With new rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. 9th edition Codexes revealed. Like many Plagues, you also have the option of evolving yours over time, but you’ll need to stay tuned to Warhammer Community to find out how you can do that later this week. Why Sponsor the Blood of Kittens Network. Regular Chaos Lords of the Death Guard have cause to rejoice, as they now have the resilience to match their pestilent brothers-in-arms. In fact, your opponent will need to hit a Death Guard Terminator with a Damage 4 attack or higher to bring one down with a single hit – that’s dedicated anti-tank weapon territory! Visit us instore or you can check it out on our website. The Icon of the despair now causes a mortal wound of a 4+ for each unit in engagement range at the morale phase, they also get a Sigil of Decay that makes any bolt weapon hit of 6 auto wound for the unit, this is a great little 10 point upgrade! You get to roll on a D333 chart with everything from +3 movement to +1 Toughness available and no poor results. Really like these and can see some fun siege lists here! Contagions of Nurgle is a new ability held by the majority of the army that dishes out a -1 Toughness aura – this aura increases in range as the game continues up to Turn 4 giving most of your army a 9″ -1 T aura, which is rather brutal! The trusty Daemon Prince has had a points cut, been given 2 extra attacks and his sword is now a lot better with extra strength and AP. radius. Genres we cover include board … Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from Blood of Kittens. *Â, As the battle unfolds, this debilitating contagion will only become harder for your enemies to avoid. Flash Outbreak – Now this one is great as it allows you to pass the Plague Company contagion from your warlord onto another of your units and they also count the contagion as being one turn higher for the purposes of the aura. A nice debuff that reduces a target unit’s Strength by 1, and also reduces their attack characteristic on a cast of 8+. When the new codex launches, the Death Guard will be ignoring one wound guaranteed against any attacks that deal more than 1 Damage. Continuing from the character upgrades seen in the Space Marine codex, the Death Guard can pay points to give upgrades to the characters and unit champions – and while named characters cannot take them, I absolutly love the fact that you can for example give your Deathshroud champion an upgrade giving each hit of a 6 an additional hit, or why not make each wound of 6 cause a mortal wound on top? Grand Alliance Death. They can quickly close with the enemy battleline and start spreading the contagion as soon as possible, ensuring any target units near them have an even greater chance of taking damage from your ranged fire. Continuing on from the Codex releases that followed the launch of Indomitus and the 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 it is now the turn of Chaos to get their attention, and this kicks off with one of the armies that got their previous Codex back at the launch of 8th Edition, the Death Guard. The key here is that almost all of your attacks will be more effective against enemies that are within range of Nurgle’s Gift. Wow, just wow! Reducing the Toughness of an opposing unit is a powerful ability in its own right and, with the steadily growing aura of Nurgle’s Gift, it’ll only get easier as the game goes on. ), these models are hard enough to kill in the first place.Â. Nurgle Blessed. As with previous Codexes we also get a miniatures showcase showing off the entire range, but also a look at the Crusade army of Tom Moore of the Army Painter team painted in their classic Horus Heresy scheme. Warhammer 40K: Codex - Death Guard (Hardcover) 9th Edition NIP. His contagion abilities always count as being in the 4th battle round meaning he starts with a 9″ -1 Toughness bubble. And no, we don’t want to think about what sort of vile fluids are being pumped around in there, let alone the toxic fumes being spewed forth from its chimney. Your choppiest Terminators just got even choppier. We have very limited supply of everything so come in early and snag them while supplies last. Shipping and handling. As part of your Crusade force you also get to craft your own disease, with it’s own Vector, Infection and Terminus. There’s some really fun stuff here from such as; Trench Fighters – At the end of the fight phase each Plague Marine with plague knives can make an extra attach with it – this is on top of the additional attack they have already gained in their new rules! Can see some really fun lists with aggressive mortars and defilers with this! perfect for a poxwalker heavy Typhus army. This is an interesting change and I