I dont know exactly what about them makes me feel that way, but yet I listen to religious radeo and I dont feel that way and I dont know why. No tiredness there! My mom is going to suck it up and work for the college so I can go there for free. Paul tells us who will NOT inherit the kingdom. It is a work of the sin nature. What of special needs children or adults who are not able to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ? But it will not always be so. But if I will not be saved due to my sins why do I have such a strong calling to God and such a desperate desire to be saved? I was SO tired of being the emotional one feeling like I’m trying to talk things out with effective communication but she instead shutting down when I politely respectfully tried ti work things out. If so, what kind is it? The Bible does NOT say that drinking keeps you out of the kingdom of heaven. If your body if the Temple of the Holy Spirit you will have much more of a sensitivity to sin. Almost half of the sins on the list are sexual (two of the sins deal with heterosexuals and two deal with homosexuals). I am still a virgin,(strange for an agnostic right) I try not to lie since I know that’s a big no no, though I fail a lot at that. There is a serious warning in this passage and it is addressed to professing Christians. And God will wipe Therefore anyone who recognizes that God is the creator want to honor God and only God as the creator, and lives out the innate goodness inside them will be saved. What exactly did you do on that occasion (e.g., get bapotized, walk in the front of a church, say a prayer)? He married all of those pagan wives and started building temples to pagan gods because he loved his wives so much. What about babies that die before the age of accountability, whatever that age is? It teaches that before salvation, “We are dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1), not innately good. Stealing and slander are not legal. No more sorrow. Mr./Ms. I have a question, I’m engaged to a guy and we are living together, I got pregnant from him last June and now our baby is about 6 months. The Bible does NOT say, “Don’t drink wine” but it does say “Don’t be DRUNK with wine” (Ephesians 5:18). Keep doing what you are doing (listening to sermons, music and having contact with other believers). Some worshiped idols but then they got saved. Their names will be absent from the Book of Life. I’m 21 years old and I’ve just finsihed binge reading all of this and it ALL is very intriguing and thought provoking. Idolatry is NOT a disease. God promises Heaven will be a place of rest. “EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Paul said “such were some of you.” Some of the members of the Corinthians Church were former homosexuals. And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. The good news is that we are NOT saved by our works. Thanks for sharing your story. They were Jews. You are absolutely correct. There will be food available, though this passage is not clear whether people will eat it. The KJV follows the Greek text here. Serving God is worship, and Scripture is clear we will serve God in heaven. If faith is the assurance of things not seen, then in heaven we will not need faith to believe in God, because we will behold him face to face. There are examples in the Bible of believers committing some of these sins. Why can’t something that is designed for entertainment just be entertainment? He died in our place and took our penalty. Most of our sins is about self thats what keeps us out of heaven. No more mourning. They are not considered wrong (e.g., fornication, homosexuality, greed). It is simply saying what God says in the Bible. We talk about gay evangelicals today. I pray for forgiveness from God, but then a day or week later. (And … Hello. God was the one who created it. What is blasphemeing the Holy Spirit? Are you saved for sure? We know the sexual life; we do not know, except in glimpses, the other thing which, in Heaven, will leave no room for it. I started doubting my faith when I started question hell and why it exists and I know there isn’t really an answer for why he created hell, I would have to ask him that so don’t worry I don’t expect anyone to be able to answer that, but I started to see him as cruel and to be honest I didn’t want to follow someone like that. I was baptised as a baby in the Catholic Church and intend to be baptised again in the Christian church. The answer to your question is found in I Corinthians 6:9. In fact, the Apostle Paul said, “There is NO ONE righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:11). In the book of Revelation (chapters 21-22), it seems that God is making things not just like they were in the Garden of Eden, but even better. If you would like someone from our staff to call you, please include your phone number. Alan LewisElon, North CarolinaSeptember 2010. But you may not have the same reward in heaven as someone who did obey God in this way. What does God say about this question? God doesnt need missionaries nor pastors to save people. statement of what will not be there: No death; no mourning. But I get the same quezy feeling being around Christians to, that probably says something about me personally if so please let me know, I would rather have honesty. He started to say everything will be fine only if accept Gesus then, and that he would have done. Thanks for the letter and sharing your situation. Some will possess the kingdom and some will be EXCLUDED. Just going to church, even regularly, and