Blues Licks & Riffs. We’re going to look at it in the key of C (over a C7 chord) … The bends to the b5th (Eb) and the true blue note (between C and C#) establish a solid blues tonality. I’ve broken the lick down into four easy steps… Step One. If you analyse the notes of C blues scale over F7, it gives you a b9 colour. The videos show the licks in C, but you can download sheet music which has the licks in nearly all keys. You can also try play the F form of the lick over the F7 chords, and the G form of the lick over the G7 chords. In order to execute this … ... How To Play “The Lick” On Piano Learn how to play "The Lick" on piano. Enjoy! Tax included. These licks can be used in a variety of styles of playing – blues, boogie woogie, jazz, rock, country, etc. Inside the Breakthrough Blues Method, you’ll discover a step-by-step exploration of hundreds of world class blues piano secrets and tricks. Scales are the sources of both melodic lines (like licks, runs, riffs, etc) and harmonic materials (like chords, patterns, progressions, etc.) Bad Boy Blues. In this lesson category we explore the blues, jazz blues, New Orleans blues, funk, gospel, and jazz organ. T-Bone Walker showcased similar hot licks in his Description Blues and Alimony Blues. Wenn du Blues frei spielen kannst, dann bremst nichts mehr dei- ne Kreativität. Hammered 8th notes. Add to Cart 19 pages with easy licks incl. For example, over F7, the keys on either side are of F in the circle of 5ths are C and Bb, and so the C and Bb blues scales would both sound great over F7. Verschiedene Blues Übungen in A Major. The first is the shuffle pattern. Let’s dive in! This website uses cookies to personalize content and to analyze our traffic. posted on August 26, 2018. Download and buy Blues songs sheets & collections with fingersettings as PDF & midi. They're all very very common licks that you'll find most blues players using, so you want to 'put these in your bag' right away. With finger settings and small notes for each lick. 35 Licks for Blues piano in C, medium to advanced. In this article I’ll show you a couple great bluesy licks AND how to transpose them for use across a 12-bar blues form. Add to Cart 19 pages with 33 licks from intermediate and better. Viel Spass dabei! Blues in C Major – Jam Track. Even though the lick and left-hand are written out as eighth notes, they are really played with a triplet feel. Unit price / per . This lesson will inspire you to build your own vocabulary that you can use to improvise when playing the 12 bar blues. Blues licks based on the Cm7 chord or the minor blues scale will also work well. We’ll be sharing more resources from Bruce more in the coming weeks. Hello and welcome to this week’s lesson, where I will be showing you how to play 5 awesome blues licks from famous players on harmonica. Suitable for all ages and all types of guitars including acoustic guitar and electric guitar. Add to Cart 19 pages with easy licks incl. Update: I added target tempo audio for all licks plus two more licks! Learn to play it for yourself. Früher dachte ich auch, dass man Blues nur mit Stücken spielen kann. 35 Licks for Blues piano in C, medium to advanced, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. As pianists, we’re always looking for fun, bluesy piano licks to add to our bag of tricks. Lick #2 Medium Shuffle Listen to the lick 1. 100%. The "30 Must-Have Blues Piano Licks" Blues transcription and bass arrangements: Uwe "ukaykeys" Karcher Jonathon Wilson.=132 & \ \ E.! SHARE THIS: The Ultimate Online Piano Lessons Experience Click Here » Learning riffs on the piano is an awesome way to sound amazing quickly. … Technical problems? Bund Kombiniert man diese Lage mit der Dur-Pentatonik, kann man fast überall BB King raushören In dieser Lage liegt der E-Akkord im „C“-Shape (Form) zugrunde, er ist also abgeleitet vom C-Akkord in der offenen Lage - einfach 4 Bünde nach oben versetzt. Eine Übung für ein Beginner Blues Riff. A big bag from Dr. John to James booker, from power chains to melodic Yancey lines. Hi My name is Trond Vidar, and this is the classical Slow Blues in 'C' from Alvin Lee and Ten years After! Audio for everything will be available extra in a few days. The Most Essential Jazz Chord Progression. All of the licks that we’ll look at here will be presented in the context of an A major blues. There are three basic approaches to blues rhythm guitar: shuffle patterns, single-note motifs and comping (straight-up chordal accompaniment). As well as playing the lick, also try out the notes of that C major pentatonic scale form as well. Firstly, how do you form a blues scale? 