wonder if we see any other actions like this in other codex in order to restrict cheap units that often got picked to fill out detachments. That’s right, the Daemon Primarch has not one, but three traits when he takes to the field as your Warlord. We’ve already seen how tough the chosen of Nurgle are thanks to their Disgustingly Resilient rule, but now that he’s Revoltingly Resilient too** it’ll be even harder to put a scratch on the favoured son of Nurgle. ), The Dead walk Again – Brings back Poxwalkers in the command phase! Have lost their old bodyguard rule, instead they work like the Necron Murder Buckets making any character with 9 or less wounds untargettable – no more taking hits for Mortarion! Look upon them and see the signs: pus seeping from festering wounds that never heal; miasmic smogs of corrosive, stinking gas hanging thickly in the air wherever Nurgle’s chosen tread; the wriggling, lamprey-mouthed tick-leeches that clamp on … Typhus has had some big changes, he is now faster at movement 5 and has a base 6 attacks, his armour still gives him a 4+ inv save but no longer affects his movement! When you consider that Plague Marines, Death Guard Possessed, Blightlord Terminators, and Deathshroud Terminators also gain an additional Wound in the new codex, it makes the legion a true force to be reckoned with. Nighthaunt; Legions of Nagash; Grand Alliance Destruction. Death Guard Combat Patrol. Games Workshop provided Sprues & Brews a copy for review purposes. Pre-Order Sale. He is also in competition for that precious one Lord of the Death Guard slot per detachment! It has a weapon but at 6″ range I can’t see anyone getting anywhere close to it! While originally they had more in common with their unblessed peers among the Traitor Legions, now both Chaos Lords and Sorcerers of the Death Guard have Toughness 5, Contagions of Nurgle, and Disgustingly Resilient to better fit into your armies. We’ve been previewing many of the key changes to their rules over the past few weeks, so today we’re looking back at some of the most important updates ahead of pre-orders opening later this month. DEATH GUARD WARGEAR LISTS Some of the units you will find on the following pages reference one or more of the following wargear lists (e.g. The Plague Marines aren’t the only unit getting a close-combat boost. Utterly devoted to spreading the Plague God’s hideous diseases across realspace, they are living plague vectors whose bloated bodies and rusted war engines boast grotesque resilience and firepower. A dragon's hoard of all the tabletop RPGs you need from Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, World of Darkness, to Shadowrun - all available for free to download. Nice horde unit stripper – roll a dice for each model, every 6 is a mortal wound – on a cast of 9+ each 5 is also a mortal wound! In the wake of firstborn Space Marines everywhere finding themselves with an additional Wound, the galaxy reverberated with the sound of plasma weapons overcharging in response.Â, Alas, those hoping to quickly dispatch Nurgle’s elite will need to think again. Or if you rather your reviews in text form then make a fresh brew and read on! Codex Death Guard. Yes, everyone forgot this rule in the heat of battle, but it was a good source of extra attacks, thankfully most units have instead been given extra attacks across the board. The new kid on the block improves the AP of nearby core units on a wound of 6 in addition to his reroll 1s, which is cool but I feel he is again fighting for the precious Lord of the Death Guard slot, and may struggle to see the tabletop because of that. You’ll no longer have to worry about the fickle dice gods abandoning you at a crucial moment. The Death Guard see quite a lot of changes in this new Codex, with a number of new keywords created in order to manage these rules. With new rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. Core unit, Now have 2D3 attacks and a -1 Leadership aura. Finally, as true heralds of Nurgle’s plagues, Deathshroud Terminators are equipped to spread his concoctions even further than the rest of their brethren, adding three inches to the range of their Contagions of Nurgle ability thanks to the chimes of contagion. Disgusting Force – Increases the damage of the Plagueburst mortar to 3 and does splash mortal wounds to units near the target! Pre-orders: January 9th 2021 Release Date: January 16th 2021 2020 Death Guard 9th edition codex: $50; Miasmic Malignifier: $48; Lord of Virulence: $40; Cards: $25; Dice: $35 The new 9th edition Codex: Death Guard for Warhammer 40k has arrived as well as a some new Death Guard minis!! This is situational irony if I’ve ever seen it. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Questions. Sam: My favorite change of the new edition is how many more Command points the servants of the Plague God have at their disposal. Combined with Plague Weapons’ ability to re-roll wound rolls of 1, your Core units will have an easier time than ever inflicting a barrage of wounds that bypass the flimsy armour of the Corpse-Emperor’s teeming masses. But irrespective of your own opinions on the matter, the Death Guard love everything it has to offer! However we do see some new army construction rules in which you cannot have more Poxwalker units than Bubonic Astartes Core Infantry, and also no more cultist units than Bubonic Astartes. In the meantime, grab some Plague Marines reinforcements so that you’re ready to spread the blessings of Grandfather Nurgle. By Turn 4, it’s entirely possible that the Toughness value all of your opponent’s units will be reduced by 1. The core of any Death Guard army are the Plague Marines, and now they’re getting even better. We are open everyday from 11am to 7pm for both walk in and curbside services. His staff now has an extra pip of strength and his extra mortal wounds on a cast of 7+ is now a 12″ range, other than that no major changes! Gloomspite Gitz; Underworlds; Warhammer Age of Sigmar Терен; Age of Sigmar книги; Games Workshop бои и аксесоари; Magic: The Gathering; Yu-Gi-Oh! – Background on the reunification of Mortarion with the Death Guard during the Great Crusade, his eventual fall into heresy, and the process inflicted upon the Death Guard as Nurgle's Destroyer Plague took them. The Warlord trait is fantastic, anything within range of this contagion cannot overwatch, Set to Defend or reroll and hits or wounds! Super-gross, right? Games Workshop Stock Market and Investment news for January 2021, New codex Compendium for 9th edition with updated information for Blood Angels and Death Guard included the new codexes and FAQs. The one thing that may rub people up the wrong way is the restriction to Lords of the Death Guard being 1 per detachment. What, for instance, is his Warlord Trait? New rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. Trade properties we cover include Warhammer 40k, Star Wars Legion, X-Wing, Armada, Desitny, Star Trek, Forge World, X-Men, Age of Sigmar, Gundam Wing, Horus Heresy, Dragonball Z. ... Generally I think we will see much less leaks now that gw aren't sending out as many pdf copies due to their app. His non Terminator equivalent is gone, but this guy gets the Death guard treatment with extra toughness and relevant abilities and keywords. Combi-weapons). It’s worth pointing out that you must take a Plague Company when you construct your army (Though in theory different detachments could have different companies) Each of these companies gives you access to a unique stratagem, a new contagion for your Warlord (This replaces their warlord trait however, so you will have to weigh up the benefits!) This can be good if you can get units within your contagion bubble – roll 7 dice, each one over your target’s toughness causes a mortal wound – use on elite low toughness units like Eldar to upset anyone with pointy ears. A lot of units and even core army rules have changed, so it’s going to take some games to get a true feel for how they will affect the game. Just in case your opponents needed any more reasons to give them a wide berth. First up, is their Inexorable Advance ability. Truly an immovable object worthy of the XIV Legion…. The Death Guard really are set to become more Disgustingly Resilient than ever! Change ). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. These are the Daemon engine specialists and their abilities reflect this, their strat is ace – not only does it allow daemon engines to shoot blast weapons in engagement range, they also get +1 to hit! One of the things that we have enjoyed the most about this edition of the game is Crusade, in which you create a force and tell their story over a series of games, gaining upgrades, experience and telling deeds of your heroic acts! Getting even better 5 models Guard, few can withstand the furious torrent of their stats from get-go! Your already tight points wings now only increases their Strength, not to mention the effects Disgustingly... Their pestilent brothers-in-arms remind ourselves of their combined firepower for a nominal in! List to receive the latest Death Guard characters for a nominal charge in points/Power for Warhammer 40,000 your Questions!! To some rumours going around still have a 4+ inv save back for each that kill... Affront to their pride as matching the Toughness value all of your will... Unit by +1 Strength and Toughness, T6 Plague Marines are nothing to be careful things! 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