. “Man’s inability is always superseded by God’s natural ability.”. Feast Of The Annunciation 2017 The Son of God became a Man at the Annunciation and so began His priesthood as the mediator between God and men. That is consistent with his nature and perfections, with his counsels, purposes, and promises: every thing that he has said, purposed, or promised, he is able to do, and will; every word that he has spoken, every thing predicted by his prophets, or declared by his angels, and particularly this of a virgin's conceiving and bearing a Son: so that … Mark 10:27: “With men it is impossible, but not with God.” Luke 1:37: “With God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 18:27: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Hebrews 6:18 tells us it is impossible for God to lie, and Hebrews 11:6 adds that without faith it is impossible for us to please Him. He is the exact duplicate of the nature of God. Standalone Sermons. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Through this incident, Yun turned his life over to God and God began to work in an amazing way through this uneducated young believer. God’s Word to His people is nothing is impossible wit God. For that which seems impossible for man is possible with God. He has taken Mary from one who receives grace to one who is a dispenser of grace. John and Jesus were connected in that they are the two primary figures connected with God breaking into this world to redeem it. I. And so we have a dialogue of hope, pregnant with our own experiences, our own story. Dear friends in Christ, grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Check out this sermon series and bible study as we dig deeper into the Sacrament of Holy Communion. God provided for them. His song of praise celebrates the impossible thing God has done in bringing salvation. Both were results of God intervening, Elizabeth would become pregnant in her old age but Mary would become pregnant an she knew not a man. How are you this morning? We want not to hear a sermon about how nothing is impossible with God, we want to witness a manifestation that nothing is impossible for God. Yet this story is about God doing the impossible. God has made a way for sinful, broken people to find redemption and a way to life through Jesus Christ. She is six months pregnant! This morning I would like to invite you to look at the two birth stories found in Luke 1. With God, nothing is impossible; and in Christ, all things necessary for your salvation have already been accomplished. There are wars and famines and evil people all around. When you set aside your doubts and call on the name of the LORD, you can face the waters of your circumstances with a strong confidence, knowing that God is able and willing to do great things in and through you. Now, as he walked through the church doors, he felt doomed to eternal damnation. [37] For nothing will be impossible with God. We also realize the technically it was a virgin conception. She is a model believer, taking God at his word, in contrast to Zechariah (vv. At the same time, Our Lady became the Mother of God. She had been promised in marriage, but had not yet consummated her marriage. "For nothing is impossible with God." What should our response be? I will trust what I know to be true of God even though I’m not sure what He’s up to. It is likely that she was between 13 and 18 years old. Feast Of The Annunciation 2017 The Son of God became a Man at the Annunciation and so began His priesthood as the mediator between God and men. in 2017 , Chris Audino , Christmas/Advent , Holiday , Luke , Sermon / by Christ Restoration Church It’s very timely message. She cried out to the God whom she trusted and whom she believed was able to meet their needs. When God Almighty steps in miracles happen, the power of God is revealed, lives are changed, and God receives the Glory. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named... 2. (v. 37) Good morning, boys and girls! She did not ask for or seek this role in God’s plans; God has simply stepped into her life and brought her into his service. Through the birth of John and Jesus and the work of Jesus on the cross and in resurrection, the most impossible and the greatest thing ever has been accomplished by the God of the impossible. We have looked at the two birth stories. Another amazing piece of this is that the average age of betrothal in Israel in these days was 12-12 ½ years old. Amen. Would we be willing to sacrifice our reputation to do God’s will? You may be going through the darkest hour of your life, but just remember, nothing is impossible with God. Mary saw God do amazing things in her by giving her a son, but that did not make her life easy. Wow….what a wonderful eye-opener. These stories of some of the main figures in God’s salvation history all have in common that God acted in a powerful way to demonstrate that He is the God of the impossible. He was to be not only a son of God, but the Son of God, related to the Eternal Father as no other … 14-17 - a description of his life                       32,33 - a description of his life. I do not think that a birth was impossible in the sense of Abraham and Sarah who were past child bearing years. I’m sure Abraham may have wondered about circumcision because God didn’t explain himself at all. ‹ Previous; Next › David Murray. Pastor Yun of whom I spoke a few moments ago, spent many years in prison, was always under pressure, often tortured and experienced great difficulty, but saw the God of the impossible do amazing things to bring about his kingdom. Alleluia!” In the name of Jesus, our dear brother and Savior. Messages in this Series. Nothing