Also, sticking with an 8-weeks Testosterone use is known to be the safest and most rewarding one in terms of muscle and strength improvements. Deca and Test Cycle: There are a number of steroids out there that stack with Deca Durabolin very effectively, though testosterone is arguably the most efficient. If you are familiar with the world of steroids, you may be familiar with a term used by steroid users called ‘Deca D**K’. It goes without saying that you dispose of the syringe and the needle immediately. In order to control your Estrogen, you will need to have some Arimidex (Adex) in handy. They might be a little more expensive, but it’s certainly worth it. A Testosterone Enanthate cycle will always be followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). It’s just not as powerful as some of the other steroids out there which are often utilized by bodybuilders. Deca 300mg/ml – Again this has to do with preference, as some people like to inject smaller amounts in their muscle. You could double the doses to get a lower end deca cycle and only be spending around $150-$200 for the test and deca - if you're paying much more than that you're probably getting ripped off. after your cycle has ended, to normalize your lipids/cholesterol and protect your heart and blood vessels. If you can’t find Adex, consider Aromasin or Letro. If you eat, sleep, and live like a bodybuilder however, the results you see when using deca will be insane. You can browse through popular forums, such as. This is very useful for somebody fairly new to steroids, or who perhaps doesn’t have the steadiest of hands. should i add dbol for the first 4-5 weeks to kickstart gains??? Furthermore, in some men, impotence is a common side effect, even after the cycle has ended. Deca, as mentioned, is very anabolic and is almost identical to testosterone. So, just to be perfectly clear on cycles and to ensure there is no confusion, a Deca Durabolin dosage cycle for 10 weeks would be: So, just what kinds of results can lifters expect when using Deca Durabolin for getting big and jacked. I have been told to run deca equal or just below test to prevent "deca dick" because deca converts into the body a different way thus making it essential to run test. Dimitris has been a great help guiding me in my fitness  journey - I finally can see my abs - which is something I never thought I would manage. This one is a recommendation on my side. TEST/DBOL. You can find out more about this by watching this video (starts are 5:00 minute time mark). They take a little longer to “kick-in”, especially Enanthate, but are well worth the wait. They take a little longer to “kick-in”, especially Enanthate, but are well worth the wait. One of the main reasons why Deca is great for bulking is because of the fact that it helps you to gradually build muscle in a slow and controlled manner. Test Cypionate Deca Cycle Most age-related changes in women are due to too little estrogen and progesterone. Hello all. There are so many examples of beginners taking AAS the wrong way and expecting a miracle. What orals can I add to a Test and Deca Stack? How to inject Steroids – Understanding needle size. Test and Deca Cycle for Beginners – All you Need to Know, Test and Deca cycle for beginners – Best practices. It also helps with the blood clotting process. You see, although Deca Durabolin doesn’t present as many side-effects as some steroids, it can still damage your body if you aren’t careful, and it doesn’t mean that PCT is not needed. It is primarily an injectable steroid, though there are oral steroids variations available. Aside from that, to control your prolactin/progesterone, it’s also a good idea to get Cabergoline or Mirapexin (I prefer Caber). Unless you want to end up with a bunch of health issues, you should first make sure that you are certain about your decision, spend a fair amount of time doing research and find a good and reliable source. Disclaimer: Dimitris Tsapis is not a doctor or registered dietitian. Macros, Recipes & More, Upright Row Alternatives – Train Your Mid-Delts Efficiently. Best Liver Support for Steroids – A Science-Based Approach, Cutting Without Cardio – How to Become a Fat-Burning Machine. Following that, once you’ve run PCT when you begin your next cycle, then you can include deca Durabolin as part of your latest cycle. There are a number of steroids out there that stack with Deca Durabolin very effectively, though testosterone is arguably the most efficient. Deca has been found to suppress natural testosterone production, and in some cases, shut it down entirely. Tudca is the absolute best liver aid on the market and, while relatively pricey, you want to do things as good as possible. Working with him has helped me add 14 lbs though a lean bulk. The indicated amounts reflect what has worked great for me personally, over the years. Test and Deca is a powerful gaining cycle that solves a problem for those who cannot grow a lot of muscle due to genetics. This is observed both in studies and in my personal experience. You could use the faster ester NPP instead of deca since you want to run winstrol at the end, or even tren a. If you decide to