This library provides an Interface for Infineon's TLV493D-A1B6 3D Magnetic Sensor. An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus. The reliable, fast and easy way to exchange binary data via UART. This library allows you to use the bluetooth module on the Robopoly Shield. Temperature has an effect on giving intermittent faults. A library that makes using the LSS simple. Microbit Radio library for NRF51, based on runtine inplementation from Landcaster University. Library to configure a servo to oscillate around a center point. Ambient library for Arduino ESP32 and ESP8266. [BETA] Allows you to send and receive MQTT messages using Arduino. It logs to SPIFFS. Supported Interface: I2C (internal driven). Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI. Displays variable values on a simple web page. For Atmega 2560 (Almond PCB) and Arduino Zero (Chestnut) only. Graphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer. Natively support network communications, terminal (linux) and file access. Arduino, ESP8266 and STM32 7-segment multiplexed outputs library. Permet l'intitialisation simplifié de l'écran Adafruit SSD1306. A library that makes using a IMU a breeze. Arduino library for LSM9DS1 9-DOF sensor board. Real Time functions for Goldilocks ATmega1284p & ATmega2560. Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds millis micros. A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs. [BETA] OAuth 1.0 client library for Arduino. The problem was soldered connections to the surface mounted components (SMC) on the power supply. Support for I²C digital temperature sensor addon-board LM75. Library for DS18B20 restricted to a single sensor per pin. Allows for timer interrupts on various platforms. Library for GSM/GPRS module SIMCom SIM800L to make HTTP/S connections with GET and POST methods. Compact Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences. For Arduino DUE only. Intersil-Renesas ICM7218A/B and ICM7228A/B LED driver library. Very Simple Control Protocol L1 framework for all Arduino boards. Library to get current timezone using your IP - uses A memory efficient library to parse (large) JSON objects from HTTP or HTTPS streams on embedded devices. Uma biblioteca para controle e automacao de forno tipo esteira. An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings (like North, South, East, and West). Connect your LTE-M enabled Arduino device to AllThingsTalk IoT Platform. Absolute positioning USB HID mouse library. A library to wrap HardwareSerial, SoftwareSerial or USBAPI Serial_. Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision. A wrapper for the YouTube API for Arduino (supports ESP8266 & WiFi101 boards). An Arduino library for VIA Pixetto Vision Sensor. Tele-op and autonomous change over for WPI RBE platform. A library to play audio (voices) on the Arduboy game system. Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses. A set of tools to make coding Arduinos easier. Thread safe for RTOS use. A library to drive the Holtek HT16K33 LED Driver with an Alphanumeric Display. Enables an ESP32 to scan the local network for DLNA media servers, browse their content and download files. A library that makes it easy to use the HP03S-sensor. Enables GSM/GRPS network connection using the Arduino MKR GSM 1400 board. Arduino compatible software support for TinyScreen and TinyScreen+. A library to simplify the process of fetching/deploying data to Antares IoT platform, A library to simplify the process of subscribing and publishing data to Antares IoT platform via MQTT on ESP8266. Arduino library to control Grove LED Bar. Onion library for use with the Arduino IDE and the Arduino Dock. Arduino library for Plantower PMSX003ST family sensors. A simple interface to post data to a phant stream. Library for the MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor. Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. SDConfigCommand streamlines reading settings from a config file on SD card. PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard. This library provides the LoRa® driver for the expansion board I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1. Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithms (e.g. Arduino library for Maxim DS2431 1-Wire EEPROM. A library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi. Arduino library for converting temperature to RGB values. The Power LED Indicator should illuminate as a solid red color. Use Arduino to control your BalBoa Spa Pack. Arduino library to use the Microchip MCP7940 RTC (Real-Time-Clock). Adeon is a software solution for controlling GSM devices (GSM gates, relays, modules etc.) Library for our Adafruit 12-channel PWM/LED driver. Display navigable menu items on your LCD display with Arduino. Tic Stepper Motor Controller library for Arduino. This library eases the storage of variables in reset-safe RTC memory. Library for controlling DABDUINO - DAB/DAB+ (digital radio) shield. sends and receive string data in mode api with variable length. Small and easy to use. Also tried pushing the power button on the remote several times. A library to drive ASAIT's new AHT20 temperature and humidity IC. Arduino library for RTC PCF2129 with integrated quartz crystal, Arduino Library for PCF8523 Real-Time Clock, Arduino library for PCF8574 - 8 channel I2C IO expander, Arduino, ESP8266, smt32 and esp32 library for PCF8574, Arduino library for PCF8575 - 16 channel I2C IO expander. Spritz library for Arduino, CSPRNG, cryptographic hash and MAC functions, symmetric-key data encryption, and some general-purpose functions. If the TV is off or in standby, switch on and set to view a TV channel. Serial