Adult potbellied pigs are most comfortable at environmental temperatures between 15–24°C (60–75°F). People also love these ideas Pinterest. Intubation is best performed with the pig in sternal recumbency. The pig oral cavity does not open as widely as in the dog or cat (narrow “gape”) and complete examination of the mouth is difficult, even under general anesthesia. These behaviors tend to emerge around 2 years of age when a pig  develops its social standing within the herd. White to brown, pasty debris can sometimes be expressed from the glands and inspissation of secretion is common. Some owners are able to train their pigs to allow hoof trim, and this is strongly encouraged. Atrophic rhinitis is a condition in young, growing pigs caused by Pasteurella multocida and Bordetella bronchiseptica. Activated charcoal can also be hidden in baby food. Historically, penicillin is the drug of choice although a long-acting beta-lactam antibiotic such as Excede® (ceftiofur sodium) reduces the need for frequent injections. Ideal weight for a potbellied pig :) Pig Information Piggy Pet Pigs Miniature Teacup Petsmart This Little Piggy Critter Animals Pets. Breed Weight Male Weight Female Affenpinschers 7-10 pounds 7-10 pounds Afghan Hounds 50-60 pounds 50-60 pounds Airedale Terriers 50-70 pounds 50-70 pounds If you are raising pigs for meat, it is essential to know when to slaughter them to maximize swine production efficiency. (3 pounds per day = 2 cups. Pigs can frequently get into protected areas (like the area behind the refrigerator) due to their voracious appetite and their predilection for rooting paired with their strength. Miniature pigs: Managing common medical and behavior issues. Average live body weight of a fully grown animal can vary from 60 to 200 kg. Weight isn't so much a factor as much as body scoring is. The right moment is very much dependent on age, condition, and average weight of a pig at slaughter.. While there are a lot of factors that determine a pig's weight, you can expect most pigs to weigh between 275 and 300 pounds, with the market average typically fluctuating around 285 pounds. Gently remove discharge with a warm, wet cloth or baby wipe as this secretion can build up to a thick crust and cause irritation to the underlying skin. Body of the Kunekune pigs is short and round with short legs and two tassels under the chin. The preputial diverticulum may temporarily swell post-castration. A 50 lb mini pig is actually quite small and often times only 13-15 inches short. Hearing protection is recommended. Teacup pigs for sale? Approximately 75% of intact females >10 years of age develop uterine tumors, most commonly leiomyomas. In addition, intact boars exhibit a few distinctly male characteristics,  including:  excessive facial hair, excessive hair on the distal limbs and tail, densely fibrous shoulder plates, a strong, offensive odor, and specific behavioral displays (see Behavior below) . Seibert LM, Powers LV. Today. Mozzachio K. Basic potbellied pig care. Provide a bowl with a weighted bottom and/or wide base; alternatively, secure the bowl within the center of a tire (select image below to enlarge). Jayce Morgan, Livestock Officer Pigs, Tamworth NSW . Obesity can also be correlated with very low water consumption, which can lead to cystitis and urolithiasis. 5th ed. Swine influenza virus infections have been documented in people. So for our IDEAL 150 pound pig: 150 X 0.02 = 3 pounds of food total per day. Tusks should be trimmed well above the gum line using obstetric saw (Gigli) wire and edges can be smoothed with a file or Dremel tool. Accessed on June 9, 2019. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, such as flunixin or meloxicam, is also indicated to reduce fever. Dietary needs will increase daily with a pig’s weight. Human influenza viruses have also been occasionally isolated from pigs. and 10 to 12.5" tall Dandie Extremes — About 12 to 29 lbs. DO NOT administer hydrogen peroxide or mineral oil via syringe or drench due to the danger of aspiration. caustic substance). Rough surfaces, like concrete or patio pavers in the feeding area or at the entrance to a shelter, will help to wear the hooves. Females can display cyclic moodiness, mounting, and urinary marking every 21 days or so. Recommend 6-12 hours of fasting prior to physical exam in case sedation is necessary. Commercial swine feed is not recommended for miniature pet pigs. Yes they are micro mini pigs. Dental abscesses are a potential complication (select bottom image left to enlarge), therefore tusk trims should be kept to a minimum and performed only when needed. Ascarids are a common intestinal parasite and are often large enough to cause obstruction. Therefore, pigs are susceptible to overheating at temperatures exceeding 30°C (85°F). Pigs are incapable of sweating (see Integument below) and are susceptible to overheating at temperatures exceeding 30°C (85°F). Be sure bowls are low enough for the pig to easily access. transport, new human or animal addition to household, fight with another pig, thunderstorm). At a year and a half, she now weighs about 