Without someone to love, what’s the point in loving? Why did I make … He could even make a fancy, organic robot that would blindly obey His every word, because He could simply PROGRAM it to do so… but that wasn’t enough! Lord, Don’t You think it’s time For You to make a change? And without doing good, can you be good? The whole PURPOSE of Christ’s coming to earth was to show that there was NOTHING, not one dot or letter of the law that mankind COULD NOT HAVE OBEYED! His children are children of the very God KIND, a part of the family of God! Various philosophers and theologians have attempted to address this question on the basis of their own beliefs and philosophical systems. Answer: On the sixth day of creation, God did something He had not done before. Why did God create man before woman? But we aren’t made in His LIKENESS yet! Why don't You re-do creation And make everyone the same? As intelligent? And THEN, after that, if the computer said it loved you, it would MEAN something, wouldn’t it?? When we choose not to serve God—when we sin—we disturb the order of creation. His business is CREATING things, first and foremost. That mind which didn’t think it is ROBBERY to be EQUAL with GOD! One of the most common answers to the question "Why did God make man?" Our character must be MOLDED, through experiences, and mistakes, so that we can “have our senses exercised by USE to discern both GOOD and EVIL” (Hebrews 5:14), and so that we might “learn the exceeding sinfulness of sin” (Romans 7:13)! And even before then, when God created the angels, they were unsatisfying for the same reason your computer was. This is, quite frankly, the most painful disease you can imagine. How do yo KNOW that someone who is “perfect” doesn’t want someone else who is also perfect? As that sanctifying grace increases through the Sacrament of Confirmation and our cooperation with God's Will, we are drawn further into His inner life—into the love that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shares, and that we witnessed in God's plan for salvation: Creation not only manifests God's perfect love but His goodness. God called them to be in our lives so they can make us better for the ones who are meant to stay forever. https://www.learnreligions.com/why-did-god-make-me-542065 (accessed February 17, 2021). God worried … Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me IN MY THRONE, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father IN HIS THRONE. Men judge by outward appearance but I look at a man’s thoughts and intentions (TLB). But the BIBLE says it’s true! As it grows it will learn not to step in holes, to avoid barbed wire, perhaps to come when called, etc. We must LEARN to FORESEE the evil to come and make a different choice! Philippians 2:5-6 Let THIS mind BE IN YOU, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it NOT ROBBERY TO BE EQUAL WITH GOD: Christ was in the FORM, the external appearance, the very IMAGE of God! The word love has sadly lost much of its deepest meaning today when we use it as a synonym for like or even don't hate. the only thing I do not understand is why did God made me a short man making it difficult to find the right woman. In fact, in the very first reference to God in the Bible, we see Him already at work CREATING things! Or, to put it in more colloquial terms, Why did God make me? It also damages mucous membranes and affects the cornea, mouth, esophagus, and gastrointestinal. To see if it actually does SAY these things? God has a plan for all of us. He has written about Catholicism for outlets including Humanitas and Catholic Answers Magazine. Richert, Scott P. "Why Did God Make Me?" to which God answers, I Am (Exodus 3:14), the next question that has shaped us most deeply at Bethlehem is: Why did God create the world? God is a CREATOR. When God created all the creatures, God created them to reproduce after their KIND, or species. There is a short, quick reason for why God is good. What COULD it mean? Yes, there's a God named Jehovah, (Psalm 83:18). How long did Cain hate his brother? Oh, like you, He can create something that will obey Him, like a fancy computer. Jehovah God did not make short people. Why, of course you’d mean that He would, in time, grow up to be your size, your shape, perhaps a little bit different in details, but in general, EXACTLY LIKE YOU! And you will at LAST have begun to FIND the REASON God created you, and will be ready to perform the job for which YOU, out of all of mankind, YOU SPECIFICALLY were created – YOU will be ready to be adopted into the very FAMILY OF GOD and to help God rule the entire universe for ALL OF ETERNITY! Enjoy a wide variety of funny Christian jokes, good clean jokes, and family safe jokes and religious humor. In fact, in a very simplistic way you could say that even this calf’s senses will be exercised by USE to learn both good and evil. What does He DO for a living, how does He occupy His time? They don’t even look like God. Lv 7. We don’t understand why God would take away … Why Did God Make Me Disabled, Different, and Despondent? And if … He will UNDERSTAND you, and he can choose to love you, he doesn’t HAVE to because he is just programmed that way. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? Perfection is not having no needs or wants; perfection of character is having the NEED to do good for other people. The question we are going to answer is why did God make male human beings? WHAT COULD YOU MEAN, when you told a vastly inferior life form (your son) that it would one day be LIKE YOU? But God knows what we’re like, and I want to assure you He loves you and wants to help you overcome your loneliness. Was it because He was under different rules than we are? God created us to glorify Him and to enjoy Him forever. We don’t know his exact size, but we know that he wasn’t tall. No need to thank me. I stood out like a sore thumb. For me, one of the most profound Q&A’s in the Baltimore Catechism was one of the first: Why did God make you? For more on this topic, read “What Is the MEANING Of Life?”, available on this website. Notice that God said He was creating man to be like Him in TWO WAYS – in His image, to LOOK like Him – and after His LIKENESS, to THINK, yes, to BE like Him! (God answered. Because the computer CHOSE to love you! The way God made me was far from Cher’s appearance. But all of our sins—mortal or venial, major or minor—have a similar, though less drastic effect. among Christians in recent decades has been "Because He was lonely." How did He dare do this? It will never grow up and be able to be your equal in any way. In other words, a cow can only reproduce more of the COW kind! And by rejecting all the reasons why God made a man, we also reject His ultimate plan for us: to be happy with Him forever, in Heaven and the world to come. He never calls a cow or a goose His child, He reserves that for MAN. We, like the little calf, must LEARN through the pitfalls and suffering that we cause in this life what is right, and what is wrong, and learn to AVOID those mistakes! Baldness is caused by a gene. I made you in the Likeness of ME! After the question: Does God exist? God wanted to create MORE, and BETTER things! God is perfect and all knowing and so if He knew we would fail why bother? (Plus God doesn't control people; we're not robots). At the intersection of philosophy and theology lies one question: Why does man exist? The problem is we become frustrated when these people leave because we can’t let go. You can have a relationship with him that you can’t have with your computer, because one day he will be LIKE you. And so imagine when God created the heavens. He did so to give himself glory. It doesn't matter how short … But He gave us the freedom to make that choice. But without “others”, for whom can you do good? You see, of all of the things God has created, not one has ever been like Him. Are you willing to believe it? There is a short, quick reason for why God is good. Can you even dimly perceive the enormity of that awesome promise?? The three persons of the Godhead—Father, Son, and Spirit—enjoyed perfect relationships and completely fulfilled one another. His perfection—the very reason He could not have been "lonely"—is made manifest (the Fathers of Vatican I declared) "through the benefits which he bestows on creatures." But that wasn’t enough! Everything can only reproduce after it’s kind, and if it has a child, that child HAS to be of the same kind as the parent! He did not but your mother did! Much like you, when created it is in the image of it’s parents, but it is NOT after their likeness! But if I’m right… do you dare take the risk? When we choose to sin, we deny knowing Him, we refuse to return His love with the love of our own, and we declare that we will not serve Him. What Is The Book of Life? (God answered) Why did I make you black? He knows how evil stealing, for example, is. In a sense, it will have no character at all! 293) reminds us: Creation testifies to that glory, and man is the pinnacle of God's creation. He would probably be as strong as you, wouldn’t he? (God answered Why did I make you black? Likewise, GOD already knows how sinful sin is. It is, even now, still being created! A plumber? ‌ — Psalm 115:16 . That is a total of 55 inches. That’s something so big for me. Both the man and woman that God created disobeyed Him and changed everything. (Psalm 25:14) This indicates that God did not intend for humans to live merely a short time independent of him. Richert, Scott P. (2020, August 25). Good questions; but you haven’t failed yet. God wants me to be an individual in Him. But without “others”, for whom can you do good? And then notice that the creation was only HALF FINISHED on the day of Creation! Of course, like the little calves, Man is helpless compared to God, but, also like the little calves, Man has the POTENTIAL, with his parent’s help and barring accidents and assuming that he works at it, to become like God because He is made in the IMAGE of God and is a part of the God KIND! God made you short because that’s what will work best for what he has planned for your life. God is good because goodness IS, by definition, doing good for others. Learn Religions. And the Apostle Paul commands, yes, COMMANDS you to do the VERY SAME THING! A: I don’t know why God gave us different personalities — although life would probably be a lot duller if we were all alike! 