Please view the School website,, for additional details concerning the minor. Program Office: Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship, 218 Roderick Shaw Building, 644-7158 Thus, if a student has used PSY 2012 to meet Liberal Studies requirements, s/he must take another approved social sciences course to replace it. Courses taken to meet the minor are not applicable to any other requirement. To be admitted students must complete at least 52 hours of credit with an adjusted GPA of 2.00 on FSU coursework, and at least half the required hours in General Education, including freshman English composition and mathematics, or an AA degree. The College of Applied Studies offers a minor in Law Enforcement Intelligence. At least six (6) hours of the Communication minor must be taken with School of Communication at Florida State University. Program Office: 400 Dirac; 644-1010 Program Office: 2140 Medical School Building, 1115 W. Call St.; 644-7678 ENC2135 and its equivalencies will not count toward the minor. This undergraduate interdisciplinary minor focuses on the culture of the pre-modern era in Europe (both East and West) and the Middle East. Students must meet State Board of Education Rule 6A-5.066(1), Approval of Pre-service Teacher Preparation Programs. All courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better to count toward the minor. A full time Health Professions Advisor meets regularly with students throughout their college years assisting with career goals, course scheduling, long-term academic planning and professional school admissions procedures. Housed under FSU Panama City’s Public Safety & Security program, the CSI major integrates analytic and hands-on practical exercises with the theoretical principles needed to work in areas such as crime scene, death investigations, medical examiner’s office, forensic labs and more. A list of approved courses is available from the program advisor or online at, Classical Languages, Literature & Civilization, Strategic European Languages and Cultures (SELC),,,,,,,,,,, /Academics/Undergraduate-Programs/Public-Safety-Security/PSS-Minors-Available-in-Public-Safety-Security, NSC 1110 Introduction to Naval Organization Freshman (Fall), NSC 1140 Seapower and Maritime Affairs Freshman (Spring), NSC 2231 Principles of Naval Management I Sophomore (Fall), NSC 3214C Navigation I Sophomore (Spring), NSC 3123 Naval Weapons Systems Junior (Fall), NSC 3221 Evolution of Warfare (Marine Option) Junior (Fall), NSC 2121 Naval Engineering Junior (Spring), NSC 4224 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare (Marine Option) Junior (Spring), NSC 4232 Principles of Naval Management II Senior (Spring). In Greek or Latin the sequence may begin at the 1000 level (provided this does not duplicate the foreign language requirements for the baccalaureate degree) or at any appropriate higher level. Program Office: 203 Love, 644-8700 With its diverse thrust that emphasizes piano pedagogy, piano education research and piano performance, FSU is among the elite programs in the U.S. With an excellent job placement record, nearly 100% of our graduates are piano professionals who serve in … The minor requires the following four courses (12 hours) with a grade of C- or better: CHD 2220, CHD 3243, FAD 2230, FAD 3343. Specifically, it affords the opportunity for students in all majors to learn how to start and build a successful business. Minimum of 25 semester hours in the following areas: Applied Music: 4 MV(B,K,P,S,V,W) 1211 - 1216 Applied Music Secondary. A minimum of fifteen semester hours of Environmental Science courses approved for major credit as follows: two of the following; MET 1010 (or MET 2700), GLY 2010C or OCE 4008, AND any three courses from the EOAS List 1 Electives, see CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE ENT 4014New Venture Creation 4. Students must fill out this survey to declare a minor in Child Development.Child Development Survey. Program Office: 211 Bellamy, 644-4418 Credit extended in meeting the foreign language requirement for graduation may not be used in satisfying the minor. Program Office:  International Programs, A5500 University Center, 644-3272 The remaining three hours may be in any other Semitic language (Arabic, Aramaic, and Syriac are currently taught at FSU). At least six (6) hours of the communication minor must be taken within the FSU School of Communication. Elementary Education [B] English Education [B] Foundations of Education Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education [M, D] Sociocultural and International Development Education Studies [M, D] ... Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida State University. The Minor in Education is offered through the Graduate College of Education (GCOE) for undergraduate students to explore and to prepare for careers as professional educators at the post-baccalaureate level. COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Program Office: 310 DLC, 644-6004 The remaining two courses (6 hours) must be selected from: HFT2060, HFT2061, HFT2062, HFT2063, HFT2080,HFT2452, HFT2890, HFT3542, HFT3700, HFT3891, HFT4205 or HFT4930. Only course work with a grade of C- or above in these courses will count toward the minor. Law Enforcement Operations looks at the field of policing through an application based curriculum. The minor requires a minimum of 12 hours in courses approved for major credit, including BSC 2010/2010L (3/1) Biological Science I and lab, BSC 2011/2011L (3/1) Biological Science II and lab, and at least one additional courses approved for the major. WOMEN'S STUDIES The minor requires a minimum of 12 hours in geology, including GLY 2010C and ESC3100C . Program Office: 151 Dodd Hall (644-1483) The minor consists of 12 credit hours, including Philosophy of Law (PHM 3400), one course in logic (PHI 2100, PHI 3130, PHI 3162, or IDS 3358), and six hours from: PHI 2620, PHI 2635, PHI 3670, PHM 3351. BRITISH STUDIES LONDON CENTER MINOR SOCIAL WELFARE Grades below C- will not be accepted for minor credit. For more information, see Program Office: 306-307 Keen, 644-3245 At least 6 hours must be at the 3000 level or higher. The student must complete 6 additional hours in courses with prefixes EES or ENV at the 3000 level or above, with no more than one (1) of the following courses counting toward the minor: ENV4341 or ENV 4611. Additionally, courses taken to meet the minor are not applicable to any other degree requirement. Copyright. Students will be encouraged to explore big picture questions about the uses of technology in a global society, reflect on the sociotechnical implications of different technologies, and consider how a wide range of issues such as digital literacy, computer ethics, and information security integrate into their majors. Crime Scene Investigation applies a problem-solving approach to investigations and analysis. DATA ANALYTICS Courses taken at another institution must be evaluated by the School of Library and Information Studies to determine equivalency. POPULATION STUDIES The School of Public Administration and Policy recognizes successful completion of the minor with a certificate. For more information on the minor, including preapproved courses, see Contact person for the program is Mark Fuelner ( A maximum of 6 hours of PAD and/or PHM prefixes combined is allowed. Program Office: Modern Languages, 364 Diffenbaugh, 644-2606 Courses include ENT 2000, HFT 1000, HFT 3240, and one course selected from a list of approved ENT electives. Students wishing to minor in Museum studies should download, complete and submit the declaration form, available online at Program Office: Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship, 218 Roderick Shaw Building, 644-7158 STEM ENTREPRENEURSHIP For more information, see . Upon completion of the required courses, students may apply for certification of completion of the minor at the Dedman School of Hospitality website at Program Office: The College of Applied Studies, 850-770-2178 The minor requires at least 14 hours of coursework, and students must make a C- or above in each class for the course to be accepted for minor credit. Program Office: 526 Bellamy, 644-6416 or 644-5470 BUSINESS ANALYTICS AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM ECONOMICS No course taken for the minor may be used for any University language requirement. Students must earn a 2.0 or higher GPA in minor coursework, with no grade below C-. This interdisciplinary minor requires the completion of 15 hours in courses approved by the Italian Studies Florence Center Minor Coordinating Committee. Established over eighty years ago, and offering a professional dance major for more than fifty of those years, FSU dance continues to be a pioneer and leader among college dance programs. In order to enroll in the College of Arts and Sciences, an undergraduate must be certified by the Division of Undergraduate Studies or be a transfer student with fifty-tw… For more information, contact David Levenson at Students interested in the Pre-Graduate Program should contact the department. The minor requires twelve semester hours in Russian courses numbered above 1999. Credit extended in meeting the foreign language requirement for graduation may not be used in satisfying the minor.SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP A minor in Museum Studies is offered through the Art History Department and requires 15 hours. Registration for the minor is required. Program Office: Modern Languages, 364 Diffenbaugh, 644-2606The minor requires twelve semester hours from Arabic language courses numbered above ARA 1121. In a four year graduation plan, the curriculum should be planned in such a way that a minimum of one year of general biology, two years of chemistry (general and organic) and year of physics are completed by the end of the third undergraduate year. Only one FRT course can count for the French minor..