There are a couple of ways to do that, including filtering posts if you want to delete something specific. How to Delete Google Photos. Here's how to use it. You won't be able to retrieve anything you've added. 4 Facebook Features Every Page Admin Should Know. You can only delete posts that you have made. This process is the same for iPhone and Android. Here's how to delete your own Facebook posts or hide posts by others. You won't be able to reactivate your account. What happens if I permanently delete my Facebook account? To delete a Facebook status update after you have clicked "Post," hover your cursor over the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the individual post. Clicking the menu button in the top-right corner of posts only brings up the following options: Save post, Edit post, Turn off notifications for this post and Show in tab. We would 100% recommend using this method instead of the many questionable services you may find online. Even after you delete your account, Facebook will keep it available for 30 days, hoping you will change your mind. Conclusion. Sections of this page. Your account will be ‘deactivated’ for one month (it was two weeks). Deleting Posts. How to Delete Facebook Posts. Deleting a Facebook post removes it from your news feed and your customers' news feed simultaneously. Facebook doesn't disclose how many times people post, how many live videos are streamed or how many posts it's deleted. In the drop-down menu, click "Delete." Revoking permissions makes it easy to spot which apps rely on your Facebook account. Press alt + / to open this menu alt + / to open this menu Facebook will sign you out and return you to the “Log into Facebook” page. Delete Facebook's apps from your devices. If you're on another person's page, you can only delete a post that you made on their page. The first step to deleting your old Facebook posts is to select the posts you no longer want (up to 50 at a time). Go to or open the Facebook app and sign in to your account. The same Facebook friend who alerted me to the problem in the first place checked her deleted posts at 9:02 PM PST, and was still getting messages about deleted posts. The Facebook account deletion process. Go back to the Facebook Ads Manager and create a new ad. Click the “Delete Account” button to proceed. Does Facebook delete my live video? If your Page leaves the group or is deleted, the group will no longer be linked to the Page. Let’s start with the basics. Ready to scrub your Facebook history clean? The options allow you to choose, or do it in bulk. Facebook Basics: Manage Your Profile, News Feed, and More. RELATED: How to Quickly Delete Lots of Old Facebook Posts. Bulk Delete Posts Using Facebook in a Web Browser . Delete All Facebook Posts – Over the past few years, Facebook has developed many features inside their dashboard.People actually use those stuff while chatting with their friends.It is the number one social networking site for all the time.Today I am going to show you how you can delete all Facebook posts in bulk. If you’re interested in finding out about other features Facebook offers, head over to our Answer: PCH reserves the right to remove any postings or ban any user, at its sole discretion, that do not adhere to our guidelines. How to Find Your Facebook Check-Ins Map . The site layout changes all the time, with menus, settings, and the like moving around, disappearing, reappearing, and being reworked with a slightly different name. Click Delete again to confirm. One final message from Facebook informing you that in case you change your mind, the company will hold onto your profile and data for 30 days. Guide to Making Facebook Photos Private. Once you get to the ad creation section, choose "Use Existing Post" underneath the "Ad Name." You can quickly delete any post you've made on Facebook in a few steps. May 24, 2016 . • Delete Use this feature to move posts you no longer want into the trash. Find the post that you want to delete. Facebook launched a tool, Manage Activity, that allows users to delete all their old posts and photos. This a Facebook bug. You can quickly access your profile and find your posts by tapping the More button (☰) and then tapping your profile. Facebook finally reveals how it decides to delete posts. Now more than ever, it's important to curate what pops up on your social media feeds. If you delete your Facebook account: You can’t recover deleted FB account. How to Set up Facebook. Here's How To Find All Of Your Deleted Facebook Posts, If You Can Handle It. STEP 1- Launch the Facebook Messenger App on your device.Make sure you’re logged in! Then, I opened up the Social Book Post Manager extension, selected 2007 for the year, and November for the month. Here’s a … How to Quickly Delete Old Facebook Posts. 213. shares. Accessibility Help. Facebook is rolling out a new "Activity Log" that lets you bulk delete old posts, likes and comments on other people's pages. You might have deactivated your Facebook account, but you can still use Messenger. In case of unexpected data loss, you can download Facebook videos for backup. Using Facebook’s archive feature is an easy, free, and safe way to get back deleted pictures and other posts from your profile. And I’m not using any keywords. How to Delete a Post on Facebook. I’ve left the “Prescan on Page” option enabled so that I can review posts before they are deleted. How to Create a Facebook Business Page. • Archive This option is for Facebook content you no longer want others to see but that you want to keep for yourself. First, I selected the “Posts” filter in Facebook so that the extension will only target my own posts. Question: Why did my post on Facebook get deleted? Consider a deletion epitaph to notify friends of your departure. How to Add, Tag, Unfollow, Remove, and Block Facebook Friends. These can then be fixed, avoiding future access issues. Scroll down to a post you wish to delete. Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and everything else you've added will be permanently deleted.