Popol Vuh, Sacred Book of the Quiché Maya People claims that the Olmec came to Mexico in 'ships of bark'. Perhaps a better theory is that they used a route around the Antarctic, just as the Amerindian used a route around the Arctic. When evidence of the Olmec was first discovered (in 1863), scientists at first didn't know what to make of them. It’s my belief that millions of viewers believe that the Clampetts come directly from their own neck of the woods. Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. It’s unclear how they first evolved. The Aztecs, who referred to themselves as the Mexica, extended throughout much of central Mexico. Oklahoma, the Olmecs are descendants of ancient Chinese. Did they arrive from the lands of North Africa? The Olmecs (People from Mali, Africa) were in America first and they came to this land before the continental drift. The Olmecs engaged in mining, produced high levels of art, introduced hieroglyphic writing to Mesoamerica, the concept of Zero and positional numbers, and great public buildings. Image credit: http://www.sfgate.com. In addition to building large thrones and monuments, the Olmec carved colossal sized heads weighing up to fifty tons and transported them nearly sixty-two miles to the Olmec heartland. From Unknown-maybe 50,000 to 20,000 B.C. Olmec Civilization Remains An Intriguing Ancient Puzzle, Ancient Site Tres Zapotes Offers Evidence The Olmecs Practiced Shared Governance. When they arrived is not known, but a guess of 8,000-4000 B.C. As skilled engineers, the Olmec managed to transport huge blocks of basalt and other stone from quarries more than fifty miles away from their sculpted heads and other monuments. The Olmec influence spread throughout much of Mesoamerica and it is particularly noted for its ceremonial centers and distinctive art style, like were-jaguars being a combination of a snarling jaguar and a weeping human infant, but first of all, 17 colossal stone heads - never with bodies. 'The seven branches probably represent the seven major clans of the Olmec people. The Olmec civilization flourished roughly between 1200 BC and 400 BC; an era commonly known as Central America’s Formative Period. They were good farmers, artists, mathematicians, and astronomers. Following a progressive development in Soconusco, they occupied the tropical lowlands of the modern-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco. Recent research suggests that the Olmec had their roots in early farming cultures of Tabasco, which began between 5100 BCE and 4600 BCE. Their religion was Shamanism - the supposed ability to assume the powers of animals. Olmec cities also had aqueducts and drainage systems. Seems to be a perfectly reasonable theory. Other evident signs of their presence are related to Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero, which means that they occupied the area from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. It was the Aztec name for the people who once lived in this area, and extracted latex from rubber trees. They, however, come from a different branch of the family. The name Olmec means "rubber people" in Nahuatl, the Aztec language. For a more in-depth study of the Peopling of the Americas. Written by – A. Sutherland AncientPages.com Staff Writer, Copyright © AncientPages.com All rights reserved. The questions were, where did they come from, and how did they get here? For a more in-depth study of the Peopling of the Americas <>. You go through a door in the nucleus’ outer skin, or membrane, and look around you. Where did HIV come from? There are very few written records to tell u… Mysterious Sumerian Star Tablet And Strange Divine Omens – Sacred Knowledge Of The Gods – Part 1, They Spoke The Language Of The Gods – Secret Symbols, Unknown Books And Manuscripts – Part 2, The Prophecy Of The Rainbow Warriors And Future Of Planet Earth, On This Day In History: Richard The Lionheart Arrives To The Holy Land – On June 8, 1191, Eridu: Pre-Flood City That Belonged To Enki, God Of Creation, Intelligence, Wisdom And Magic. But who were these unknown Africans? At San Lorenzo, there have been found ten of them, four in La Venta, two in Tres Zapotes and one in La Cobata. (Sitchin). The Olmecs who probably inhabited modern day Mexico prospered between 1200-400 BCE. … It has been speculated that the Olmecs derived in part from the neighboring Mokaya or Mixe–Zoque cultures. It seems that the Olmec had their roots in early farming cultures, which began between 5100 BC and 4600 BC. At first, the suggested oldest date for the Olmec origin was 250 BC., but when one Olmec site after another was excavated, 'the oldest date' shifted to 500 BC and then even 1250 BC, and 'in the guidebook [of the La Venta Park Museum] to an even earlier time, conceding “the appearance of the first civilization of Mesoamerica a little under 4,000 years ago”—i.e., around 2000 BC.' Nicknamed Olmeca ('Rubber People') because they lived in the area known for its rubber trees, the Olmec were strangers. