Ideally frozen witches , with less number of freezes , may be extra rage or heal. October 16, 2018 / gregenstein / Leave a comment. This spell is the sixth Elixir Spell to be gained by the player, unlocked at level 5 Spell Factory. This base was higher up on the map and wait a minute we’ve seen bases like this before more in the cwl realm but more designed for the talent Hall tends to attack up so a chaos blade man makes this thing look extremely easy with the composition that he uses here comes in from the southeast side moving up towards the north coming in and opening up with 4 … Here comes the first base that is dark elixir protected donuts base.there are three compartments in this base. November 8, ... TH10 | MINER Attack Strategy. Posted by. Close. Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. There's variations on the troop composition but it usually goes something like: 31 Loons 2 Hounds 12 Minions 1 Rage 2 Clones October 9, 2018 October 9, 2018 / gregenstein / Leave a comment. but now it is quite hard to find loot with these combinations. Best TH10 Hybrid Base Link 2020 Anti Everything. [ASK] Electrone specifics STRATEGY I’m trying to perfect the electrone strategy at th11, normally there’s enough material on YouTube to learn new attacks inside and out, however the only stuff I can find is only covering the basics. the first compartment is composed by stray buildings such as barracks dark barracks army … Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. The basic strategy is to take a max electro-drag and a loon inside a battle blimp and target the enemy queen and cc. Or you can do Bo-witch spam with golems and giants as tanks. How to Laloon. STRATEGY. November 8, 2018 / gregenstein. Top 1000 Town hall 9 Clash of Clans Bases. TH13 TH12 TH11 TH10 TH9 TH8 TH7 TH6 TH5 TH4 TH3. Thus, main concern this base can be a great defense, particularly in Clan War Leagues when opponents regularly mirror attack and need to 3-Star the TH11s – and a TH12 attackers utilizing Electro Dragons can without much of a stretch come up short against this base. I’ve done a lot of witches at th10, few times without any heroes. Share this: ... ← TH10 | MINER Attack Strategy. What's working for you? His main attacks are Th10 Electrone (It’s a thing of beauty) and gohobo with quad heal spells. The below table shows the unlocked buildings and structures by Town Hall level. 19 hours ago [Strategy] TIL: Electrodrags are great at foiling electrone attack strategy. #L9LC2C9G - The War Stars Speak For Themselves. Clash of Clans Wiki. Opponent’s last attack was a th11 attacking a th10 with edrags. [WAR] Saw a similar post here and decided to post here. Clash with Cory illustrating this new attack style that is taking over the CoC world! Jul 12, 2020 - Explore Charlie Morgan, II's board "Games", followed by 117 people on Pinterest. Echo does a nice job of explaining the lavaloon or laloon attack. STRATEGY. Show more. Generally, Electrone uses a LaLoon attack to take out the base, but in this, you will be using a Stone Slammer to get the Balloons and also an Electro Dragon, which is on the Queen in the center, this part will be the strong defensive section of your base. Electrone aka THE GHOST. Ons bied ook instrumente vir werwing, basisaflaai, toernooie, oorlogskennisgewings en meer. What to Upgrade/Build first TH 9 Upgrade Guide. Let's explain Attack Strategy for 3 Stars at TH10 and TH11 with the Bowler Troop. Clash of clans war attack strategy th10 Clash of clans war attack strategy th10 Bonus point in my opinion that is uses clone spell. u/doguapo. If you need a solid th10 attacker in your clan then drop a comment or DM me. Play. Clash of Cla... How to Control your Bowlers in "Clash of Clans" - War Attack Strategy [2018] ... How to Use Electrone Laloon - Best TH11 Attack Strategies in Clash of Clans. The best thing for lalo is a good warden ability and kill squad (queen charge (qc), electrone, yetibomb, sui). See more ideas about clash of clans, clan, clan castle. TH12 51/53/21. Judo Sloth with a great “How To” guide for miners at th10. Top 1000 Town hall 11 Clash of Clans Bases. Hello Clash enthusiasts, I am looking for a good farming army for TH13. Summary. They can target air+ground , have good range. I am not into trophy pushing and wouldn't want to spend too much Dark Elixir either for farming. See this video from Judo Sloth. I don't have any experience with this yet, so my notes come from the video.Troop composition 2 archers 33 loons TH11 and TH12 attacks. 0:00. 0. Electrone aka THE GHOST. Lalo is a more base specific attack, but is really strong because the meta is ground and should defend attacks at Th13. ; The Clone Spell is a spell that copies troops that enter the spell's radius. I don't (yet) have any experience with this, so it's going to be a quick post. Timing and building a funnel is the key to success with Electro Dragons – if you mess that up you will not fail the whole attack, but for a solid 3-Star you will have everything working fine. It fully utilizes Super Cell’s API, so if there is information that SuperCell releases to the public you can rest assured that ClashTrack will take advantage of it on this site. Till now I have been using quite cheap armies with mostly Giants, Archers, Goblins etc. ClashTrack is a unique clan management site that provides many tools for a variety of Clan Styles. It is not complicated and provides an easy and minimal interface yet gives you advanced stats that … [Strategy] TIL: Electrodrags are great at foiling electrone attack strategy. Let’s know how this attacking strategy works. @sargtraingaming #clashofclans #clashon Oor ons Clash Champs is u toonaangewende E-Sports News-sentrum vir Clash of Clans, sowel as 'n amptelike skepper van inhoud vir Tier 3 vir Supercell. These copied troops are equal in level to the original troop, and appear with full health. What he’s looking for in a clan: - small growing clan (he wants to help a small clan grow strong and have a name in that clan as a good co leader) - … If you’re gonna do ground attack without queen then witches are the way to go. The best place to start is with the following upgrades: Queen, Dark spell factory, clan.