getting baptized will not save you. After giving this long list of sins, Paul says “and such were some of you”. As for the Gay issue that seams to be running rampant in the world and every christian chat room google can find, I don’t think people who are gay go to hell just for being gay, I think if they go to hell its because they live a homosexual life. “Revilers” refers to people who say all kinds of hateful things out of their mouth and are verbally abusive. What you are allowed to do is not necessarily what you should do. Or would your answer be that if they were born in that situation then they must not be part of the elect? That was in the year 2000. We are not even supposed to associate with professing Christians who are revilers (I Corinthians 5:11). The Bible clearly states that is the way to heaven. They say that I died at the scene of a horrible car accident, I was in a 6 week coma, I had to stay in patient at a rehabilitation hospital for between 5-6 months and had to learn how to to just about everything again. (I John 3:11-15 NIV). And it is not based on whether a couple is legally, … The punishment you deserve for you sin was already taken by Jesus. Didn’t drink, smoke or have my mom worried about me getting pregnant as a teenager. He feeds them and that is why they are never hungry (7:16). And why did he murder him? I have been out of town and just read your post. This is probably to specific of a question to answer but if even the saved stumble and sin then like I asked before, how do we know when we are really seeing a changed of someone who is saved vs when someone isn’t really saved? Friends, we are talking about exponentially increasing joy! I had to stop myself from watching them which wasn’t easy but it still haunts me every single day. Their longings These sins were common in Paul’s day and they are still common to this day. I will admit I find it hard to believe in it when unicorns are mentioned in it but I will assume they are referring to rhinos or other one horned animals that exist today. It is quite another matter to claim to be a Christian and accept the Bible as the inspired, authoritative Word of God but to live completely contrary to what it teaches and justify that behavior. John Calvin pointed out over 500 years ago that even though Paul says that the wicked will NOT inherit the kingdom of God, technically the wicked CAN inherit the kingdom. For me I accepted God as my only God and Gesùs as my saviour at the beginning of this year. He was not a serial adulterer. Some of you have found a favorite place to vacation. 2. Our Mission. And then the New Jerusalem, later described as the bride of Christ (Revelation 21:9) descends from heaven … So my mom gets off the truck and we get into a huge argument. But it will not always be so. You do not deserve heaven. I am sure that there are some godly people there who should be able to help you. Lord as we would like to serve Him. Thankfully, I can function “normally” again, but mainly have memory issues to deal with. What about those who never are taught who Jesus is? SO ANYWAYS…. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. When the Lords makes all things new, and the taint of sin no longer has any corrupting influence, our labor will again be very good. Marriage in heaven is also not determined by whether a priest, minister, or Justice of the Peace declares two people one in marriage. Things that are not in heaven 1. Paul does not say if people do these things, they will not get any rewards in heaven. Jesus drank wine. In heaven, you will serve God as you always wished you could. I know that Paul says in Romans that he too struggled with sin, and he even admitted that he sinned even though he knew it was wrong. I love her and she loves me and we joke and have our ups and downs yet how am I act that does not celebrate Sabbath Day and tells me to buy or do something that “you” are not particularly suppose to do. I feel like I’ve grieved the Holy Spirit by not stopping doing some things which Christians have split opinions on whether they are sin or not. Paul said that there are none righteous (Romans 3:11). You are absolutely right that we are saved by faith (although the Bible does also talk about repentance but that is another topic). I went through an extremely obsessive phase where I’d watch videos on youtube to do with who and why people are going to hell and almost all of them mentioned makeup and beauty things and the scary part is that they were able to back it up with scripture. water in heaven, so find life by following Christ now. An accountability partner might help. If that is the case, we could be saved by our works and there would be no reason for Jesus to come to earth to die for us. I’ve been a “good girl”. I guess these could be signs but besides that I really couldnt say I have had any signs. As Jesus said to someone in his day, “You are not far from the Kingdom” (Mark 12:34). memory so that you continue to derive happiness from them—things that happened in conflict: “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38). The Corinthians drank wine. The real heaven is what happens down here as the fruit of our collective labor of millennia. Entire books written on a topic on both sides. David said, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” (Psalm 51:5). Are we just going to float around in the clouds and play harps all day? I cuss like a sailor, not very lady like but its the truth and I can make a sex joke out of anything almost. Like when I was worrying over