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of AncientPages.com, Whittaker S,  'Africans In The Americas Our Journey Throughout The World', Popol Vuh, Sacred Book of the Quiché Maya People, Ancient Roman Port Discovered Off The Syrian Coast, World’s Oldest Beer Factory Discovered In Abydos, Egypt, Sword-Kladenets – Hidden Treasure Awaiting A Worthy Hero, Oldest Writing System Among Slavs To Be Germanic Runes – New Study. “Although archeologists have used the name “Olmec,” to refer to the Black builders of ancient Mexico’s first civilizations, recent discoveries have proven that these Afro-Olmecs were West Africans of … Anzick iand members of several Native American tribes are preparing to rebury the baby’s remains where his parents had left him more than 12 millennia ago. These shared the same basic food crops and technologies of the later Olmec civilization. The last and most recent evidence: comparison of Shang writing in China, and Olmec writing in America, show the two to be very similar. It depicts a complex religious scene, the central feature of which is a great tree with fruit on its branches - a representation of the symbolic tree of life of ancient American religion--and two large semi­-human figures standing (apparently in the air) facing it on either side, attending it. Where did the Native-Americans come from? They thrived along Mexico’s Gulf coast, mainly in the present-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco, from about 1200 to 400 B.C., although there were pre-Olmec societies before that and post-Olmec (or Epi-Olmec) societies afterward. Sites containing traces of the Olmec civilization are found mainly on the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, specifically in the states of Veracruz and Tabasco. The Olmecs thrived in the present-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco some three thousand years ago. Why Did Ancient Egyptians Use Pillows Made Of Stone? The Olmecs (Africans) and Asians mixed their seeds and produce the Native American offspring. Stirling and his archaeological expedition. Author A Cockburn. With 40 million in the densely populated area of Mexico and Central America, 45 million in South America. They inhabited the south-eastern part of the state of Veracruz and Tabasco western part of the state, with three most important centers of La Venta, San Lorenzo, and Tres Zapotes. There is also the similarity between Xia Human sacrifice in China, and Olmec human sacrifice in the Americas, as well as their fondness for jade work. - Article detailing the history of the Aztec civilization and their rise to power in Mesoamerica. Ivan Van Sertima (1935-2009), a Guyanese-born associate professor of Africana Studies at Rutgers University in the United States and the foremost authority on the African presence in ancient America, proved that many Olmec cultural traits were of African origin: "A study of the Olmec civilization reveals elements that so closely parallel ritual traits and techniques in the Egypto-Nubian world of the same period that it is difficult to maintain [that] all these are due to mere coincidence.". And perhaps after having gone south, and plundered and looted, they also saw the advantages of that lifestyle and stayed. Illustration: Nicole Elmer The origin of viruses is a hotly debated topic. Just like the rest of human kind. In this regard, did the Olmecs do human sacrifice? Coronavirus origin: Where did COVID-19 come from? They arose suddenly and with no apparent prior gradual development. It is difficult to precisely locate the Olmec civilization in time. Where did the Aztec come from? The Olmec culture began around 1500 BC, at around the same time as China�s Shang dynasty (c. 1,766 to 1,122 B.C.). The rich soil and the tropical climate of the region made it possible for the Olmecs to develop a highly structured society that was based on the production of maize , or corn. Well, Once Upon a Time. However many Believe that East Asian people are the direct descendants of the Khoisan people in southern Africa. In the Americas, we are now learning that the history of the Americas is much older, and much more complicated than was once thought. Arranged in identical pairs, they vary in height, but the pair nearest you is about 12 stories tall (1).Each chromosome has a pinched place near the middle, so it looks a bit like a link sausage but is as thick as a massive tree trunk. A study suggests much of the water originated in rocks from which Earth is built. The Roman army was made up of soldiers from a number of places around the Roman Empire. The Olmec were the first civilization in the Americas {Not the first people}. A note here: It seems highly unlikely that early Australoids could have crossed the vast expanse of the Pacific in boats that long ago. The hatreds that built-up because the strong were using the weak as pools of sacrificial candidates, meant that they would do exactly as they did do, when the occasion arose. The first evidence of their remarkable art style appears about 1200 bce in San Lorenzo, their oldest known building site. Pre-Hispanic Olmec stone altar in the La Venta archaeological park in Villahermosa, Mexico. The Olmecs established themselves around 1400 B.C. 20,000 to 7,000 B.C. The Olmecs were the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilization. The word "Olmec" also refers to the rubber balls, used for the ancient ball game of Olmec creation. Some argue that the pre-Columbian culture developed virtually on its own and free of influence; others believe it was a direct offshoot from the older Olmec civilization — a … At La Venta we can see such platform mounds arranged around large plazas as well as a tall pyramid. Where Do Guinea Pigs Come From? Olmec clay toys, equipped with wheels, Anthropological Museum of the University of Veracruz, Jalapa, Mexico. Now that "almost" everyone has been