3 Blues Piano Riffs That Anyone Can Play. Hammered 8th notes. Die Blue Note Bb kommt 3x vor, auf der E-Saiten im 6. Eine Übung für einen Smoky Bar Blues. Licks are short musical phrases used in jazz, blues and rock improvising.Some players have a memorised collection or repertoire of favourite licks that they will throw into a solo every now and then. Blues Piano Lick #1 Before trying to read this lick, make sure that you listen to the audio file (right below the lick) to hear how it should sound. Piano Course: The Bible of Blues Riffs 2. Chicago Blues Licks & Riffs. Blues Piano Tricks #3: THE Blues Lick This is a blues lick that gets played ALL the time. Jazz Blues Licks in F.pdf PDF. Not only are these really fun to play, but they will also help you to understand the blues scale on a deeper level. In diesem Videobeitrag zeige ich dir einen einfachen Einstieg in die Blues Improvisation am Klavier. Improvisation: Es ist wichtig, dass am Anfang nicht zu schnell und nur mit wenig Tonmaterial improvisiert wird. It is common to write swung eighth notes as “regular” eighth notes rather than triplets. This one features a different movement for the picking hand: the pattern is odd (3 notes) so the picking directions are fingers (for the double stop), up, down. Download the PDF, print it and use our learning tools to master it. Jazz INST. Für Jazzpianofans ist Blues eine wichtige Grundlage. 19 pages with 35 licks for intermediate and better. Es braucht dazu keinerlei Vorkenntnisse, denn dieser Beitrag richtet sich an Anfänger im Bereich Blues Improvisation. Dann spielst du dich frei, egal ob du gut drauf bist oder dich traurig fühlst. You will need a harmonica in the key of C, and we will be playing in 2nd position in the key of G. Pay by credit card & Paypal. Every blues piano player should know it because although it is played quite regularly it sounds awesome, not tired or overplayed. Boogie & Blues Piano von Wolfgang Wierzyk ist die komplett überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage des Bestsellers "Die Boogie & Blues Methode" und damit ein im Unterricht erprobtes Programm, welches in methodischen, klar aufgebauten Lektionen jedem den Weg zum Blues- und Boogie-Pianisten zeigt. Perhaps the most used and common lick in the Chicago Blues style is the hammered 8th note. Buy sheet music & midi files for blues piano by Christian Fuchs from easy, intermediate to advanced. Scale notes: C, D#, F, F#, G, A# MIDI file: scale_c_blues.mid (includes scale notes and chords) Other root notes:, , , , , , , , , , , Other scales: List of available scales Overview . The jazz piano licks and techniques you’ll learn about below will influence your playing for years to come. Welcome to this lesson on Chicago blues licks and riffs. Notice that it contains the root, b3rd, 4th, b5th, 5th and b7th degrees of an A major scale. $10 50 $10.50. Off. Easy Licks for Blues Piano in C, 19 pages. Blues Licks in A Major. A big bag from Dr. John to James booker, from power chains to melodic Yancey lines. Browse Community. So that’s is the note in the lick you want to use as your reference point if you wanted to move this around the neck to a different key. Learn piano blues: start today "I've been teaching the piano for more than 25 years and I truly believe that everyone can learn to play the blues, even if you've never touched a piano in your life! Practising this cell in isolation will make the lick easier to execute. In this lesson, I’ll teach you three simple blues riffs that pack a lot of punch! September 17, 2019 By Leave a Comment. In these lessons you will learn a lot of great blues piano chords, riffs, and scales. This lesson will inspire you to build your own vocabulary that you can use to improvise when playing the 12 bar blues. MY ARTIST GENRE. In this lesson we cover: Easy blues licks; Hammered 8th notes; Rolls, slurs, & slides ; Dr John’s ‘Famous Lick’ Licks built from 3rd & 6th ; Blues Piano Basics. Lick 20 – Brent Mason Advanced Double Stop 2: This is a slightly longer lines using double stops. In this article I’ll show you a couple great bluesy licks AND how to transpose them for use across a 12-bar blues form. These 5 licks use only notes from the Minor Pentatonic, and incorporate string bending (as most blues licks do!) All central elements are represented here, plus a couple of specialities from New Orleans piano. Blues Improvisation auf dem Piano - eine coole Sache! The jazz piano licks and techniques you’ll learn about below will influence your playing for years to come. Our first lick, FIGURE 4, is a striking opening phrase to be played over a I chord. Let’s dive in! Tax included. Jazz Piano Licks & Riffs. Welcome to this lesson on Chicago blues licks and riffs. You'll learn 60 of the coolest riffs, including single-note riffs, double-note riffs, punches, In this lesson we cover: Easy blues licks; Hammered 8th notes; Rolls, slurs, & slides ; Dr John’s ‘Famous Lick’ Licks built from 3rd & 6th The ideal range for Fire Licks is between the third C from the top of your keyboard (C6) all the way up to the very highest C (C8). Smoky Bar Blues. Piano 88keys TYPE. Blues Solo. If you want to truly absorb the phrasing, rhythm and articulation of blues licks, you need to transcribe them, just copying me will give you some insight, but it won't be ingrained in you because you haven't spent the time to listen. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Later in this lesson, you’ll learn my top 3 blues Fire Licks and how to use them in your blues improv. Verschiedene Blues Scales. This is a collection of thirty different blues licks ranging from beginning through advanced. Chicago Blues Licks & Riffs. High quality Bass sheet music and tabs for Jazz Blues In C For Bass by Jazz Licks. Played by boogie-woogie piano players and later appropriated by Robert Johnson, the shuffle pattern is in its most basic form a series of alternating 5ths and 6ths. $9 50 $9.50. Give valuable feedback to the author. Blues Gitarren Solo Basics - Wir haben für euch die wichtigsten Tonleitern für das Solo spielen über Blues Akkordfolgen zusammengestellt. Sam Vesely / Musical Genres “Jazz Up” Your Piano Playing Make anything sound jazzy with these simple tips . Also New Orleans, Boogie Woogie , Licks, available. Jazz Blues Licks in C.pdf PDF. F, d. Please rate this score. Lick #1 The first blues piano lick is two measures long and works over a single dominant chord. Blues Pattern und Blues Licks bilden die Basis für eine amtliche Blues Solo-Improvisation. This lick starts exactly like lick 1 but ends with a pull off rather than a bend. Each video has a different lick. A big bag from Dr. John to James booker, from power chains to melodic Yancey lines. Blues piano basic Fire Lick on a C blues shuffle. The licks come with finger settings and a selection of left hands. In the meantime invest some time into the video above. One riff that you may hear in many different types of jazz is the one shown below. Tax included. The videos show the licks in C, but you can download sheet music which has the licks in nearly all keys. It’s takes a little bit of practice to get under the fingers but not something that is difficult. You consent to our use of cookies if you continue to use this website. 1) The blues scales of chords a 5th away will always sound good. This is because of the similarities in the key. 33 Licks for Blues piano in C, midi file. The blues licks and riffs lesson will inspire you to build your own vocabulary that you can use to improvise when playing the 12 bar blues. Each video has a different lick. The first pattern, FIGURE 1, is a full-blown A blues scale in 5th position. It's jazz music's biggest cliche and inside joke. Blues Licks & Riffs. Blues Piano Lick #2 Lick #2 is a C minor pentatonic scale played in triplets. Seeing as this is a blues lick, you’re going to want to think pentatonically. so you'll need to have done some work on your bending before having a go at these licks! More Tips To Help You Use Blues Piano Licks. Notice how I use it over a traditional 12 bar blues chord progression and also a jazz chord progression. There are a number of F Blues records in the forum where you can find inspiration to transcribe your own lines. Unit price / per . In no time, you’ll be playing blues piano just like Ray Charles. Want to learn how blues piano licks can be used over blues, rock, gospel, and jazz chord changes? Blues ist der Ursprung vieler Musikstile von heute und damit zugleich Grundlage für vieles andere. Blues Piano Scales. Perhaps the most used and common lick in the Chicago Blues style is the hammered 8th note. Jazz Blues Licks in Bb.pdf PDF. Move chromatically down from B-flat to G. That means you’re going to play every key between those two notes. This is a collection of thirty different blues licks ranging from beginning through advanced. Stay up to date about new songs in my collection. How to play piano blues – the complete guide for beginners. There is a basic formula that is followed for most blues tunes called the "12 Bar Blues," and once you master it, a whole new world of musical stylings will be at your fingertips. Bund und auf der D-Saite im 8. 3 authentic jazz piano licks; If you feel stuck when it’s time to solo, then this Quick Tip is for you! A blues scale consists of 6 different notes, namely the root, flat 3rd, 4th, flat 5th, 5th and flat 7th of the major scale: 1 – b3 – 4 – b5 – 5 – b7.For instance, in the C blues scale the notes are C – Eb – F – Gb – G – Bb – C. Blues Fire Licks are played in the very high upper register of the piano. However, there is something interesting about how this lick is formed (besides just being triplets). The first riff is really common in TV and Film. The Most Essential Jazz Chord Progression. Wir haben zehn der besten Blues Solo-Pattern von Gitarristen-Legenden wie Chuck Berry, Robben Ford, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Bonamassa und Mark Knopfler zusammengetragen und präsentieren sie euch in Noten und Tabulatur. Eine Übung für ein Bad Boy Blues Riff. In fact, the sitcom 30 rock uses it as their opening … Blues in G-Dur. Update: I added target tempo audio for all licks plus two more licks! Each lick is presented with minimal talking, so you can get right into learning and applying these licks into your own playing. Progressive Blues Guitar Licks contains all you need to know to start learning to be a great blues guitar player - in one easy-to-follow, lesson-by-lesson blues guitar tutorial.,,, Before we get into the licks, we need to set a harmonic context. The blues licks and riffs lesson will inspire you to build your own vocabulary that you can use to improvise when playing the 12 bar blues. Suffice it to say that the scales for Blues piano cannot be exhausted in this particular lesson because there are a variety of them. Take a look at This little riff relies on the ‘blue’ note, the D#, to create a colourful twist on an otherwise simple repeating rhythm.