Why you need it: Both written and verbal communication skills are of utmost importance in the workplace because they set the tone for how people perceive you. Identifying and assessing soft skills in candidates is no easy feat: those qualities are often intangible and can’t be measured by simply looking at what soft skills each candidate includes in their resume. that characterize relationships with other people. The greatest feature of soft skills … These leaders can tell a story that inspires and motivates teams to bring their best to an initiative. change by identifying effective soft skills training program strategies for the 21st century workforce in the logistics industry. An individual having exceptional soft skills is surely preferred in the corporate sector for being equipped with 21st-century skills. Simply put, these leaders inspire people to trust. workers lack soft skills; the specific business problem is that some leaders in the logistics industry lack soft skills training strategies for employees. IT students perceived that hard skills were very important while industry perceived hard skills were somewhat important. soft skills required by IS employers are (1) oral and written communication skills, (2) a strong work ethic, (3) teamwork skills, (4) initiative, and (5) interper-sonal skills (p. 230). Identification of the successful soft skills training strategies in the logistics industry may inform leaders about ways to train workers lacking in soft skills in order to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Soft skills, also known as Purpose Statement The purpose of the qualitative multiple-case study was to explore the successful soft skills training strategies used by logistic industry leaders. The study suggests that the university should enrich the soft skills and entry level hard skills component in the curriculum. Definitions of soft skills: a typology of different soft skills valued in the workplace as well as their similarities and differences. Soft skills are the intangible, nontechnical, personality-specific skills that determine one’s strengths as a leader, facilitator, mediator, and negotiator. People will sometimes name soft skills as that “X-factor” or certain quality that makes a great leader. skills were in there were a big range of disagreement on the importance of hard skills. Companies nowadays are rooting for individuals having the perfect blend of hard and soft skills. They also improve your chances of building relationships with co-workers. Soft skills are character traits that enhance a person’s interactions, job performance, and career prospects (Parsons, 2008). Soft skills is a term often associated with a person's Emotional Intelligence Quotient, the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, managing people, leadership, etc. Soft skills include leadership, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and many more. Strategies related to soft skills development, including operative definitions, components and … These leaders know how to listen and provide honest, empathetic feedback - so people open up about work issues. The authors put an increased focus on the development of a communicative-cognitive environment for elaborating soft skills in the form of games. They play a huge role in your career development, so it is important to learn and progress in as many as possible. In a qualitative study of project management pro-fessionals, Azim et al. Communication. Excellent listening skills, communication skills, and empathy skills are all examples of soft skills. We have assembled a few of the most important. (2010) determine that the key Benchmarks used to assess soft skills in academic and professional contexts. Soft skills for your career 1. The article presents the results of the integration of the D. Kolb's Experiential Learning method (an empiric basis) and the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (a theoretical basis).