give it a go, make sure you have a reason for doing it, whether that is a competition or an important photoshoot. Chemically, it is almost identical to testosterone, except for one thing. Step 2: With the same syringe/needle, draw the Deca from its vial. Headaches are another factor, especially if you decide to add orals that increase your blood pressure. If you want to read more on that, Anabolics by William Lwellin is an absolutely golden resource. Deca Durabolin is derived from Testosterone bymaking a simple modification to the carbon atom at the 19thposition. For example, if you use a 250mg/ml Test E and a 300mg/ml Deca, you should draw 0.8 ml and 0.5 ml respectively. I dose aromasin 12.5mg EOD with that during the whole cycle, and take a … Deca however, has been found to help promote healthy bones and joints, helping to alleviate pain and inflammation and fight and prevent conditions such as Arthritis and Osteoporosis. That being said, you could kick-start your bulking cycle by adding either 30mg of Dianabol (methandrostenolone) or 50mg of Anadrol (Oxymetholone) per day, for the first four weeks. Count these 4 grams as fat in your daily macros. You do your growing when your body recovers and rebuilds the damaged muscle tissues and fibers in order to make them even stronger and larger than they were previously. Where can I see some Test and Deca before and after pictures? This process involves placing the drug under your tongue until fully dissolved. Initially, when Deca has developed all those years ago, one of the primary medical uses of this steroid was to help promote healthy joints and bones. ? Test E and 500 and Deca at 250 for 12 wks or 14 wks??? Anabolic steroids are pretty much synonymous with the health and fitness industry at the moment, and like it or not, but that isn’t going to change anytime soon. Keep in mind that, on cycle, your body will require higher amounts of protein and carbs. If you are unsure whether or not your forgot to inject, let it go and move on. It is a decision that will affect you for the rest of your life unless you are very responsible and aware of the requirements it entails. Deca Winstrol Cycle. Given that you follow a carefully structured bulking diet, you should be able to gain between 15-20 lbs of weight, most of which will be muscle. Side effects tend to also be more prevalent on a Deca only cycle. The cycle will only give amazing results if you eat the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats. SOLO PRIMO RUN In this particular cycle (test/deca/dbol), it is most logical to use a long estered testosterone such as cypionate, enanthate, or the sustanon 250 blend (which is mostly made up of long esters). Testosterone is a highly anabolic natural hormone, and when you consider the fact that Deca is even stronger, it’s easy to see why this is the go-to steroid for bodybuilders all over the world. – 400mg of Deca-Durabolin per week. If that is not possible, I invest in brands I know and trust. However, if you follow this Test and Deca beginner cycle, the chances of getting a Deca dick are slim to none. Is Pasta Good For Bodybuilding? *HCG should also be run throughout the duration of this cycle. Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) also comes in different volumes per ml. Dimitris writes articles related to his experience as a contest prep coach and bodybuilding athlete. Deca has a naturally low rate of aromatization, but don’t let that fool you, because the steroid still has the ability to negatively impact a man’s libido, test levels, and sexual health in general. Weeks 1 – 10 400mg Deca PW, stacked with 500mg Test-E and 30mg PD of Dianabol. If, however, you are looking to slowly and gradually add mass to your frame and enjoy a slow and steady off-season, Deca is ideal. When using steroids, it doesn’t matter whether you run something mild like winstrol or something incredibly powerful like deca Durabolin, PCT is always required. Over a period of 20 weeks, I completely transformed my body and placed third amongst women half my age. Not unless you want to get into some serious health trouble. When you push yourself during a workout, you aren’t actually building muscle at all. Even though Deca only cycles are trending lately, it is recommended that you avoid them as a beginner. Step 5: Slowly and gently push the fluid into your muscle. Eat in a surplus and throw in compounds that pack th… Steroids are basically synthetic versions of testosterone and anabolic hormones and are banned in many parts of the world. Bodybuilders that are exposed to steroid usage will (in the long term) see an increase in calcification of coronary arteries, which is a major risk factor for a heart attack or a stroke. Same goes for Deca, some people prefer Equipoise. Such test cypionate and deca cycle will also commonly consist of other steroids like Nandrolone and Trenbolone as well as other possible helpful products. These are: You can browse through popular forums, such as anabolicsteroidsforums, Brotherhoodofpain, and others. My new gear is 300 test e and 300 deca mid cycle@8 weeks. Vitamin K2 is important as it prevents the deposition of calcium in arteries and soft tissue. As a beginner, you want to know exactly what it is you are taking and not play with underground experiments. This may not sound like much, but it is the difference between a fairly anabolic steroid, to a very anabolic and effective compound. That being said, if you happen to obtain them, always ensure they are legit since counterfeit products are very common nowadays. I like to use Test E 250mg/ml to inject fewer MLs and be able to combine it with the Deca into one pinch session. This cycle is supposed to last 12 weeks max. The effects are nowhere near as quick or intense as they are with a steroid such as Tren, but they’re still very noticeable. Results expected after the steroid cycle. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. This can also become a problem for beginners that don’t really like the needle. I know I should have started the deca earlier but I couldn't get it until now. That’s not how this works…. .I have did a 500 test E cycle 12 wks, A 600 test E cycle 12 wks and 500 test E cycle with anavar 50 mg at 6 wks but total cycle was 12 wks..I never had gyno issues but estrogen was high according to blood work...My question is the ratio ok or should I up the deca or lower the test? Today I will be talking about Test and Deca cycle for beginners, or rather Testosterone and Deca Durabolin. Clenbuterol Cycle: Dosage, Side Effects And Results! Because it is less-potent, though, this makes it ideal for people that are looking to avoid some of the harsher side effects associated with steroid use. Train, diet, and sleep properly and you'll grow. Even in the final stages of my prep I could still eat lots of carbs, and I only did small amounts of cardio. Just leave our email to get access to our best content (get the nutrition and training info you need to achieve your goals.). Anabolic steroids have been around for decades now, with many of them having been produced during the 60s. Oil-based steroids usually have less PIP (Post Injection Pain). Some will recommend high-test low-deca, while others will tell you that high-deca low-test works best. In order to control your Estrogen, you will need to have some Arimidex (Adex) in handy. It is not a cutting steroid, so if you’re looking to get ripped then you might want to give deca a miss. It is popular because not only does it yield very impressive amounts of muscle growth, it also boosts strength levels, helps burn fat, increases energy and recovery rates, and even provides certain psychological boosts in the process. But the bulk these days has been separated into a wet bulk and a drybulk. Your hormonal levels should return back to normal after a few months, except if a permanent shutdown occurs. Test and Deca Cycle Classical bulking cycle from the world stars of bodybuilding. A beginner can use this cycle for all-out bulking or for the addition of lean mass. Deca helps to promote a positive nitrogen balance within the muscles, which in turn helps with protein synthesis. This steroid is one of the go-to steroids for bodybuilders, fitness competitors, and athletes all over the globe. Make a food plan and follow it to the letter. I have always struggled with eating but with the help of Dimitris, I managed to achieve the amount of food I was supposed to eat daily. Aside from that, you can join relevant Facebook groups and request users to submit their photos. I personally don’t like using Test Propionate because it needs to be pinned more often throughout the week. I personally don’t like using Test Propionate because it needs to be pinned more often throughout the week. If you want to read more on that, The most common types of testosterone when it comes to bodybuilding are Propionate, Cypionate, and Enanthate. That doesn’t stop people from using them, however, even though they are illegal. More often than not, the contents are either 100mg/ml or 250mg/ml. So, now that we know what Deca is, we’ll now take a look at why people would feel the need to run a Deca cycle and use this steroid to help increase their muscle mass and enhance their physique. Test and Deca cycles are mostly used during a mass-building phase (bulk). Step 6: Once injected, pull the needle out with a swift movement and gently massage the area. This has several benefits: Because oil is thicker than water, you will need a needle that can easily draw and inject the oily substance in your muscles. Well, for one it brings an alternative to a hormone replacement base … Continue reading Deca base cycle, No testosterone, No sides. During the 60s, and through to the 80s in fact, many athletes would use steroids when it was found that they boosted recovery, built muscle, burnt fat, and helped to improve athletic performance. A Deca Durabolin cycle can be a very exciting cycle for most men. This is the beginner cycle. This means that the typical 1 gram per pound of body weight can be increased to support the enhanced effects of the drugs you are consuming. While many people like to go out and have a beer on an occasional basis, you want to make sure that you live as healthy as possible during your cycle, and not put any additional strain on your liver. PCT stands for post cycle