do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers Others can be housed with other big fish making for a very cool display but you will need a BIG tank for something like that. Be careful when you put your hand to hungry Fahaka aquarium, as they can attack. Fish reach sexual maturity at the age of about a year. The fish is very intelligent and it seems as if it communicates with its owner due to its unique mimics. Fahaka Pufferfish is a freshwater species, but it can easily tolerate low salinity of water (up to 5%). At first, they lie down on the bottom. The fish is rather sensitive to nitrates and ammonia content in the water, that’s why it’s necessary to put the fish into the completely set and stable tank. Optimum water parameters for the content: T = 24-29 ° C, pH = 6.8-7.2, GH = 10-12. Fahaka Puffer (Tetraodon lineatus) These yellowish-brown stripped Puffer fishes are beautiful in external appearance. Once filled with sand and décor, I calculated the volume to be closer to 60 l/13 gal of water, which is perfect for a shoal of six Carinotetraodon travancoricus. As a soil, coarse river sand with a layer of 4-6 cm can be used. In the event that a partially filled tank affects filter operation, go ahead and fill the tank all the way. Animals. It is worth noting that the Fahaka will live completely alone in the tank because it is almost impossible to find fish that can get along with them. Aquarium Fertilisers & Nutrition; Aquarium Soil & Substrate; CO2; Equipment Guide; Lighting; Water Chemistry; Aquarium Fish & Inverts. When they do this their spikes are directed outwards and it’s rather difficult to swallow such a prickly ball. All puffer fish belong to the family Tetraodontidae.Puffer fish are tropical fish found in marine, brackish and freshwaters across the world. Fahaka Puffer for Aquarium / Fish Tank. Tank Size. Adult requires a lot of space, therefore aquarium should be of at least 90 gallons capacity. Taking into account the size of adult species you’ll need a tank of about 35-50 gallons capacity. Fish Breeding. The upper part of the body of the Fahaka Pufferfish is colored light brown with longitudinal curving with white or yellow stripes and the abdomen and tail are yellow. Fahaka buffers are tropical fish that require a water temperature of 75 ° F to 82 ° F. This puffer fish is very sensitive to soft water, so the water hardness in your aquarium should be between 10 and 12 dKH with a pH value of almost 7.0. freshwater Puffer fish. Shrimp Pets. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. It’s important not to keep in very soft water, it is harmful for the fish. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! Sergey is a founder and author of Fahaka puffer is a tropical demersal (bottom-living) fish which inhabits in large rivers and other surface waters in the West, East and North-East of Africa. Hola! There are both very small representatives and real giants in this group, one of which – the Tetraodon lineatus – we will talk about in our article. As we’ve mentioned above tetraodons have rather strong teeth, that grow throughout their lives. Their tanks should be 90 gallons or more and they can be brought for about 32 USD depending on where you shop and their size. Family: Puffer; Temperature: 22 - 28 C; 72 - 82 F; pH: 7.0 - 8.3; Size: 2.5 cm; 1 inch; Life Span: years; Breeding: Difficult, Egg Layer; Dwarf Puffers - Compatibility: Dwarf puffers or pea puffers are compatible with other puffers. Creating the perfect Mbu puffer fish habitat is key to ensuring that these giants stay at their best. This is typical for all representatives of the Blowfish family. Flame Tetra (Von Rio Tetra) – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding & Details! It should be noted that in some internal organs of Fahaka Pufferfish, a deadly poison, tetrodotoxin, accumulates. Minimum Tank Size 5 gallon Tank Setup Sandy substrate with caves, drift woods are best for them. The Fahaka Puffer is native to various lakes and rivers in Africa and it can survive in both freshwater and brackish habitats. This guide is intended to serve as a basic introduction to green spotted puffer care and to help you avoid many of the common mistakes made by first-time puffer owners. The Fahaka requires a very large aquarium, and because of their temperament, are best kept by themselves. Pairs are fragile, formed only during the breeding season. The caviar sinks to the bottom, and the parents are removed from the spawning tank. Here are a few things to consider when setting up an aquarium for this species. Dragon Puffer for Aquarium / Fish Tank. Puffer may be also fed with live fish, however the possibility is very high that the fish may be infected this way and get ill. Lineatus is a very aggressive fish, so it should be kept alone in a tank. The first thing to do before you buy a porcupine puffer is to make sure you have a big enough system to handle his size. Terrarium Tank. The water in such places is warm – 24-26 ° С. You’ll need a very powerful filter when keeping puffer in a tank, since there are lots of leftovers after they feed. Frozen foods should also be fed as treats to improve growth and color. Their agressive nature usually makes it impossible to keep more than one specimen in the same aquarium unless that aquarium is very … Babies grow quickly, but careful sorting is required to avoid cannibalism. The fish should have the ability to turn around and swim in the tank, so keep in mind that puffer growth rate is very high and the max