70lbs, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. Average height of the fully grown Kunekune pig is about 60 cm. Fencing must be strong and secure. | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | Privacy/Terms. This condition is best managed by a low-stress environment (i.e. Expect many bleeders within the thick, fibrous broad ligament. Miniature pigs typically weigh between 32-68 kg (70-150 lb). Estrous cycle: 17-25 day intervals (average 21). Gastric ulceration Females typically do not require tusk trims. The tusks of the male grow throughout life, while in the female the root closes after maturity (3-4 years) and growth stops. After you take into account what your goals are, feed your pet a diet that is … This condition can recur. Whether you bring your guinea pig home from a breeder as soon as they’re ready to leave mum, or choose them in a pet store when they’re a bit older, it’s a good idea to keep tracking their growth when you bring them home. This sac can become quite large and prominent and should not be confused with an umbilical hernia (, The mental gland found on the ventral aspect of the chin has both scent-marking and tactile functions (. In single-pig households, the human family is the pig’s “herd” and aggressive behaviors are common if not recognized early and appropriately modified. Learn the History of Mini Pigs The idea of having a pig as a pet is a relatively new one, although pigs have been domesticated for thousands of years. Saved by Kaye George. Written By: Stacey Davenport of Pig Pen Hill Mini Pigs . Mini pigs reach half their adult weight by about 1 year of age and will continue to grow until 3-4 years of age when growth plates completely fuse. This is the ideal condition regardless of the pigs lifestyle, feeding routine and circumstances. And it is one the smallest breeds of domesticated pig. A long laryngoscope blade and stylet is needed to facilitate intubation. During cold weather, a commercial pig heating blanket or a heat lamp safely placed out of reach may be used with caution. Carpal glands are scent marking glands found on the medial aspect of the forelegs (select image left to enlarge). MINIMUM Up to 25 lbs Even … Tusks can become long and extremely sharp, and tusk trims may be necessary to prevent injury to humans and other animals or damage to household furniture or flooring. Oral trazodone (10 mg/kg PO) and gabapentin (20 mg/kg PO) may be helpful when administered together the night before and again 2 hours prior to the veterinary visit. Sows generally do not clean young after birth. Available at, 1-815-888-4040 Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST, Submit your comments and questions to, Reptile & Amphibian Basic Information Sheets, Strict indoor life (e.g. Surgical treatment consists of bladder decompression via cystotomy and clearance of the urethra by retro- and normograde flushing or by tube cystostomy (16-20 Fr Foley catheter placed into the bladder apex). Miniature pigs were originally bred in zoos or used for medical research. As a result mini pigs are very compact and dense animals. Lab Anim 41(11):309-3011, 2012. Pigs will begin to pant as they get warm, but this is often insufficient for cooling. It is much safer to perform exams on the floor instead of a table as many pigs will try to leap off. and very small compared to their ancestors. The pen should include a clean, dry, draft-free, insulated “pig house” for sleeping and nesting, measuring approximately 2 square meters (6 sq ft). Small blood volumes can be collected from the tail vein in larger pigs (ventral midline of tail base, similar to collection in the bovine). depending on the inches estimated. Overfeeding is a common issue found among many pet pig owners. Rather, "teacup" is a label that breeders give regular potbellied pigs that have been malnourished to stunt their growth or are falsely advertised as miniature. Offering warm or room temperature water may encourage drinking, especially during colder weather. There are only two breeds of small pigs that are commonly found and those are: mini Vietnamese pot belly pigs and Juliana pigs. Zimmerman JJ, Karriker LA, Ramirez A, et al (eds). It is also a common problem in obese pigs; primary treatment in these cases involves weight loss first and foremost. Terms such as “teacup”, “micro mini” and “nano  pig” are marketing ploys rather than true breeds. In commercial pigs, these teeth are sometimes clipped to prevent damage to littermates or to the sow’s teats. The risk of obesity in pet pigs can be minimized with: Osteoarthritis is extremely common in elbow joints, carpus, tarsus, phalanges, and spine, particularly in obese pigs. Routine dental care should be part of suid preventive health care, and routine cleaning should ideally be performed as in a dog or cat (. Gastrointestinal foreign body The “pig flip” is an extremely useful restraint technique which props the pig on its hindquarters or back to allow basic procedures to be performed, such as hoof trim or venipuncture (select bottom image left to enlarge). Guinea pig pups weigh around 100g at birth, and reach their adult weight by around eight months old. Provide proper nesting material such as straw/hay, blankets (fleece recommended as these are more resistant to ripping), sleeping bags, and/or aspen shavings (avoid cedar). Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 8. Restricted access to water can lead to health problems such as cystitis and urolithiasis. Prophylactic use of gastroprotectants is recommended when animals are hospitalized. Free-ranging pigs forage for food by grazing and rooting for approximately 7 hours each day (V. Tynes, email message to author, June 12, 2019). However, a pig should be maintained from 9 months on, at a condition of 2.5 to 3. Micro Mini Pigs — 18 to 30 lbs. Surgical sterilization also prevents uterine infections and tumors in female pigs as well as testicular tumors in male pigs. June 2013 Primefact 1292 1. st. edition . This includes their neck, back, cheeks, hips, as well as on their legs! ). © 2018 PMI Nutrition International. Pigs easily gain weight, and obesity is a common problem in pet pigs. The surfaces of the premolars and molars are irregular, with wavy ridges for grinding food. Feeder puzzles can also provide a challenge to pet pigs (. Feeds are often classified as a starter ration (for piglets in the process of being weaned), grower (fed until puberty), breeder, or maintenance. It also helps if the pig is harness trained (pig-specific harnesses are commercially available, e.g. Teacup Pigs. Many pigs develop a red-brown ocular discharge (select image left to enlarge). Ames, Iowa: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2014. Struvite, calcium carbonate, and calcium apatite uroliths can develop in males. alone in a warm, quiet, dim room with a pile of blankets or isolated in a stall with a pile of hay). Recommendations are based on diseases common in the area, potential exposure, age, breeding status, zoonotic potential. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings may be negative; ear wax is a good place to look for mites. Pigs exhibit sexual behavior before they are weaned and are fertile by 3 months of age. Mini Pig Info website. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons; 2019. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or laser may be beneficial. Water intake sometimes decreases during the winter or in overweight pigs. Although pigs possess some sweat glands, they are not functional and do not respond to thermoregulatory cues. Flooring should provide good traction (e.g. For EU products, go to Guinea pig weight. Growing & Finishing Pigs … Pigs are a prey species: sows do not pick up or restrain their babies, but predators do…. Secure food and water bowls to the ground so the pig cannot climb in the dishes or tip them over. Constipation A pig’s food and water requirements change as pigs grow. If you do not have a scale, remember that a cup is 8 oz, or ½ pound. In: Miller RE (ed). Pigs require fans and water for soaking when it is hot; mud puddles are a great option as these allow for both cooling and sun protection via a coating of mud. Miniature pigstypically weigh between 32-68 kg (70-150 lb). Exotic Animal Formulary. Piglets (Under 40 lbs.) Miniature pigs normally produce large amounts of. Because of factors outside of PMI Nutrition International LLC’s control, individual results to be obtained, including but not limited to: financial performance, profits, losses, animal condition, health or performance cannot be predicted or guaranteed by PMI Nutrition International LLC. Pull the forelimbs caudally and collect blood from the right jugular furrow, a “trough” to the right of the manubrium of the sternum, with the needle angled toward the opposite (left) shoulder. Many remember the popularity of the Vietnamese Pot-bellied pigs in the 1980's. Proc ExoticsCon 2018:597-636. So, if your pig weighs 200 pounds,... 2. Treat all in-contact pigs, using doramectin or ivermectin (0.3 mg/kg SC or IM, repeated in 10-14 days for 2-3 treatments). Nits (even when dead) remain firmly attached until the pig sheds, so resolution should be monitored based on the presence of adult lice. Vomiting is a common complaint in pigs that have ingested fruit pits or other small objects, like pieces of ripped blanket. As mini pigs are prone to obesity, unhealthy weight gain is easily reached and we are seeing more and more overweight pigs every day. An ideal location for blood collection in miniature pigs is the, Intubation is challenging because the pig has a narrow “gape” (mouth doesn’t open wide) and a long, narrow oropharyngeal cavity (, For low-volume infusions, intravenous catheters are most readily placed in the auricular vein (. All Rights Reserved. Overheated pigs begin to pant as they warm, but this is often insufficient for cooling, and this is one reason pigs wallow in mud. Also offer fiber, in the form of grass hay or allow the pig to graze, to help control hunger. Spaying and neutering is recommended to improve pet quality, reduce odor in males, and lessen some destructive or undesirable behaviors. Suggested materials include wood, chain link, hog panels, and T posts. The adult size of other miniature pigs is much more variable. Obesity contributes to a host of serious health concerns, including arthritis, impa… Auricular veins are also one of the only readily accessible sites for intravenous catheterization so should be conserved, especially in sick animals. Note: Adult size is not reached until 3-4 years of age. They also don’t stay small like a piglet. Solid, non-slip flooring is also a must when working with pigs, as slippery surfaces guarantee a panicked patient even before the procedure begins. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders;2018:558-574. Proper Diet for Mini Pigs 1. Fresh water should be available at all times (see below). Prezygomatic shelf:  The suid skull is unique in that it possesses an elongated flange of bone originating from the zygomatic root, referred to as the prezygomatic shelf. Shade is also important because pigs have sensitive skin that can sunburn. Auricular veins are difficult to access in a conscious animal and allow for only limited volume collection due to the small, collapsible vessels. Adding a few tablespoons of juice (cranberry, orange) may also encourage drinking. Owners may also develop pruritus and rash. These days, there are many ways to describe the same cute little critter. Some pigs do fine having complete access to the house while others (like my pig) will destroy everything in their path. Welcome to Fat Camp. We base our size estimates on the adult size of the parent pigs. Entropion can be genetic and involve either upper or lower lids; surgical correction may be necessary. Pigs look half the size of their weight in body composition compared to dogs, meaning a 100 pound mini pig can look like a 50 pound dog. I do understand that not everyone has ideal situations where this is possible. Sick pigs will not be inclined to eat much. Most newborn piglets are not able to fully thermoregulate. Keeping farm animals within city limits is against the law in many municipalities. “Dippity pig” or erythema multiforme:  The cause of this condition is unknown, but the disorder may run in families. Provide shade in the pig’s outdoor area. Weights can vary based on muscle mass and how they are fed. At least 30 cm (1 foot) of mesh fence should extend beneath the ground to prevent digging beneath the fence. It is helpful to learn to differentiate between different pig vocalizations (anger/annoyance versus fear versus pain). The classification of micro mini pig means it will weigh less than 60 pounds. Recognition and treatment of pain in pet pigs. The condition is often associated with free choice feeding (or overfeeding of inappropriate items such as dog food or table scraps) and lack of exercise. Lice can be seen crawling over the body, while eggs or ‘nits’ are firmly attached to the base of hairs. Pain Management in Veterinary Practice . Also instruct owners to bring their pig’s daily food ration or favorite treats. Mozzachio K, Tynes VV. In: Egger CM, Love L, Doherty T (eds). However, the weight highlighted above is the weight in which pigs are most commonly slaughtered. Also, subclinical degenerative joint disease may be present and can become clinical after inappropriate restraint. Body scoring is done using aspects of your pigs body from different angles. July 9, 2019. Other venipuncture sites include saphenous, femoral, cephalic veins as well as the cranial vena cava. Topical louse powder or liquid is an effective treatment. Comfort Fit Safety Harness) and/or crate-trained. Piglets, younger pigs that weigh less than 40 pounds, should be introduced to a solid diet through creep feeding while they are still suckling. Pet potbellied pigs are indeed generally smaller than the standard farm pig. Castration as early as 1-2 weeks has been described in the literature, but >3 weeks is recommended when general anesthesia is used. Sutherland-Smith M. Suidae and Tayassuidae (wild pigs, peccaries). Various medications have been tried in the treatment of “dippity pig”, including antibiotics, steroids, and pain relievers, but the stress of veterinary exam and medicating may not be worthwhile. Many … Mini pigs can also be offered an all-purpose livestock or equine feed. 150 X 0.01 = 1.5 pounds of food total per day. The frequency of hoof trims depends on genetics, age, diet, activity level, and the environmental substrate provided. Although potbellied pigs are considered miniature pigs (compared to a normal farm hog) their average weight at maturity is between 90 – 150 pounds although overweight pigs can easily weigh 200 – 250 pounds. Endoparasites This condition causes severe itching and thickened, red, scabby skin (select image left to enlarge). The lower incisors are straight and project forward; shorter maxillary incisors are curved, with the center pair directed towards one another. Mini pigs reach half their adult weight by about 1 year of age and will continue to grow until 3-4 years of age when growth plates completely fuse. Management relies upon regular hoof trims, non-slip surfaces, bedding to minimize exposure to cold or slippery surfaces, glucosamine supplements, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications. Clinical signs