therapy, and it is something that you run once your steroid cycle has ended. I am also learning to count macros, which is very nice if you want to improvise your meals and not eat the same thing all the time. Test and Deca are both oil-based compounds. As you may already know, there are several versions of testosterone with different esters attached to them. Testosterone Cypionate (Test C) and Enanthate (Test E) are longer esters and often used during mass building phases. You can read more on Nolvadex and Clomid before you go ahead and buy some. 1.THE BEGINNER CYCLE (TEST/DECA) Testoterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12 Deca Durabolan: 200mg Week 1-12 This is my recommended stack for any first time user. Some like to count macros while others prefer a more strict diet plan. I like the fact that Dimitris makes adjustments to my workout and nutrition plan based on my personal preferences. There is Sustanon as well, but we will not be covering this one here, as I rather wish to avoid blends. What can I take for liver protection instead of Tudca? Deca will not make you the biggest, nor will it make you the strongest, but it will definitely help you to build muscle and to improve your lifts, and it has been listed as one of the best steroids for weight gain. Best Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for Test and Deca cycle, Restore your natural hormonal background as soon as possible. Usually, you will come across the following: , dosing will differ per person. Here is how Deca is stacked in this cycle: – 300 to 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week. All things being said, I find that this Test and Deca cycle for beginners is the best way to gain some muscle while not overstressing your body. If you can’t find Adex, consider Aromasin or Letro. Testosterone Propionate (Test P) has a fast-acting ester, which is why bodybuilders prefer it for cutting cycles, or during the last few weeks/months of contest prep. Is it recommended to run 300 test e 3x week with 300 deca 2x week. But it is the slow acting Decanoat… But with an androgenic rating of just 37. Can You Lift Weights After A Blood Test? In the last 3 years I have learned a lot about nutrition and I know my body better, which allows me to make better choices when it comes to food. What is it and why does it matter. The beginner cycle usually lasts for 14 weeks. It takes quite a while for deca and test E to kick in, or you could frontload them. Anavar Cycle For Men: Dosage, Results, And Side Effects! Nandrolone acts slowly […] Bodybuilders looking to bulk up and add mass to their frames often stack Deca with other steroids and enjoy great results. The indicated amounts reflect what has worked great for me personally, over the years. After the first month of working together, I had changed a lot, noticing changes in my physique. If you’re looking to bulk up and add quality muscle mass and size to your body, deca Durabolin is a very effective steroid to have at your disposal. Gains of up to 30 pounds of muscle mass in less than 3 months are far from out of the question, and in fact, some dudes have gained more. Here is the step-by-step process to ensure you do things the right way: Step 1: Use 20 or 21 gauge needles that are 1 or 1.5″ long to draw the Test from its vial. If you are an experienced, enhanced athlete, chances are that you will need to take larger amounts of both Testosterone and Deca Durabolin for best results. Experience:Intermediate Compounds: Testosterone Cyp, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol(Optional) There are many compounds that can be used for abulk. How Long Does it Take to Get Big on Steroids? The numbers on the table above are only an indication of the average. Step 3: Once the two compounds are mixed in the syringe, switch the needle to a new 23 or 25 gauge by 1 inch to inject with. This stimulation of the appetite helps in accumulating more mass. And that’s it. Try to make up for your missed dose as soon as possible. Deca Durabolin is sometimes known as Deca, or scientifically, it is known as Nandrolone. Btw for me, the test-e started showing signs of "kicking in" around week 6. While this one can quickly get pricey, it will ensure that you know exactly what’s going on with your body during this process. Next week I am picking up 2 more bottles of test CYP 250 and one bottle of deca 300. So far in this cycle I have seen over 20lbs gains. I have already ran 16 weeks cycle of 500 test per week. If it’s cutting effects that you’re most interested in, then Winstrol will be … What you are actually doing is destroying your muscle tissues. Dbol (Dianabol) Cycle: How Strong Is Methandrostenolone? Deca blends – For now, it’s best to avoid blends. In the late 50s and early 60s, when it was discovered what it could do, bodybuilders and people looking to bulk up would quickly turn to this steroid. Aside from that, you should start supplementing with fish oil* unless you eat fatty fish on a regular basis. Some individuals claim that they saw great results while others felt terrible throughout the process. You will come across a lot of different variations of a Test and