If her partner disappoints her or if he does something wrong, she won’t soon forget about it, and will even react in a dramatic way. Intensely romantic, they seek excitement and drama in their relationships and … Treat your mental image of Venus as your aspiration and motivation. This is also a reason why you are so reluctant about giving up on a relationship once it starts going down the drain because you’ve had so many plans. Venus in Leo people tend to make the first move, and they won’t shy away from chasing someone they want. It is easy for you to jump into relationships without too much thought. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. The woman born with Venus in Leo wants to be observed, to be put on a pedestal, her creative skills to be recognized and praised. They can be very obsessed with their appearance and will go to great lengths to look amazing from head to toe. They want to have fun, to entertain themselves through any means necessary, and their creativity knows no bounds. Venus in Fire, Mars in Water (Romantic Fire, Watery Desires): You’re a little hard to figure out. These are warm-hearted and affectionate individuals who make true friends and devoted lovers. You are ardent and affectionate with your partner. Venus in Leo Woman. You’ll take your sentiments super-sized, thanks. Leo is a fixed fire zodiac sign which is the main factor that influences the love style of natives with this combination. Venus in the natal chart is responsible for our values, the quality of love relationships and material wealth. They have a great imagination. Although you may begin relationships with considerable ardency, if you are not showered with attention and made to feel special over the course of time, you will surely lose passion for the relationship. See More Venus-Mars Sign Combinations: Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. Venus in fiery, flamboyant Leo makes you a passionate soul. Here Venus is teaching lessons on the importance and power of expressing both love and anger. They are very independent. Venus in Leo woman Venus’s influence grows up to be essential for the evolution of these native, and its most important element is the surge of generosity and kindness it brings. Relationships that depend on the women playing a submissive role will also fair poorly. These women want to feel good and want to make others feel great just as much. Venus Leo people expect and accept nothing less. Venus in Leo If you have Venus in Leo, in affairs of the heart you are warm-hearted, spontaneous, ardent, affectionate, loyal and generous. They may dress in a variety of styles, but they will always be attention grabbers. Detached women are also a trait they find attractive. She’s never going to wallow in a sense of desperation over the disinterest or ignorance of others, but she does feel the need to be pampered, for everyone to admire her, to look up at her as a model. Venus in Leo people are all about grand gestures, elaborate dates, and PDA. They can handle being alone. Your need for appreciation from your lover is paramount, yet all too often you come on strong in love and your partner misinterprets your ardor as brazen confidence. Your warmth is extremely dependent upon the amount of attention and affection you receive. She is one of the boldest and briskest women you will ever find in the universe. However, when she does get involved with a man, she wants to receive his full attention, for her to be the only woman of his life. Bright colors are the way to go for her, red, green, orange, the more vivid the better. Competition is not the factor here though. More than most signs, you would benefit from waiting to marry when you are older and more sure of yourself. The unsentimental, at times brutally honest, Venus Aries can ... Venus in Leo with Venus in Taurus. There is a slight incoherence between the traits of Venus, a search for everything beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and the nature of this woman which coalesces into her need for validation, for attention. Leo is also known to show childlike qualities, with his Venus aspect here you can expect a playful lover. They are very passionate with the ones they love, though they can be bossy, arrogant, and attention hungry, they really will fight for the ones they love. They’re captivating and dazzling but do need appreciation and respect. You never want this stage to end! The Leo sign makes this woman self-centered, egocentric, her motivation being solely the need for attention, and that is why she behaves in an honest and generous way. You tend to control your relationship and you already have a plan ready, just in case. She has thirst for thrills and can be found busy in competitions against her female friends. This tendency to become dominative and expect everyone else to listen to your orders. When woman Venus is in Leo, you can be “stuck” in the first stage of romance, when passions run high and you can’t seem to get each other out of your minds. The adoration you give may not be (and probably won’t be) matched, and this is when you falter. Being independent and free from all influences, in control of her own life, is something this woman takes as the normal thing to do. She’s a risk taker who likes to involve herself in activities that put her skills to the test, those where she can develop herself, where the challenges are hard enough that simply trying is not enough.
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