30. You can become a partaker of the DIVINE NATURE, and be a part of the GOD KIND, but only if you have ESCAPED the corruption in the world! Of course it would! Tell Me, what do you see? The short answer that resounds through the whole Bible like rolling thunder is: God created the world for his glory.We’ll talk in a … In this way his character will be built into that of his parents, and he will no longer just be in their IMAGE, but he will finally have their character as well! GOD SAID that the people who had the word of God, a term used interchangeably in scripture with the COMMANDMENTS of God, ARE GODS, because they have the LIKENESS OF GOD! Maybe I’m making all this up; if so, when you read your Bible you’ll prove that! When we have fully learned that, the second half of our creation will be finished, and we will have taken upon us the LIKENESS, the very NATURE of GOD HIMSELF! If they absolutely INSIST on not being good, then – ONLY then, they have failed. Not only is He perfect love; but His perfect love lies at the very heart of the Trinity. What if it could decide, of it’s own free will, whether to LOVE you, or love someone else. In this post, John Piper, the Founder and Teacher of desiringGod.org, answers the question, "How and why did God create us?" And they obeyed God because God simply wouldn’t tolerate it any other way. God is good because goodness IS, by definition, doing good for others. I didn't make you in the image of darkness. God made me to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him in the next. Let me give you an example… when you were born, you didn’t know that fire was hot. Skin is not the only thing affected. Christians practice catechesis to instruct believers on the foundational truths of the Christian faith. And so God created Man, to fulfill His dream of having other beings like Himself in every essential particular – not just physically, but also with the very CHARACTER, the GOODNESS that He, Himself had. Did you ever think about it? What if you programmed it to say it loved you – would that make you feel better? by Jacob Ninan. Lord, You know, my own people mistreat me; And I know this just isn’t right. Clean Christian jokes, funny jokes, free jokes, and clean jokes and humor about marriage, husbands, wives, kids, men, women, and more. Yes, God only made man IN HIS IMAGE on that day, it does NOT say that He made him after His LIKENESS! True love requires the ability to respond. When God made me and you and everyone else, He intended for us to be drawn into the very life of the Trinity and to enjoy eternal happiness. Just because you make a mistake, or even a bunch of them, doesn’t mean you’ve lost all hope of fulfilling your future as a member of the God kind. At this point, it is important to explain JUST WHAT GOD DOES. And when you UNDERSTAND why stealing is wrong, why the violation of ANY of the commandments brings harm and suffering, a large part of your CHARACTER will have become like that of God! Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/why-did-god-make-me-542065. Like everything, God reproduces after His KIND. A man and a woman become "one flesh" when united in the Sacrament of Marriage; but they never achieve the unity that is the essence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God also has a good purpose for how He created you. Because THAT PROCESS IS STILL GOING ON TODAY! You may not, even now. Christ made Himself equal with God, because He knew that HE WAS DESTINED TO BE A PART OF THE GOD KIND, a part of the God SPECIES, so long as He obeyed His Father’s commands, and bore the image AND the LIKENESS of God! Those commandments show the character, the MIND of God applied in ten basic principles which apply to all possible facets and situations in life, and if you follow those principles, you will be acting JUST LIKE GOD ACTS! YOU Are Your Brother’s Keeper – And Your Neighbor’s, Too! Why? If the Bible IS the word of God, then you should be able to believe what it says! Or would you rather believe the “popular” thing, just because everyone else does? If being good-looking is important to God, then Jesus Christ would have been a … For many people today, the word serve has distasteful connotations; we think of it in terms of a lesser person serving a greater one, and in our democratic age, we can't stand the idea of hierarchy. (Or Is It Books?). Let me try a simple illustration. 0 1. And if you do that, you will be WORTHY to have all power in the universe, just as God gave all power in the universe to Christ, after HE had overcome the corruption in this world and took His place beside His Father as a God! They don’t like my hair or the way I look They say I’m too dark or too light. Christ is our PERFECT EXAMPLE! The earth was designed to be humankind’s permanent home. Know Him, love Him, and serve Him. Scott P. Richert is senior content network manager of Our Sunday Visitor. Have you ever asked the question… “Why did God make me?”