initially include epistaxis, sneezing, nasal discharge; affected pigs may later develop snout deviation as a result of nasal turbinate destruction. Deciduous teeth erupt until about 3 months of age; permanent teeth are present by about 20 months. The term “miniature” is used to describe a variety of smaller pig breeds as well as crossbreeds. Replace wet or dirty bedding daily. This group is for those pigs that are a little on the fluffy side seeking to shed a few pounds or pigs that need to gain a few. Miniature pigs enjoy the sun and will literally “bake” themselves, even if shade is available. All trademarks and other intellectual property on this site are owned by Land O'Lakes, Inc., its affiliates or subsidiaries. Vaccination protocols vary, and there is no widely accepted standard for miniature pigs. Water for soaking should be provided in a separate container from drinking water. Restrain a small to medium-sized pig by placing one hand beneath the rump and the other hand in front of the forelimbs and under the neck (rather than under the chest) (select top image left to enlarge). Available at When we got her we were told she wouldn't get over 25lbs. Many pigs prefer to move back and forth between their water and food bowls at feeding time. The pig should be asked to perform a task (even as simple as coming when called) before feeding a treat. Tusk abscess Vision and hearing are often impaired due to physical interference of fat deposits over the eyes and around the ears. Pigs are extremely food motivated and always appear hungry. Signs of estrus include behavioral changes (agitation, aggression, mounting), vulvar swelling, frequent urination, and possible mucoid vulvar discharge, Epitheliochorial placenta, so neonates are dependent on nursing for transfer of maternal immunity, Only true multiparous group of artiodactylids. Rubber-backed bath mats work well for this purpose. You shouldn't EVER look at a pig from only one angle and decide a pig is obese. Minimum recommendations for miniature pigs may include: Fecal flotation should be performed during yearly routine physical exam to monitor for gastrointestinal parasites. The ear canal is extremely narrow, filled with debris, and otoscopic examination is generally not feasible. Bedding must be deep enough to allow rooting or for the animal to completely cover itself. Buyer beware: Baby piglets may not be “true” mini pigs, and pigs that stay small are more myth than reality. Some pigs develop a head tilt (temporary or permanent) after ear cleaning solutions are used. LB Claey states: Our "mini" pig Charlotte. Generally speaking, you should feed your pig somewhere between 1 and 2 percent of their ideal body weight every day. A diet fit for a pig: seven basic rules. ... Their weight if healthy and lean should be around 25-55 lbs. Different breeds of pig that are allowed to grow to their full potential typically weigh between 550 and 750 pounds. DO NOT place fluids of any kind into a pig’s ear. Minimize restraint whenever possible, so there is less squealing and less stress for owners and veterinary health staff. Determine what your pig weighs or SHOULD weigh (this is, of course, an estimate). Intact males may require a tusk trim every 6-12 months and neutered males every 1-5 years. A 55 pound mini pig will be roughly the height and length of a cocker spaniel (a 25 lbs dog! The classification of micro mini pigs, nano pigs, teacup pigs, etc are all made up names. This group is designed to educate mini pigs & owners on diet and exercise. Maintenance rations are started at about 8 weeks of age. Clinical signs of sunburn include erythema of exposed skin (especially ears), crusting and hardening of the skin, and discomfort or pain with contact. There really is no normal weight for a potbelly or miniature pig. Although this is frequently a normal finding, rule out mechanical irritation caused by entropion or foreign material. pig sanctuaries):   rotavirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus. Miniature pigs often produce large amounts of dark brown, flaky to waxy, aural secretions (, Restraint is likely the most difficult aspect of dealing with miniature pig patients. St. Louis: Elsevier; 2014:568-584. All pet pigs should spend several hours each day outdoors exploring and rooting the ground. The canine teeth (tusks) are also curved and deeply embedded within the jaw. Pigs restricted to the indoors will root on objects like carpet and walls. In addition, hoof overgrowth tends to be more extreme in indoor-only pigs (. Half of adult body weight is achieved by approximately 1 year of age and mini pigs will continue to grow until 3-4 years of age, when growth plates completely fuse. Due to the variety of breeds that contribute to the genetics of the American Mini Pig, this breed is one of the most varied in color and markings. This pig is … Always expect squealing when restraining a pig. 50 x 50=2,500 2,500 x 45=112,500 divided by 400=281.25 pounds. Feed based on life-stage. apartment dwelling) is never a good option for pet pigs. Begin vaccinations at 8-12 weeks of age; administer two doses 14 days apart, then annually.