blasphamy of the holy spirit, I asked for a sign and when I went to arbys about a year and a half or two years after my worrying about it started I saw a little card on the table across from us. What are the sins that made Paul’s list of top ten in I Corinthians 6? Hello I have a question I felt the Holy Spirit has left me I didn’t feel right afterwards I let my son move in with some peopke and I am staying with someone I went to a mental hospital I heard your not my child I feel awful and scared I was spirit filled for 13 years and he tried to warn me it’s awful I had a gift of prayer but now I don’t know what to do my children was a gift from God and I didn’t appreciate I was complaining and didn’t realize it can you come back from it I can’t be at my church. You have to ask Him to save your from your sins. He just says that if you commit these sins, you will not get an inheritance. Sounds like you attend a bible-believing church. I will give you more feedback later. See http://www.elonsmallgroup.com/objections-to-hell/ It is easy to find if you scroll down the post. Do you know for sure you are saved or do you just hope you are saved? Sorry I skipped over your what exactly did you do on that ocastion question, Well I dont remember how I came to be saved if I am saved that is , I remember telling my mom someone died for me and not long after that I started with the Abeka homeschooling program, it was a christian program. Well Im not sure and you probably cant answer this question but here goes. All jewelry for example is not wrong but some might come to that conclusion by misinterpreting a few verses. The worst sin on the planet was crucifying Christ and the people who did this were told that if they repented, they would be saved. I mean there are babies that are aborted, miscarried, or just don’t survive after birth for some reason, and babies and toddlers that die in accidents like a car crash or house fire or something, what about there souls. I follow the teaching of Christ as taught in Scripture. Anyone who does not love remains in death. The Bible teaches that all believers are heirs (Ephesians 1: 14, 18; Colossians 1:12; 1 Peter 1:4; Acts 20:32); Romans 8:17 Titus 3:7). Their fate will be the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). The scenario is a thrilling one: brilliant minds in powerful bodies in a transformed universe. of us worships as we would like to worship. Knowing about medicine will not help you unless you take it. Don’t know if that’s relevant but there it is. It mentions feminized men, men who act like women or try to become women. Many church members today have the same problem (cf. No sickness to suffer; no pain to Your email address will not be published. You will never get to that place in heaven. It offers us God himself. Come from a catholic background but became a Christian about 5 months ago. Is it just music or sermons as well? All your doubts will be But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”. Find one which believes the Bible. Howdy again, I know we talked about people how never have a change to know Christ not being saved even if that isn’t there fault, still not sure how to feel about that but this question is just a tad different, I was watching CSI:Miami, and a thought occurred to me, what about babies? Do you even think it is possible? No sins The Bible teaches the exact opposite. If you mean like a sign or something then I dont recall anything like that. It is a free gift. One is a FOOD sin. Hi Um. Having said this, however, there is always the question of whether such a person has faced their sin and truly put their trust in Christ. Every Christian wants to serve Christ, but we find ourselves It appeared on the 1991 Rush film soundtrack.In January 1992, Clapton performed the song in front of an audience at Bray Studios, Berkshire, England for MTV Unplugged, with the recording appearing on his Unplugged album. You are on the right track. I recommend you reading the whole book. I then mistakingly got her arrested by calling 911 for us arguing in our new house making her lose her job. could help you more. That is not to say that Christians can fall into all types of sins, including sexual sins and even … Righteous angels don't know everything, and they long to know more (1 Peter 1:12). The only thing that can save us is the blood of Jesus. Do you have an assurance of salvation but are just asking how to have victory over sin or are you unsure if you are saved? “The Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water.” (Revelation 7:16). Sexual immorality is legal today. Texts About Heaven. —Psalm 37:11, 29, 34. That is good. If you want to know who is NOT going to Heaven, all you have to do is to look at this list. The Bible does not deal with this question directly but I happen to believe that all of those babies are saved. Donald Macleod reminds us that heaven is our Father’s house, and he says: What a grief it must be to God that so few of His children want to go home! No tiredness If you have any further questions, I would be glad to help. The Bible says that “whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Scripture does not single out only homosexuals. The Bible says that they will NOT go to heaven. Two of those financial sins are actual crimes. I’m constantly feeling guilty of almost everything that I do. He was animist before. So imagine someone is a homossexual and has a man on man relationship but yet he truly believes in Jesus and what Jesus did. The Bible does not look on drunkenness as a sickness but as a sin. I am going to try to answer your question to the best of my ability but I wanted to first ask one question. I left religion and honestly gave up any care of sin. He says that they will not be there. I’m right back where I started. Paul mentions thieves, greedy, and swindlers. Paul says this three times in the NT and each time his list is slightly different (cf. Paul’s statement is completely counter-cultural. I want to look at these ten sins and make some general observations about them. You may have done these things. Another question: How do I witness to my mom who says she believes but she still cusses like a sailor and claims “Man, those are just man made words.” to justify her potty mouth. SO MUCH more to ask. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). The pain you To not do life together anymore, to not be able to love each other the way they do now, and ultimately to lose that deep and intimate relationship that was built so strongly over the years on earth. Anyway, now what he started to say that the will of God is that me and this guy do not stay together. You might get more help there, but this is a start. You can’t separate religion from morality. . We’re in the business of bringing heaven down to earth. I keep asking true believers to get me one, but no one has come through yet. Forgiving yourself is not a condition of salvation but if God has forgiven you, you should forgive yourself. Like I said you probably can not answer this, It isn’t possible to come up with a list that says get rid of this, this, this, this and this. What the Bible says is completely counter-cultural. It is the Greek word for a slanderer (λοίδορος). Their knowledge will increase to eternity; and if their knowledge, their holiness; for as they increase in the knowledge of God, they will see more of his excellency (beauty), and the more they see of his excellency (beauty) the more they will love him, and the more they love God, the more delight and happiness they will have in him. tired or we become discouraged. No more dying 11. It’s By looking at these activities, it is clear heaven will be an exciting place! sheshad to be the mother and dad but she althougj defended me and all that… I just feel the bond of mother daughter relationship. It's part of being finite. This is not a complete list. It is natural for us to know good from bad right from wrong. as you always wished you could. I have tried to have more self control, and move on from the guilt of sin. heaven?”. He also says that a lot of heterosexuals will NOT be there either. Great question Chloe. Wow I am sorry I just relized I drifted off of my original topic. You may have an addiction to coffee, while someone else has an addiction to alcohol and alcoholics can’t control their drinking. I am not saying this in some sort of new age sense. Thanks for the question. Jesus did not say that all earthly relationships will be nullified in Heaven. Here, we go through seasons of feeling distant from God, and we want to have a new and fresh experience of God. What Paul teaches in I Corinthians 6:9 is also true. What I meant by assurance of salvation is this. No more crying. Revelation 21:1-5 paints a picture of our future. Single strongwilled Mama Bear has taken care of me my whole life. I’ve been struggling a lot in my walk with Christ because for the past 19 1/2+ Years , I’ve been living with a severe traumatic brain injury. Most of them (seven in particular) are either sex sins or money sins. I am an only child. If you are different on the inside and you have been genuinely saved, you will be different on the outside. In fact, adulterers and homosexuals sound very similar in the Greek text. This has nothing to do with judging people, so the point about not judging is not the issue. What changes should you see? theology. The best way to witness to a family member is by your life. Others have said I’m being attacked by the enemy. To a certain degree, we will be given some of the characteristics of God in heaven, since we will be like Him and the glorified Jesus. we’ve no less days to sing his praise than when we’d first begun,” do you wonder whether or not to be encouraged by such a … There are different because at salvation three things happened. But in heaven, you will be before His throne. He doesn’t say anything about losing an inheritance. 2) I had been getting into The Bible against my mother’s advice not to because I had wanted to know GOD for myself and disobeyed although respectfully. I am somewhat being forced to take this medication, which I greatly oppose, but practically everyone says I must. A couple of years ago I had a really strong calling to find God. You can worship one God, many gods or no God. Lets start with this question. Our character will be changed and our struggles will be lifted: Hebrews 4:9-11 There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God. And I have always been confused on how we know we are saved. Hurt but trusting God to make all things right , I’ll try to keep this as short as possible. I know since my traumatic brain injury I have been fighting thoughts and lies from the enemy. Reply. If so, what convicts you? Jesus is our example of resurrection, and He retained His physical body (John 2:19-21; 1 Cor. It just bothers me that I keep committing the same phyical sins, when I know in my heart that I want to change and overcome my weakness. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. In heaven, Christ will … Some of these things are makeup which I have cut down A LOT, dying hair (natural colours), wearing pants or jeans, spending money on things for the house or buying beauty products, freaking out when I have acne or dermatitis breakouts because I think I’m being too vain etc etc. And while some singles might sympathize of losing their future marriage partner in heaven, some singles might also fall into despair because they may not get married on earth, and now … Referring to the New Jerusalem, which is where those who have faith in Jesus Christ as Savior will dwell with God forever, Revelation 21:23 says "And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb." You are asking the right questions. On debatable things, Paul says, “let everyone be fully persuaded in his or her own mind” (Romans 14:5). When you sing, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years . I mean I know I have prayed for something and it dosent happen right away but a month or even a year later It does though in a different way than I entended. Good works are NOT the basis of our salvation but are the evidence of our salvation. I would strongly encourage you to find a good local church in your area, if you have not done so yet. That is denying that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Answer: The Bible does not specifically answer this question. It is one thing to reject the Bible and its clear teaching on a variety of topics. Thieves will not be in heaven. He was the treasurer for Jesus and the Apostles. will that be like after a million, million ages? One is a VERBAL sin. That does not mean that everyone accepts the proof. Some were adulterers. Are you a reviler? It sounds like you are on the right track. Paul’s list is up-to-date, even though it was written two thousand years ago. Paul does not say if people do these things, they will not get any rewards in heaven. I struggle with sin alot, as I’m sure most Christians do. Our heaven does not offer sexual pleasure, but it offers that which makes sexual pleasure obsolete. There are many people who wouldn’t think of committing some gross sexual sin but do this all the time. I answer that question in last section of the lesson. The Greek word that Paul for thieves is κλέπτης (from which we get the word “kleptomaniac”). 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. I do not know if this describes you or not. Love is Love no matter what. It is different from what the news media and entertainment industry says. Yet, there is nothing evil about food. Or I like Harry Potter, I know some people that have had so many discussions with Christians as to why harry potter isn’t anti christian just because it has witchcraft in it. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. No more standing in front of caskets. Nora, Thanks for contacting me. Greed is legal. One is a RELIGIOUS sin. He ask for forgiveness and that he will not do anymore. It was part of their culture. Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. No one likes infuriating or painful experiences, but no one is surprised by the fact that they happen relatively frequently. your entire article was great! He was visiting prostitutes and he is the one who is listed in the great faith hall of fame in Hebrews 11. We Thinkin it was a cupon I went to pick it up it was a picture of Jesus holding a man up and on the back was a quote about forgiveness. I have been reading my bible and praying and trying to abstain from sin, yet I have still had a few instances of sexual immorality. The sin of sodomy can be forgiven. You are absolutely correct that salvation is not by works. restrained, so calculating?”. He doesn’t even say that most of them did. But he bible makes it clear that it isnt our works that save us, but our intent. This shows the power of the gospel. 24 Without at least the dimensional characteristics of God, we would not be able to see Him, which the Bible says we will do. Real change is possible but it has nothing to do with Barack Obama or any other politician. As James says, faith without works is DEAD. People who do not know the Bible very well sometimes ask questions like, Can God saved murderers? There is no getting around that fact the passage here condemns homosexuality. Many people in the world never ask that question and do not seem to care if they are saved. This problem starts pretty early. Do whatever you believe God wants you to do and lays on your heart to do. The only question that I could detect was, How do we know if we are saved? I would disagree that you cannot prove that God exists. You said that you listen to religious radio. All I have time for now. Eating and drinking is one of the many pleasures that God created for us to enjoy. I had completly forgot like the goober I am, so do you believe that you have to forgive yourself in order to be saved? I would try to honor your parents as much as possible in your situation. Your email address will not be published. that produces the tears—even their tear ducts! No. Heaven will be an infinite world of new discoveries, and Jesus Christ will unfold them to you. Is there any hope left for me or am I doomed? I got somewhere to stay and it was my Grandma’s friend that was going to let me stay there until I got on my feet ti pay rent. Do they even know the definition of sin (1 John 3:4)? (Rev 21:4). Paul mentions drunkards. What happens if we have done one of these things, will we automatically go to Hell or can we fix this ?? Bless you. 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.'
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