size is up to 45 cm. Sharing is caring! Difference between Aquarium, Terrarium, Riparium, and Paludarium? Fahaka Puffer can fall on the larger side of fishes since they can grow up to 18 inches (45. Fahaka puffer is extremely aggressive and it should be kept alone in a tank. The best tank substrate for the fish is sand. The Fahaka Pufferfish has an oblong, pear-shaped body up to 40-45 cm long. If it's a true fahaka, the 55 gallon will be a good grow out tank. The diet changes with the age of fish – the juveniles feed on snails, prawns, frozen feed, however, you should feed the adult (over 16 cm long) with large prawns, crab legs, fillet. A sand substrate is the best choice for these puffers. Tank Size. Full Tank Shot. or fishes like arowana. T of the green spotted puffer puffer fahaka fish arizona 5 diffe types of pufferfish found freshwater puffer fish the plete. Snowboarding full setup Men´s setup (Sugarloaf) JLA FORUMS - Menu Close. Creating the perfect Mbu puffer fish habitat is key to ensuring that these giants stay at their best. The Cost of Fahaka Puffer Fish (about 32USD) Fahaka Puffer Fish. Even with its own relatives, the fish gets along very badly. Many aquarists use tap water for water changes, completely forgetting that it can contain a number of compounds dangerous to fish, such as chlorine and heavy metals. So, they can easily be the factor for biodiversity in commercial aquariums. Fahaka Puffer for Aquarium / Fish Tank Dell OptiPlex 790 Full setup - Budget computer setup (Santa Ana) $125 Dell OptiPlex 790 Full setup - … The heater is added, and floating ‘nuisance’ plants and algae, taken from a retailer’s pond plant vat, added to the surface. There is no need to add any salt to their tanks but will tolerate low amounts. An 18 inch puffer will easily make a meal of any other small fish in the tank. Golden puffer needs 125 gallons of water while Mbu puffer needs 500 gallons of water. Young fish are fed every other day and adult to be fed twice a week. This guide will focus on freshwater puffer fish. The Fahaka requires a very large aquarium with tank mates of similar size and disposition. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Conversations about Fahaka Puffer. joe - 2014-06-22 Hi Guys I've got a fahaka puffer myself and yes he is the coolest and I have him in a comunity tank he's in a 110 gallon since I've gotten hum @3'orso and now seven months later he's around 8' I've only lost two garumies and he will only eat raw shrimp&crayfish, but what I'd like to k.ow is when should I begin to transition him over … Breeding Fahaka Pufferfish at home is a difficult and practically impossible task, which is associated, first of all, with the increased aggressiveness of representatives of this species. 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! The fish is very likely to damage any tank plants, so don’t waste your time on planting them. Brackish Freshwater Aquarium Fish The Nilbuffer is a carnivorous species known as a mollusk eater. When you set up your puffer fish tank, make sure you are careful about the substrate you choose. For this purpose, “weedy” snails – Melania, coils, Fiza – are well suited. I think it will definitely help others and I’m glad you didn’t let being embarrassed get in the way of posting it. It is best to get a larger tank because of the amount of waste that they excrete. These puffers need to be able to completely turn around in the tank unobstructed. Congo puffer, crested puffer, and South American puffer need 40-55 gallons of water. This process is repeated many times, one pair can lay several thousand eggs. Just like all tetraodon species color may vary depending on the fish age, environment and mood. Some owners note that hungry Fahaka, with their entire appearance and behavior, indicate a desire for refreshment: some begin to swell, others gnaw on equipment or plastic decorations. I have my puffer with a ghost shrimp now, and as of yet he is still alive. The Fahaka pufferfish, also known as the Nile puffer, is a large puffer that can reach up to 1.4 feet in length. Fahaka puffer is a tropical demersal (bottom-living) fish which inhabits in large rivers and other surface waters in the West, East and North-East of Africa. It is irrational to put live plants with this fish as they will be bitten and torn out. Once they inflate, their spine protrudes from their body pre… Such an adaptation in nature has a protective function. Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon. Fahaka is capable of tearing apart even a large ampullary. Figure 8 Puffer There are many small spines on the abdomen and lower part of the head. Tank size should be about 400 liters (105 gal) and more for an adult fish. Fresh Water. Fahaka Puffer / Nile Puffer. Still there’s no commercial breeding of this fish, however some aquarists succeeded to get juveniles. An interesting fact: Fahaka Pufferfish have ways to bury themselves in the sand so that only two large eyes remain in sight. Fahaka buffers are tropical fish that require a water temperature of 75 ° F to 82 ° F. This puffer fish is very sensitive to soft water, so the water hardness in your aquarium should be between 10 and 12 dKH with a pH value of almost 7.0. Welcome to CichlidTips. The Nile puffer is a curious, friendly fish that is active by day, swimming around all areas of the tank and coming toward the viewing pane when anyone approaches the aquarium. Tropical Fish & Inverts. Fahaka puffer has a very curious and intelligent nature and it becomes domesticated quite easily, however at that the fish is rather aggressive towards other fishes. