If it’s a woman who is shaving a beard in the dream, it indicates that another person will get ill, there could even be a mourning period. Worn and dirty earrings are a sign of business problems. Silver color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the moon. The colour gold represents luxury and wealth. Bulkier armpits mean happiness. When young people dream this way it usually suggests celebrations and joys. Dreaming that money was lost announces sadness and difficulties for the dreamer and the dreamer’s home. Violet is the color of memories, longing and the border with the beyond. Dreaming of gold and silver buttons indicates that your actions are driven by pretention and you waste both time and money. Premature greying of hair can have its root in spiritual causes and can be a sign of spiritual distress; Hair getting matted can be a sign of negative energy distress . Gold symbolizes presige and luxury. In an economic free market, the more that gold costs per ounce in currency, the less the valuable the currency is worth. It is the color of devotion. Dreaming of a familiar person with a black or a red beard announces setbacks, if it’s white, it indicates disappointments, particularly in your romantic life, if the beard has gray hairs it means future fights. The more you sharpen the steel by grinding, the better it cuts. They can instantly set a mood, convey an emotion, invoke a reaction or inspire people. By My life! Baha’u’llah, the prophet and founder of the Baha’i Faith, wrote: O Son of Being! This does not mean that if a person is bald, then they don’t have a “glory” but in essence your glory sits on your head. With little hair we will have loss and misfortune. If the hair you dream of is blonde and nice, it means new projects to be undertaken; if the hair is black it’s a sign of trouble and sorrow; dreaming of gray hair is a premonition of disregard and anguish. To dream that you’re putting a rose in the hair of your beloved one may suggest that soon you’ll experience troubles and disappointments…. That’s why the bible says Jesus is “our glory, the lifter up of our head (Psalm 3:3). If we dream of well-formed and beautiful ears that predicts happiness. Gold symbolizes everything superior, light, knowledge, wealth, perfection and irradiation. Dreaming of combing your hair with an old brush hints that there will be many problems soon, including economic problems…. Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and adaptability. Gold is an incredibly positive precious metal containing illuminating and health boosting energies. Dreaming of handling old faulty buttons indicates poor health and various problems, including economic problems…. Whether it’s a lush green, signifying new life and abundance, or indigo representing it’s tumultuous. Much wisdom and tolerance will be required, and much time must elapse until the advent of that great day. To dream of beautiful flower bouquets usually symbolizes global joy and satisfaction. To lose earrings mean problems with our personal property. If we are with long silky hair indicates that we have good capabilities to succeed. It is the color of the limit and rebirth (white) and (red) passion. In your dreams hair can symbolize your thoughts, knowledge and reasoning processes. If you see a woman with golden blond hair, it suggests the probability to engage in an affair with a friend’s wife, which involves various dangers. Torment is the fire of test wherein the pure gold shineth resplendently and the impurity is burned and blackened. Purple Color Meaning. 7. Holding multiple meanings and associations, this dazzling hue possesses depth. Instagram/Networkengineer_. If you are a young student, and you see gray or brown hair in your dream, either in your own or in another head, it indicates hesitation to choose a career or an occupation. ... (1 Corinthians 11:15). This meaning may vary depending on the flower’s condition. The color of spirituality and imagination. How can they best reach you? For example, if the hair has a lot of knots, it represents a certain doubt or confusion. To dream we seek gold by digging in the ground tells us that our desires will not become reality. People in Kemet—the ancient African name for Egypt—believed gold had special, magic powers and would bury their dead with gold in order to protect the person in the afterlife. Read more about the color purple. When a woman dreams of receiving gifts of gold, it suggests that in reality she desires to get married to a rich man, regardless of background or reputation…. Dreaming of several clothes brushes hints that soon the dreamer’s job will increase but not the salary. Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light. Thank you so much! Dreaming of coins with smaller value or old coins that are no longer around, suggests that the dreamer’s concerns are deteriorating rapidly, which soon will lead the dreamer to a very difficult situation in the economic and health aspect. The hair is the symbol of our glory. They were so taken by it’s yellowish warmth that they would only let specifically qualified citizens handle the processing of their gold. This dream is usually associated with people who lead a dissipated and dishonorable life which explains the losses. Dreaming that you see tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming difficulties in your marriage or with family and friends. Maya Mansour received her BA from The Evergreen State College where she studied the intersection of the art world and the prison system. Dreaming of getting gold coins basically indicates that there will be joy in the dreamer’s life and perhaps prosperity. Dreaming of paying money suggests that the business and affairs being handled will go from bad to worse. Orange is the color of pride and ambition. Dreaming of having beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvements in all your affairs. In this guide, we discuss what each color means and how to harness its power. Dreaming about gold coins, and if the value is distinguished, implies that the dreamer leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. It removes the material obsession with gold things, and replaces it with the drive to seek out spiritual perfection that is as pure as gold. Also, gold indicates the permanent and unchanging value of the goods and the supreme spiritual enlightenment. True alchemy is the transformation of the soul from a state of suffering and ignorance to a state of enlightenment and bliss. For a woman, seeing a hair grow in unusual places announces sorrow, health and emotional problems; it portends that worrisome time is near…. By Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali). Ears symbolize communication as a passive organ of hearing. Dreaming of having a full beard indicates that your affairs will be successful. Geometric shapes in your dreams have spiritual significance because each shape has specific meanings that God or his messengers, angels, may use as symbols in miraculous dream messages. How to Use Gold: Wear Gold every day if you want to invite good fortune and success and enhance your power. The gold has been analyzed by chemists to be a mixture of 24 karat gold and platinum. Dreaming that some of your hair turns gray and falls, it indicates troubles and even health problems and diseases. Dreaming of counting money and realizing that there’s missing money, indicates concerns for inability to pay debts. Gold, both the color and object, symbolizes justice. It is often associated with royalty and luxury, and its mystery and magic sparks creative fantasies. To see your own nose in a dream resembles a conscious effort to undertake and reach any objective. If in the dream you manage your hair in a strikingly exotic way, it suggests that you’re frivolous and use dishonest means to make others obey you. Gold has captivated human beings for as long as we’ve known about it. 8. Red hair usually indicates movement, changes, etc. If a young woman dreams of her lover gifting her gold coins’, it means that their marriage will be financially stable. Buying it or selling it means confidence and security…. To dream that you receive a bouquet of wilted flowers announces that a friend or family member will suffer a disease. For a man, lack of hair or hair loss is a sign of problems and disease. Gold is an excellent metaphor especially for the spiritual underpinnings of life as it is so inert and remains in its original metallic form irrespective of what you may do to it. Therefore, the more sorrows one has the more perfect one becomes. I n today’s turbulent financial times, it is commonplace to hear ads on the radio or television advertising gold that is available for investing as a safe harbor against inflation. Ear also symbolizes the feminine and the dependence on something. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. Dreaming that your hair suddenly turns white can mean you have learned something very important. Hair is a sign of virility as long as it is in some parts of the body such as the chest, arms and legs and in due proportion. Thank you. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. The height of wisdom in civilizations is referred to as "the golden age." In the meaning of colors, gold is generous and giving, compassionate and loving, the benefactor or patron, sharing its wisdom, knowledge and wealth with others. Summary: Gold Color Meaning. The more you put gold into the fire, the purer it becomes. If the woman is pregnant, this suggests that her unborn child is a boy. It is the color of sensation and perception. Check your email for the latest from BahaiTeachings.org. Its dazzling color has driven humanity to go to huge lengths in order to obtain and protect it. To dream that your nose’s hair grows indicates some extraordinary facts that need to be carried through with a willingly and strong character. Beetles, like many insects, have antennae that they use for sensory perception. Strange it is that I love you and still I am happy that you have sorrows—Faith is the magnet that attracts divine confirmations. Badly formed ears mean misfortunes. The more often the captain of a ship is in a tempest and difficult the sailing, the greater his knowledge becomes. The natural gold in the human constitution … Confident, passionate and eye-catching, gold draws attention to itself. True unity should withstand the test of exposure and time. He was a prominent writer and shared the teachings of the Faith with other black people. The meaning of gold is also associated with the Sun, the Divine and of raised spiritual enlightenment.