introduced, lets go back to Sumer. Who they were, where they came from is uncertain. should do. The Olmec civilization is believed to have been centred around the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico area (today the states of Veracruz and Tabasco) - further south east than the heart of the Aztec empire. Huge monolithic heads - weighing up to 24 tons, with a height of up to 3.5 meters - are different from each other and yet they are all alike with flaring nostrils and thickened lips and a helmet or a helmet-like headdress believed to be the characteristic “football helmet”. The discovery testified to the existence of an unknown sophisticated culture. in his book 'Africans In The Americas Our Journey Throughout The World'. There are three classical hypotheses but many new ideas and discoveries challenging them. The Olmec culture thrived along Mexico's Gulf coast from roughly 1200 to 400 B.C. and lasted about 1,000 years, occupying a reasonably large amount of land. The Olmecs lived in hot, humid lowlands along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in what is now southern Veracruz and Tabasco states in southern Mexico. However, there are many ideas floating around out there. What have health officials learned since then? Australoids (people from Australia) were coming in. Indian scholar R.A. Jairazbhoy states that the earliest settlers were ancient Egyptians led by King Ramesis III, during the 19th dynasty. The existence of the Olmec culture in Old Mexico has always posed a problem. They vanished without any hint to where they went and why. But, only 10 million in the vast expanse of Canada and the United States. Scientists have long debated whether the Earth's water was here when the planet formed or whether it arrived later. However, the Xia/Olmec practice of Human sacrifice, which even intruded unto another Olmec invention, The Rubber Ball Game, was not. It is very likely to be the case. The earliest people known to have lived in the Americas were Black Africans who possibly made the journey as early as 100,000 years ago. New evidences of early human habitation are constantly being found, a few sites have produced dates of human habitation as early as 50,000 years ago and more. Where did our infectious diseases come from? In 1975, Betty Meggers, a research archaeologist at the Smithsonian Institution, proposed a Shang dynasty influence in the Olmec culture. It was first thought that the Olmec were west Africans, who had came across in boats. The word "Olmec" also refers to the rubber balls, used for the ancient ball game of Olmec creation. The Olmecs carved about twenty-two collosal stone heads in the southern parts of Mexico and their influence have been found in Guatemala and further south. The theory is, that at the time of the Clovis migration, much of North America was still covered in Glacial Ice, so instead of walking south, the Amerindian "Island-Hopped" south in boats, using coastal islands (which are known to have been icefree) and icefree patches of coastline, until they found habitable land. It means that black Africans sailed across the Atlantic Ocean long before Columbus. From information gathered so-far at these sites has come the following chronology of mans presence in the Americas. Dominating this chamber are 46 chromosomes. The heads - one of the most controversial scientific issues - are made of hard volcanic basalt mined in the mountainous region of Sierra de los Tuxtlas along the southeastern Veracruz Gulf coast in Eastern Mexico. Ken Miguel 5/13/2020. When Chinese scientists alerted colleagues to a new virus last December, suspicion fell on a Wuhan market. 'From an ancient stela found in Izapa, it is clear that the Olmec recognized the Tree of Life. The virus came from an animal that had been involved in … Could it be that there was originally a much larger population in the United States, and perhaps these people saw the cities and agricultural abundance of the south as candidates for looting and plundering. They often depicted themselves with colossal heads, some of which were deformed, and whose meaning is unknown. Europeans mistakenly assigned the name to ancient ruins that they found there, not realizing that those ruins pre-dated the Aztec and all other civilizations in the Americas. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. The African descent and possible transatlantic crossings of people millennia ago seem too controversial to accept but is there any other explanation? Best known today for their carved ?colossal heads, the Olmecs were an important early Mesoamerican civilization which had much influence on later cultures such as the Aztecs and the Maya. But how long ago did this journey happen? It’s at the base of a sandstone cliff. Europeans mistakenly assigned the name to ancient ruins that they found there, not realizing that those ruins pre-dated the Aztec and all other civilizations in the Americas. The Olmec culture developed in the centuries before 1200BC (BCE), and declined around 400BC.We know far less about the Olmecs than we do about, for example, the Aztecs and Mayans. They arose suddenly and with no apparent prior gradual development. These Australians (commonly called aborigines), have been in Australia for 66,000 years. The Olmec introduced many things to the Americas, most of them good. 1977;(49):103-12. doi: 10.1002/9780470715406.ch6. 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