is Impossible with God. Like Mary, the Word of God, the Christ, lives in us! all things are possible with GOD. all things are possible with GOD. Luke is doing his comparing or what we called last week, parallelism again. Nothing Is Impossible With God. In fact, Mary is totally perplexed by the sudden announcement. However, God created the world (Genesis 1) so naturally, He has control over it to let the sun stand still for Joshua to obtain the victory. In the midst of these, we see more of the impossible work God accomplished. God's Unfailing Love. Jesus’ birth took place as do all births. - Christian Motivation. Are we expecting God to work in our church to bring us to a deeper love for Him and for each other? Jesus was the descendant of David and His kingdom will last forever. bring back many in Israel                                - kingdom will never end. “nothing is impossible with God.” Two words meant to go together: Christmas and Miracle. His legs were smashed with a sledge hammer and he was put in solitary confinement. It is impossible for there to be more than 24 hours in a day. The way in which God did it - through death and resurrection - is another of the amazing, “impossible” things God has done. Sermon: Nothing is Impossible with God (Luke 1:26-38). by Brian Evans, We have before us today, the announcement of the most wonderful event that ever happened in the world—the incarnation and birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. For with God nothing shall be impossible. This is the nature of God - He is the God for whom nothing is impossible and He is still the God for whom nothing is impossible. In 1974, at the age of 16, Yun’s father was very ill - in fact, they were expecting him to die. The angel means He will be called the Son of God because He is the Son of God. From ancient Jewish customs, we understand that a betrothal was essentially a binding engagement. His creation declares Him to be The God Of The Impossible. The birth of our Savior is an incredible thing, but nothing is impossible with God. •• Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish. When man’s hands are tied it doesn’t mean that Gods hands are tied. The way in which Jesus was conceived was that the Holy Spirit shall come upon or engulf you. One in which there seemed no way out, no solution,… November 30, 2020 David Murray Sermon notes on Luke 1:37. What can God do? each reference to a different OT character - John to Elijah, Jesus to David. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” We look to the God for whom nothing is impossible. Are you carrying a burden that seems insurmountable today? Yun’s father recovered from his terminal illness. You say, God would never ask me to do something that would put my reputation in jeopardy…think about what this meant for Mary. That’s a correct rendering. Discipleship More Than Good Religion. When we look at the world in which we live, we see a world that is headed for destruction. I find this quite fascinating, but what is the point of it? Next we must understand that there was no intimate act between God and Mary. The baby was God. No so with our Heavenly Father. The portrait Luke paints of Mary is significant. Nothing is impossible with God. Lord, we pray that blind eyes might see, deaf ears might be unplugged, hard hearts might be melted by Your grace and by Your power. Nothing is impossible for God. Faith and obedience by the power of God is not impossible! Zechariah could not put his head around this concept. Gabriel states the bottom line with all this…. 18 - “How can this be?”                                  34 - “How will this be?”, 19 - angel’s response. As we read this portion, our minds go back in time to the portion of Scripture that was the announcement of this. One in which there seemed no way out, no solution,… When I list it like that, it all seems a little impossible. But here, it’s clear that they can and often times do go together. There is nothing too difficult for the Lord. It begins in the home of a young girl named Mary who lived almost 2,000 years ago in the Town of Nazareth in the province of Galilee, and it culminates with the visit of the Magi and the subsequent flight into more In other words, once the contract was signed by the parties it could not be broken except by a divorce. I have experienced it several times - not to the same intensity as my grandmother, but I do recall crying out to God because there was no other hope. As Zechariah and Mary are told that they will have a son, both of them are amazed at this news. [1] sermon 3 December 2017 She recognized that God performs mighty deeds with his arm. The events described in Scripture regarding the birth of Christ actually happened. For nothing is impossible with God.” Some ask that, if "nothing is impossible with God," does that mean I can run faster than a car or leap a tall building in a single bound? I was reading a book this week called, “The Heavenly Man.” It is the story of a man by the name of Yun who is a preacher in China. I want to help the church grow and become a church of saints. Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,  [2] but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. Abraham and Sarah were also childless and waiting for God to act. She wanted to know how such an impossible thing would take place - a valid question, since it would happen to her. The Favor of God. 35- angel’s response. The issue here was that Elizabeth had been barren all her life and now was in the time of life where childbearing was highly unlikely, both because of her age and because she had been barren.
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