communication using MAX3100 USART chip. Use to connect your Arduino board to Wroob system. boards running U-Blox WiFiNINA modules/shields. Arduino library which provides easy connectivity to WolkAbout IoT Platform., The content on this site was last updated: 2021-02-17 10:37:37 +0000, ABB PowerOne Aurora inverter communication protocol, Adafruit SSD1331 OLED Driver Library for Arduino, Atmel TSS463C VAN bus Datalink Controller library, CERP - DF-Robot Wireless GamePad V2.0 for Arduino library, Digital Infrared Temperature Sensor MLX90615, ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library, ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays, Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32, Grove - 2-Channel Inductive Sensor LDC1612, Grove-3-Axis-Digital-Accelerometer-2g-to-16g-LIS3DHTR, Grove - 6Axis Accelerometer And Compass v2, Grove 6Axis_Digital_Accelerometer_Gyroscope4_ADIS16470, Grove - Capacitive Touch Slide Sensor CY8C40XX, Grove - Coulomb Counter for 3.3V to 5V LTC2941, Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp_Humi Sensor SHT35, Grove - I2C Thermocouple Amplifier MCP9600, Grove - Temperature And Humidity Sensor HDC1000, I2C Temperature Sensors derived from the LM75, Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module Library, Letters and Numbers Seven Segment Display Library, LIN master emulation with background operation, PCA9685 16-Channel PWM Driver Module Library, ProtoCentral ADS1262 32-bit precision ADC Library, ProtoCentral ADS1292R ECG and Respiration boards library, ProtoCentral AFE4490 PPG and SpO2 boards library, ProtoCentral FDC1004 Capacitive Sensor Library, ProtoCentral MAX30003 ECG AFE Sensor Library, ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor Library, ProtoCentral MAX86150 PPG and ECG IC library, ProtoCentral MLX90632 Non-contact temperature Library, ProtoCentral Pulse Express SpO2 Heartrate and BPT sensor, SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM 20948 - Arduino Library, SparkFun AK975X Human Presence Sensor Library, SparkFun AK9750 Human Presence Sensor Library, SparkFun Ambient Light Sensor Arduino Library, SparkFun Angular Displacement Sensor Arduino Library, SparkFun AS3935 Lightning Detector Arduino Library, SparkFun BQ27441 LiPo Fuel Gauge Arduino Library, SparkFun Capacitive Touch Slider - CAP1203, SparkFun Flexible Grayscale OLED Breakout, SparkFun Garmin LIDAR-Lite v4 Arduino Library, SparkFun High Precision Temperature Sensor TMP117 Qwiic, SparkFun HTU21D Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout, SparkFun HyperDisplay Transparent Graphical OLED, SparkFun MAX1704x Fuel Gauge Arduino Library, SparkFun MAX3010x Pulse and Proximity Sensor Library, SparkFun MAX31855K Thermocouple Digitizer, SparkFun MLX90632 Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensor, SparkFun MPL3115A2 Altitude and Pressure Sensor Breakout, SparkFun MS5637 Barometric Pressure Library, SparkFun Particle Sensor Panasonic SN-GCJA5, SparkFun ProDriver TC78G670FTG Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic Alphanumeric Display Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic Button and Qwiic Switch Library, SparkFun Qwiic Digital Capacitor Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic GPIO TCA9534 Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic IR Thermometer MLX90614 Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic MP3 Trigger Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic Power Switch Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic RTC RV1805 Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic RTC RV8803 Arduino Library, SparkFun Qwiic Scale NAU7802 Arduino Library, SparkFun RFD77402 Distance Sensor - VCSEL Time of Flight, SparkFun SHTC3 Humidity and Temperature Sensor Library, SparkFun Si7021 Humidity and Temperature Sensor, SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Library, SparkFun VCNL4040 Proximity Sensor Library, SparkFun VL53L1X 4m Laser Distance Sensor, Virtuino library for all ESP8266 and ESP32 boards. An object oriented library for asynchrnous programmable LED blinking, Library for M5Stack Timer-CAM development kit. This is a library to control DCC devices. Arduino library for communication with Keller pressure and water level sensors via Modbus. Permet la création d'un menu deroulant sur affichage OLED SSD1306. Library for displaying large characters on LCD character displays using the HD44780 driver. HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer. NETPIE client library for BC95 NB-IOT module on Arduino platform. Display Library for SPI e-paper panels from Dalian Good Display and boards from Waveshare. Arduino framework and library of software data filters. Allows you to read data from the GPS/GLONASS sensor module. This is a library to handle Seikos RX8010SJ RTC module with an arduino. Powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters. Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip. My son accidently sent a wii remote flying into the screen. Library for the MMA8452Q 3-axis accelerometer. Arduino library for ST7032 LCD controller with i2c interface. "Library to detect a double reset, using EEPROM, DueFlashStorage, FlashStorage or LittleFS/InternalFS for AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, STM32, nRF52, etc. ACS-M1128 SAM Element IoT WiFi Connectivity, Arduino library for SPI AD5204 and AD5206 digital potentiometers, Arduino Library for controlling the Analog Devices AD5231 SPI Digital Potentiometer (DigiPot), It manages potentiometer AD5254 or AD5253. A library to simplify connecting Arduino to your web applications, using the Web Serial API. Library for the Microchip ATECCX08a Cryptographic Co-processors. Library for easy handling of digital outputs on Multi Output card. Library for converting variables to bytes and reverse, A light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32, Arduino Hardware I2C for AVR (in plain c), Queue handling library (written in plain c), Arduino Library for calibrating DC motors, A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks. A library (driver) for matrix 4x3 or 4x4 keypad supports multi-tap and long-tap. Arduino library for automatically adjusting RTC time for Daylight Saving Time (DST). Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors, Arduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors, Stable version of library for DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor. The library for the ALLBOT modular robotic system. An Arduino library to drive the AMS CCS811 by I2C. Straightforward Arduino library for the SIM808, A Command Line Interface Library for Arduino. Light-Weight MultiWiFi/Credentials Manager for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2) and ESP8266 boards. A library for using direct or multiplexed input controls easily. Library for the Adafruit LIS3MDL magnetometer. Arduino library for the ADT7410 sensors in the Adafruit shop, Unified driver for the ADXL343 Accelerometer, Unified driver for the ADXL345 Accelerometer, AHRS (Altitude and Heading Reference System) for various Adafruit motion sensors, Arduino library for the AHT10 sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for the AHT10 and AHT20 sensors in the Adafruit shop, Arduino library for AM radio on samd21 microcontroller, Arduino library for AM2320 I2C Temp & Humidity Sensors. Use the HiTechnic motor/servo controllers with your Arduino! No power. A simple Bitcoin BIP66 Implementation in C++ for the ARK Ecosystem. WebDav server compatible with linux, macOS, windows. Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor. Arduino library for the ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor breakout board, Library for the MAX86150 PPG and ECG sensor module breakout board, Library for the ProtoCentral MLX90632 breakout board, Library for the ProtoCentral Pulse Express board. Helper library for MKRFox1200 board and ATAB8520E Sigfox module, A library that makes coding a watch for Arduino Micro and so on. An Arduino library for the BH1750 light intensity sensor. A library to support the OctoSonar v2 HC-SR04 concentrators, Control thousands of WS2812B / NeoPixel LEDs at video refresh speeds. Arduino library for the ThingsIoT Cloud Platform. Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02. Arduino library to control Grove - Chainable RGB LED. AC/static electricity-based motion detection using only the ADC and a wire! Arduino library to control Grove - Sunlight Sensor. Arduino library to control Multi Channel Rely. A library tuple like variadic datastructure for arduino. A library for observing DST according to usere predefined parameters. Precise animation of props or robots without the need for thread-blocking (delay()) or complex state machines. A library that provides communication functions conforming to UECS, a common standard for horticulture in Japan. Diode-multiplexed keypad support for Arduino, Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope, Arduino library for the LC709203F battery monitors in the Adafruit shop, Adafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks. A simple library to display numbers, text and animation on a 4-digit 7-segment TM1637 based display module. Supported OLED display chip: SSD1306 or SH1106. Minimal, production-ready timeout library for Arduino. An Arduino driver for the Benewake TFMini-Plus Lidar distance sensor. Based on TaskManagerIO, treat PCF8574, MCP23017 and Shift registers like pins, matrix keypad, button press and rotary encoder management (switches) on any supported IO (including DfRobot & Joysticks) with event handling, interchangable AVR/I2C(AT24) EEPROMs. A blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266's and ESP32's. Allows you to read the acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic field and euler angles from the IMU on your MKR IMU shield. A simpler and lighter NDN protocol for local IoT contexts. Permet de décoder les messages selon un format standard. Arduino library to control Grove - Haptic Motor. Arduino library to send and receive data from Opentherm devices. It supports double buffering on 128x32 pixel OLED. USB HID / MIDI / mass storage library for STM32F1. Arduino library for the TDK Invensense ICP-101xx family of high-resolution pressure sensors. Only include EthernetENC.h instead of Ethernet.h, Library for the Industruino Ethernet module, Simple Ethernet WebServer, HTTP Client and WebSocket Client library for AVR, Teensy, SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52, ESP32, ESP8266 boards using Ethernet shields W5100, W5200, W5500, ENC28J60 or Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet. Or EEPROM bring the TV, press the `` menu '' button again to set the TV to operate 8. E32 device library interfacing VS1053 MP3 player board ( eight-channel power switch ) interface library for the Arduino Science firmware! Displays over the BMW infotainment bus ( IBUS ) Ambimate sensor board from eBay for $.! Wrong with your Aquos television sensors very easily style control of single-wire-based LED pixels and strip data from! And SBUS2 frames and transmit Telemetry data that reads angles from the Robopoly PRismino and the Arduino drive to! ( más bien conjunto de macros ) para a programacao do Arduino ( WS2812, SK6812, NeoPixel WS2813! 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