. But you know what happened. People that are short are not less persons. You will be of the God SPECIES. If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture CANNOT BE BROKEN; So there you have it. Richert, Scott P. "Why Did God Make Me?" Why did God make me so shy and unable to make friends? Why Did God Make Me? This life, YOUR VERY EXISTENCE, the REASON that YOU were put here, now, on this earth, is so that YOUR CHARACTER can be molded into the CHARACTER of God! Kids stuck things in my hair and called me names. An individual in God “I began to realize that it’s super important that you have your own personality, and you live your life for God. 28. Why did God create? THAT, my friend, is the REASON God created you! I like what you say and illustrate but I have a furthur question. In serving Him, we serve ourselves as well, in the sense that each of us becomes the person that God wishes us to be. But what if – and this theme has been covered in many Sci-fi books and movies, but I’ll ask it again here – WHAT IF, you could give that computer program a CHOICE. And that’s why God didn’t make us like robots. In a question and answer format, this form of discipleship … But you didn’t when you were born. Yes, a child of God who IS a God, just as God is God. Can you grasp that? And again: 'Here am I and the children whom God has given Me'" (Hebrews 2:11-13). But God did. So why did God create humans if he wasn’t lonely? This man Jesus made himself a GOD, even though He was just a man. God made you short because that’s what will work best for what he has planned for your life. And man, collectively and individually, is chief among those creatures. Remember what God told Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7… Don’t judge by a man’s face or height… I don’t make decisions the way you do! Second question: “if God needs our love, He isn’t perfect, since perfection implies no needs or wants.” Excellent question; but how do you know what perfection is? Lord, You know, my own people mistreat me; And I know this just isn’t right. Blasphemous, even! Let’s remember that created a world that was perfect (Gen 1:31), and a man who was sinless.But it’s true, God did know that it would not remain that way. And HE KNEW that that meant that He was a part of the God KIND! But you see, a baby calf will not have the CHARACTER of the parent cows! People are different – they dress differently, they act differently. Was it because He was “special”? John 10:31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Just because you bang your thumb with a hammer, doesn’t mean you failed to build the house. Get off your knees and look around. That’s why we were created “for His pleasure” (Revelation 4:11). 31. Because He didn’t want any advice on how to do it. … Instead, He gave our original parents the ability to love Him—or even reject Him. Go on, think about it! They were using fowl language. ... (EB for short). That would be the ultimate satisfaction for any creator. We don’t yet THINK like Him! What a wonderfully brief description of the Christian life! God calls you HIS CHILDREN! And Paul was inspired to tell YOU to have THAT MIND in YOU! And there is no cure. God is perfect and complete and has always been that way. Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. I myself am 5 foot 7 inches, 67 inches. So if God promises that you will be LIKE HIM, because you are His SON (or daughter), WHAT CAN HE MEAN, if not that you are to be a GOD, as GOD IS GOD! So it is the God of the … Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, learnreligions.com/why-did-god-make-me-542065. The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, MAKEST THYSELF GOD. And if you do that, you will be no longer merely be fashioned in the IMAGE of God, but also in His LIKENESS, and you will FINALLY be FULFILLING YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE! The Catholic Church, however, addresses the right question. The first sin—the Original Sin of Adam and Eve—brought death and suffering into the world. But what did He MEAN by it?? 10 Reasons God Created Eve - Men vs. Women Jokes. You were born to be God. Just like you and me! (2 Peter 1:2-4) If we are to be presented “holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight,” fully sanctified, then we need to work out our salvation with fear and … They were, and are, very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful, after a few eons even the best view gets bland. David said, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). We don’t know his exact size, but we know that he wasn’t tall. (Matthew 28:18). Now, there will be those who one day fail in that purpose, but that is inescapable; God MUST allow free choice. Gladys Aylward, another missionary, always wondered why God made her short until she went to China and was the same size as the Chinese women.
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