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. As another form of defense, the fahaka puffer fish can produce toxins in its meat that make it toxic when consumed. Aquarium Setup. There’s no need to add any salt into the water, since puffer is a freshwater tetraodon. They are also often sloppy eaters who make a … Keeping the South American Puffer can be fun and quite entertaining. If the teeth become too long, tetraodon won’t be able to feed and you’ll have to cut its teeth yourself. Of course, with home maintenance, you should not set up such experiments and make the fish swell, because stress will negatively affect the well-being of the pet. This tetraodon is a predator, in the wild it feeds on all types of snails, spineless and insects. It’s necessary to give them snails and crustaceous species, so the fish could wear its teeth down continuously. Discover (and save!) 72 cm) for those that can more of a challenge. Temperament Semi-aggressive. You should feed juveniles every other day, as they are getting older the number of meals should be decreased up to 2-3 times a week. The fish has one “drawback” – increased aggression towards other aquarium inhabitants. They are known by many names, such as Mini Puffer Fish, Dwarf Pea Puffer, Pea Puffer Fish, Dwarf Pufferfish, Pygmy Pufferfish, and Malabar Pufferfish.. It is recommended to use smooth stones and driftwood as decoration. Needless to say the cories moved away. Snowboarding full setup Men´s setup (Sugarloaf) $123. Water temperature in the wild is about +24…+26 °C and its habitat is among thickly planted areas where it feeds on shellfish. Close. 3in Fahaka puffer with full setup $150. Green spotted puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis), Fahaka pufferfish, Nile puffer, globe fish, lineatus puffer. Anal and dorsal – small, transparent, and shifted towards the caudal peduncle. I dont need to tell you that they are Aggressive and get to about 20 inches i say your tank … Just … This is a freshwater puffer and does not require the addition of salt to its tank. 3. How to set up a Dwarf Indian pufferfish tank step-by-step I took the chance to rig up a Fluval Fresh 85 l/19 gal system that I have been sat on for a while for my pufferfish foray. Fahaka Puffer in a 100 gallon setup 700 rehoming for everything . Fahaka Puffer Fish. A sand substrate is the best choice for these puffers. Dragon Puffer for Aquarium / Fish Tank. Yet, they have the ability to release toxins when get aggressive. ... How to plant and set up your aquarium for puffer fishes? Fahaka Pufferfish Aquarium Requirements. Understanding puffer behavior, care, and tank requirements will go a long way when it comes to making sure your puffer lives a long and happy life. One thought on “ Fahaka Puffer Tank Mates: Lesson Learned ” Jessica Cammarata November 4, 2016. Dwarf puffers get bored easily. For the least amount of heart break and wasted money they should be kept as a solitary specimen in a medium-large tank, but who wants an 80… Read More » Plants with strong binding roots works well with the puffers. Tetraodon lineatus is a large puffer that can’t be seen in aquarist tanks quite often. A good tank setup for them is five gallons per puffer, sand substrate, heavily planted with live aquarium plants, and more hiding places than puffers. He is now going blind of age but he is still rockin! The fish can be encountered in the river Nile basin including White Nile, Turkana lake, Lake Nasser reservoir (Sudan), Baro River (Ethiopia), Lake Chad basin, rivers Niger, Volta, Gambia, Geba and Senegal. Fish can be found in the basins of the Nile, Gambia, Niger, Senegal, and Lake Chad. Because, with the exception of the MBU (which grows up to 3ft in size, but makes the big tank set up all worth it because of its crazy patterns and amazing personality) the pea and fahaka puffers are very manageable in size, intelligent and allows almost everyone to enjoy them so as long as they do the proper research. Types Of Goldfish: 10+ Awesome Goldfish Types. Required fields are marked *. ... Green Spotted Puffer Fish Care Feeding And Tank Setup Pethelpful By Fellow Animal Experts. - Fahaka Puffer (Tetraodon lineatus) – This species of puffer fish is also known as the Band Puffer or the Nile Puffer and it is one of the largest species, growing up to 8 inches in length. Pea puffers, dwarf puffer, Figure 8, fahaka puffer, spotted green puffer. However, this should be taken into account when buying fish, it is better to use a glass or plastic container for transportation since the standard package can be easily torn apart. Temperature : 76-82 F (24 - 28°C) Water Hardness : 5 - 20. Most pufferfish prefer a sandy substrate, which is what you will find in the wild. Pea Puffer Overview. The varying types of balloon fishes need different conditions. There is various type of freshwater puffers and they come with different color variations. EX. Dwarf Puffers - Aquarium Setup Dwarf puffers are best when kept in a 20 gallon, 1 male and 2 females. They are not picky about the pH of the water and they prefer a temperature range of 74-80 degrees Fahrenheit. You will never get tired of watching these fish hunt, eat their prey, or carefully examine the aquarium. The fish can be encountered in the river Nile basin including White Nile, Turkana lake, Lake Nasser reservoir (Sudan), Baro River (Ethiopia), Lake Chad basin, rivers Niger, Volta, Gambia, Geba and Senegal.