Deca cycle for beginners. While there is not enough evidence to support my claims, I share my opinion based on my work with clients and by testing it out on my self. I often see questions regarding the cycle’s length, stacking as well as PCT-related questions. Here is a great post on Caber. You will notice some good ass results (Esp since this is your first cycle) as long as you keep your diet in check! Whenever possible, I try to find and invest in pharma grade steroids (Test and Deca). I loved the workouts and I never felt restricted in my diet. Remember, Deca is a large-sized Ester steroid, so results will not come quickly. If you’re looking for a steroid that will help you to break deadlifting records, crush your squat PRs, and bench more weight than you ever thought possible, Deca Durabolin is probably not for you. However, by following the best practices as shown in this article, you should experience minimal to no issues. Deca Durabolin Cycle: Dosage, Side effects, And Results. However, if you’re simply looking for a steroid that helps to gradually increase your strength in a slow and controlled manner, Deca is ideal. Before that, however, we need to address why people feel the need to use steroids. Do some research on these two, as it will help you understand how gyno, water retention, and high blood pressure can easily be avoided. Aside from that, it helps prevents muscle cramping. Dimitris writes articles related to his experiences as a coach and bodybuilding athlete. To reduce the strain on your liver, take the orals by sublingual administration. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Estrogenic side-effects are unlikely, but there is still plenty of damage that could be done to your body. Anvarol is a legal alternative to Anavar. From personal experience, I am very satisfied with Keifei, PCT labs, Horizon, Magnus, Malaysian Tiger, and Baikal. Never trust anyone but your blood test. Reduce the side effects that occur when ending a steroid cycle, Prevent testicular atrophy that occurs when introducing exogenous testosterone, PCT for a Test and Deca cycle for beginners. PCT is therefore basically to restore your body back to working order, just like it was before you began the cycle. This will ensure that your liver is protected until the drugs are out of your system. This one is self-explanatory. Furthermore, the amount of testosterone in each ml of your vial may also differ. For someone who is just starting out, this is how a Test and Deca cycle should look like: * – For both Adex and Caber, dosing will differ per person. One reason why it is so popular is the fact that it only has to be injected once per week, as it is a slow-releasing steroid, meaning that it stays in your system for a long period of time. What is Deca dick and how can I avoid it? If you happen to draw blood in your syringe, pull the needle out and inject a different spot. Step 4: Inject the muscle of your preference and gently pull back the plug of the syringe to ensure that you haven’t hit a vein. Due to the fact that Deca has a large ester bond, results come along slowly and gradually, so if you’re planning to bulk up during the off-season, running Deca for 12 weeks relatively early in your bulk is a great way to kick start the gains. Here is another great post on Estrogen/Prolactin/Progesterone control. Key benefits of Deca include the following: Primarily, the main reason why bodybuilders use Deca Durabolin is to increase their muscle mass and built muscle. I will be updating this article as soon as my cycle is finished since I am currently running this exact protocol for my off-season bulking phase. You can expect to see massive gains along with the following effects: You will notice an increase in your appetite and you’ll eat more often. Taking 12.5mg daily of Aromasin for 1 to 14 weeks will slow down conversion of testosterone into estrogen, thus reducing the risk of developing gynecomastia symptoms. While a longer test cycle may promote greater results. Do some research on these two, as it will help you understand how gyno, water retention, and high blood pressure can easily be avoided. You will be taking this one during your cycle. PCT, or Post Cycle Therapy, is most definitely required after running a test-E cycle, in fact, it is required after running any steroid cycle, no matter how mild it may be such as clenbuterol. Until then, wish you all the best! It also doesn’t provide quite as many potential side-effects as other anabolic steroids, so it’s really a win-win. Basically, the more nitrogen the cells in the muscles have available, the stronger the rates of protein synthesis become. I am planning on doing a test and deca Cycle. MASTERON, TEST, PROVIRON Weeks 1-8 – 500 mg/week Masteron, 200 mg/week test, 50 mg/day Proviron. This not only promotes recovery (more on that next) but it also promotes muscle growth. Finally, and I can’t stress this enough, ensure that your steroids are not fake. Can beginners also take try a Deca only cycle? In this chapter, we will be talking about the types of Test and Deca you can use and how to best set up your cycle.
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